
In order to "add code" for epidemic prevention, Lexingtong (place code) was launched

author:Yueqing Rong Media Center

Another "yard", you know?

The current covid-19 situation is grim and complex,

In order to further do a good job in the normalization of the epidemic and precise prevention and control,

The latest epidemic prevention music line (venue code) is online!

So, what is Lexingtong (place code)? What do I need to use? What is the relationship between Lexingtong (place code) and "health code"? How do I apply for registration? With these questions in mind, the reporter interviewed the staff of the Yueqing Municipal Epidemic Prevention Office.

In order to "add code" for epidemic prevention, Lexingtong (place code) was launched

Citizens prepare to brighten the Wenzhou epidemic prevention code and wait for the staff to scan the code for entry.

On the afternoon of March 17, when the reporter went to the Yueqing City Library, the staff asked the reporter to show the Wenzhou epidemic prevention code and scan and enter it with the scanning code tool. "After this operation, the system will have a record of your visits to the Yueqing City Library." After scanning the code, the staff allowed the reporter to pass. "I think this place is quite good, can grasp the health of people, the trajectory of action, when you come in, you can scan it, convenient and practical." The crowd who came to the library said one after another.

In order to "add code" for epidemic prevention, Lexingtong (place code) was launched

According to the staff of the Yueqing Municipal Epidemic Prevention Office, Lexingtong (place code) is a set of special two-dimensional codes (place codes) and scanning code tools for epidemic prevention and control developed by the Yueqing New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters for various key places in the city. Lexingtong (place code) identifies the name, geographical location and other contents of the place, which is mainly used for rapid verification, rapid release and accurate management of the place manager. The use of Lexingtong (place code) mainly plays a role in early warning monitoring, convenient and efficient, convenient for the masses, and to achieve contactless registration and avoid cross-infection.

In order to "add code" for epidemic prevention, Lexingtong (place code) was launched

Bright code waiting to enter the museum.

So, what is the difference between Lexingtong (place code) and "health code"? According to the staff, Lexingtong (place code) is mainly aimed at the place management personnel, the place management personnel must check the scanning code results, and the ordinary people provide the Wenzhou epidemic prevention code (the bayonet personnel use the "sweep" epidemic prevention code, scanning code equipment or the mass self-scan place code), according to the epidemic prevention and control management requirements and the relevant management regulations of the place, determine whether to release or agree to ride.

"At present, Yueqing has comprehensively promoted Lexingtong (venue code), and various government agencies, enterprises and institutions, administrative service centers, major commercial complexes and other places have popularized the 'place code'." The staff of the Yueqing Municipal Epidemic Prevention Office suggested that some self-employed households or relevant units that have not yet set up Lexingtong (place code) should apply for the "place code" as soon as possible to achieve full coverage of the "place code".


What places need to be swept away (venue code)?

All government agencies, enterprises and institutions, administrative service centers, closed communities, schools, hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, commercial complexes, hotels, hotels, catering hotels, restaurants, snack bars, grocery stores, beauty salons, saunas and bathing places, supermarkets, farmers' bazaars, theaters, bars, chess and card rooms, education and training institutions, cultural and sports venues, financial institutions and other public places with relatively dense personnel.

How to apply for and use Lexingtong (venue code) on my own?

■ Step 1: The venue manager opens the WeChat "LeXingtong" Mini Program, needs to log in and register personal information (initial use), after the authentication is passed, scan the application code below to enter the venue code application page.

In order to "add code" for epidemic prevention, Lexingtong (place code) was launched

■ Step 2: Click the Apply button on the page to apply for a place code. Follow the prompts to fill in the application information and submit it to get the venue code. Note: The name of the place is similar to the card point, if a unit has more than one card point, the place name is based on the unit name + "-" + card point name, such as: Yueqing East - Station Entrance, Municipal Government - North Gate.

In order to "add code" for epidemic prevention, Lexingtong (place code) was launched

It is worth noting that a person can only apply for one place code, and during the use of the "place code", the applicant must not delete the place code information, otherwise the place code will become invalid.


The main unit of each place is based on

The work needs of different application scenarios,

You can use one of the following two methods.

Use the Mini Program "LeXingtong" scan code to scan the Wenzhou epidemic prevention code.

The general public took the initiative to show the "Wenzhou epidemic prevention code", and the place duty personnel (bayonet personnel) scanned the code through the WeChat mini program "Lexingtong" and clicked "Scan" to scan the code.

Intelligent sensorless scanning code.

The main unit of the venue has been equipped with a scanning device connected with the Yueqing integrated intelligent public data platform in advance, and the general public takes the initiative to show the "Wenzhou epidemic prevention code" and scans the code scanning device.

The management personnel of the venue must check the scanning code results (the bayonet personnel use the "sweep and sweep" epidemic prevention code, the scanning code equipment or the mass self-scan place code) of Lexingtong, and determine whether to release or agree to ride according to the epidemic prevention and control management requirements and the relevant management regulations of the place.

Yueqing Rong Media Center reporter: Cheng Yao