
Colourful – the most popular colour in the summer of 2022

author:Nana is petite

Red orange yellow green blue purple, what kind of color is popular in the summer of 2022? Is it plain white? Delicate red? In short, what kind of color is eye-catching, what kind of color is popular! This summer, beat it up alive!

Colourful – the most popular colour in the summer of 2022

White, which looks calm in this summer. But it has the advantage that it brings a visual coolness in the summer. Plain white can be well matched with all kinds of clothes, white is - the wild queen Oh! And white with black is a classic style!

Colourful – the most popular colour in the summer of 2022

Violet is a dreamy color, suitable for dream girls, and more suitable for this seemingly dreamy summer. The color of violet looks very pleasing to the eye, no wonder this summer is also popular with violet! Violet shorts are also very eye-catching!

Colourful – the most popular colour in the summer of 2022

Red, delicate, eye-catching. A red dress blooming under the blue sky. The summer wind blew, and a touch of skirt horn fluttered up, which was a delicate red. The bright red color shows the whiteness of the skin, which is a passionate color that is naturally to bloom in this fiery summer.

Colourful – the most popular colour in the summer of 2022

The grass is green, the trees are green, and these vibrant ones are green. Of course, green has also become a popular color this summer. Green represents vitality and vitality, represents the signs of life... Everything is full of vitality and vitality, and this is summer.

Colourful – the most popular colour in the summer of 2022

Yellow is a very vivid color, absolutely eye-catching. Walking in the crowd, you can see the bright yellow in the sea of people in the distance. Yellow can be paired with light-colored clothing, making the eye-catching characteristics of yellow more prominent. And the yellow color is very white and tender skin tone.

In your mind, which color does summer belong to?