
Run every school on your doorstep! Daliang Yucheng Education Group was established

author:Shunde City Network

Run every school at the doorstep of your home, and the pace of reform and innovation of Daliang education will continue to move forward!

On the morning of March 18th, Daliang Yucheng Education Group was officially established, jointly established by Yucheng Primary School, Yucheng Primary School Huanhu Campus and Fengcheng Experimental School Primary School, opening up a new situation of collaborative education, resource optimization and win-win results.

Run every school on your doorstep! Daliang Yucheng Education Group was established

Daliang Yucheng Education Group was officially established.

Li Cuifen, deputy director of the Shunde District Education Bureau, Li Haiyuan, member of the Party Working Committee of Daliang Street, and Wu Shixian, director of the Publicity, Culture, Sports and Tourism Office of Daliang Street and director of the Education Office, attended the inauguration ceremony.

At the inauguration ceremony, Li Haiyuan said that the establishment of Yucheng Education Group is an important measure to implement the "four good projects" of education in Shunde District and the "eight measures" of Daliang to build quality education, and it is also an important measure for Daliang to deepen the group's schooling and achieve the goal of running every school at the doorstep.

"Good School" radiates and drives, illuminating children with the light of love

Since its opening in 2019, relying on the advanced and rich management experience of Principal Xu Hong, as well as a strong administrative team and a group of dedicated teachers, the school has achieved good school running benefits and social reputation in just three years, becoming a representative of a "good school" in the minds of students and parents, and a "window" school in Shunde.

Run every school on your doorstep! Daliang Yucheng Education Group was established

Students perform before the event starts.

Chengwangjun learned that the establishment of Daliang Yucheng Education Group, on the one hand, continuously enhances the regional education leading position of Yucheng Primary School as the main school of the group, and on the other hand, plays the leading role of Yucheng Primary School, prompting Yucheng Primary School Huanhu Campus and Fengshi Primary School to get rid of the situation that the quality of schooling is not excellent as soon as possible, so as to meet the needs of the public for high-quality education, promote the leapfrog development of Yucheng Group, and walk out of a characteristic group development road.

Xu Hong elaborated on the development ideas of Yucheng Education Group from "continuing a new concept, creating a new situation, changing a new world, and stepping onto a new level", "After the establishment of the group, the school will take 'Jade Education' as a common educational identity, and 'Jade Course' as a growth platform covering all students in the three schools, further accelerate the pace of integration, deepen cooperation, interaction and exchange between teachers in the group, and rapidly form a development synergy through vision construction, curriculum construction, team construction, teaching and research cooperation." Xu Hong said that Yucheng Education Group will illuminate every child with the light of love.

Run every school on your doorstep! Daliang Yucheng Education Group was established

Issuance of letters of appointment.

It is worth mentioning that in September this year, the Huanhu Campus is about to usher in the opening stage of the new semester after completing the closure period of reinforcement and renovation. The school has carried out a comprehensive transformation of the old campus from the aspects of building reinforcement, exterior wall renovation, environmental transformation, cultural upgrading, etc., forming a new beautiful, modern, green and harmonious school; the transformation of the primary school department of Fengcheng Experimental School has been included in the most beautiful campus plan of the district, designed by a well-known national design company, the current design plan has been determined, and it is expected to start construction in the middle of this year and be completed before the Spring Festival in 2024. By then, the school's campus hardware will be at the forefront of the district.

Deepen the group school, and create a "good school" that more parents and students yearn for

In 2021, the 14th Party Congress of Shunde District proposed the implementation of the "four good projects" of education, one of which is to build a "good school", and Daliang also introduced the "eight major measures" to create quality education, clearly proposing to "run every school in the central urban area", so that children can enjoy high-quality education at their doorstep. The establishment of Yucheng Education Group in Daliang Street is a vivid practice of implementing the above important measures, deepening the group's school running, and achieving the goal of running every school at the doorstep.

Run every school on your doorstep! Daliang Yucheng Education Group was established

Plaques are awarded.

Li Haiyuan said that after the establishment of Yucheng Education Group, Daliang will form two major cross-section education groups of Overseas Chinese and Shunfeng, the three major primary school education groups of Xishan, Benyuan and Yucheng, and the layout of the three major primary school districts of Shunfeng, Overseas Chinese and Century, covering every primary school and longtou junior high school in the street.

Group-run schools are currently recognized as the most effective and fastest means to solve the problem of unbalanced development of basic education and expand the coverage of high-quality educational resources, and are widely used throughout the country, and the Provincial Department of Education and the Education Bureau at the municipal level have also issued documents to encourage various localities to carry out group-run schools and improve the level of high-quality and balanced development of education.

Since 2016, Daliang began to explore group schools, successively set up education groups and school districts, as far as the primary school stage is concerned, by giving full play to the brand advantages of Xishan, Benyuan, Shunfeng, Yucheng Primary School, etc., driving all primary schools to a higher level, such as the original Xiangsheng Primary School was hosted by Xishan Primary School and renamed Xishan Primary School Qinghui Campus, through the drive of Xishan Primary School, the quality of school running and parent satisfaction has been greatly improved, and Xishan Education Group has also won the title of Provincial Basic Education Quality Education Group. Only xishan and Shunde Yizhong two groups in the whole district won this award, which also represents the province's affirmation of the effectiveness of Daliang Group in running schools.

"In 2020, Fengsha Primary School was included in the management of Yucheng Primary School, with Xu Hong as the principal, and in just over a year, the spiritual outlook, academic performance and comprehensive quality of students in Huanhu Campus have been fundamentally improved. Yucheng Education Group, which was established today, in addition to the headquarters of Yucheng Primary School and the Huanhu Campus, has also increased the primary school department of Fengcheng Experimental School, hoping to use the excellent management team and teacher team of Yucheng Primary School to bring advanced concepts, teaching methods and management models to Fengshi Primary School, and enhance the 'soft power' of Fengshi Primary School, so that Fengshi students can enjoy the best quality education while enjoying the most beautiful campus. Li Haiyuan said that driven by the leading school, every school at the door of Daliang students will surely become a "good school" with connotation, characteristics and quality that parents and students yearn for.

■ Yucheng Education Group cooperation content

Management communion. The heads of the member schools are dispatched by the leading school Yucheng Primary School, and some administrative staff are selected to improve the management level of the member schools. Establish a system for the exchange and follow-up of management cadres within the group. Establish a joint meeting system, hold regular work meetings, and consult on relevant issues in school management, teaching and research, and teachers' professional development.

Teachers are common. Through measures such as key teacher sharing, on-the-job training, full staff training, joint construction of famous teacher studios, Internet + teacher professional development, etc., the professional quality and level of teachers are improved.

Course sharing. Promote the integration of teaching and management of the Group, and explore the deep integration of the curriculum of the three schools on the basis of the "Jade" curriculum of Yucheng Primary School.

Cultural co-construction. Organize inter-school cultural festivals, art festivals, sports festivals or science and technology festivals every academic year to create a distinctive education group culture.

Students co-educate. Actively build activity platforms for students in the three primary schools, create exhibition opportunities, carry out team activities such as reading together and practicing together, working together on theme summer camps, as well as exchange activities such as "hand in hand" and "class pass", and strive to improve students' core literacy.

Editor: Zhang Shuzhen

Image source: Yucheng Primary School

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