
Liberation of Qingqi Eagle Road First Class VS Domestic Mercedes-Benz Heavy Truck Who do you choose this time?

author:Truck e-family net

On March 14, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the 354th batch of new cars. Jiefang Qingqi Eagle Tu first class cabin and domestic Mercedes-Benz tractor are impressively listed!

Liberation of Qingqi Eagle Road First Class VS Domestic Mercedes-Benz Heavy Truck Who do you choose this time?

One is an autonomous high-end tractor that allows truck drivers to enjoy first-class treatment, and the other is a Mercedes-Benz Aktos Actros C series tractor that has been called for by thousands of calls, to which card friends have said: "Oh? Things are starting to get interesting! ”

Power Monster Eagle Strikes Long Sky

Following the Yingtu Business Class in the 351 batch announcement and the Yingtu Life Class in the 352 batch announcement, the Yingtu First Class cabin of Jiefang Qingqi finally appeared in the announcement, and a total of two products were announced this time (one product model is CA4258P35K2T1E6A80, and the other product model is CA4259P35K18T1E6A80).

Liberation of Qingqi Eagle Road First Class VS Domestic Mercedes-Benz Heavy Truck Who do you choose this time?

In addition to the eye-catching paint color of one black and one white, the biggest difference between the two is the engine configuration. The former is equipped with a maximum 560 hp engine of liberation power CA6DM3, with a peak torque of 2600 Nm, and this engine is also equipped on the Jiefang J7, and the reliability and power performance have undergone many years of market tests and mature technology.

The latter uses a liberating power CA6DN2 up to 620 horsepower engine, and the high horsepower can be called a "power monster". In addition, at present, Liberation Power has not disclosed too much information about this engine, but in view of its decision to be mounted on the first class of Jiefang Qingqi Yingtu, I believe that this engine will have a good performance.

Domestic Mercedes-Benz shines into reality

The announcement of the same batch, the debut of domestic Mercedes-Benz heavy trucks means that it will enter the production stage, and Mercedes-Benz trucks have ushered in a historic moment in the Chinese market.

Liberation of Qingqi Eagle Road First Class VS Domestic Mercedes-Benz Heavy Truck Who do you choose this time?

The domestic Mercedes-Benz Aktos Actros C series tractor announced this time has two models, which are divided into 3-axle (6×4) models with a speed limit of 89km/h and 110km/h, following the new Mercedes-Benz Aktos cab shape currently on sale.

In terms of three major pieces, the domestic Mercedes-Benz tractor is equipped with Foton Cummins X12NS6B engine, covering 410, 440, 470 horsepower, and does not use a more advanced Mercedes-Benz OM series engine; at present, the configuration of the gearbox has not been announced, but according to the mature matching of Foton Cummins and ZF products, it is likely to match the ZF 12-speed AMT transmission, and the hope of equipping the Mercedes-Benz PowerShift gearbox is slim; According to the previously released news that Mei chi signed a supply agreement with Foton Daimler, it is obviously from Mei Chi, with air suspension.

The reason behind the liberation of the launch of the new flagship heavy truck Yingtu, presumably everyone knows, the most important purpose is to rely on the J7 + Yingtu double luxury car, to resist the market impact brought about by mercedes-Benz and other international commercial vehicle giants after the domestic production. So the question is, do you think that the first class of the Liberation Qingqi Yingtu can PK the domestic Mercedes-Benz heavy truck? Who will be better after mass production of the two cars?