
Authoritative release | the city held the sixth press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic

author:Weifang high-tech financial media

On the afternoon of March 17, the city held the sixth press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic to report on the epidemic prevention and control work. Li Lanxiang, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and vice mayor, deputy head of the municipal party committee's leading group for epidemic prevention and control and economic operation work (headquarters), and director of the office, attended the press conference and introduced the latest situation. Relevant responsible comrades of the Municipal Finance Bureau and the Municipal People's Hospital attended the press conference and answered reporters' questions.

Authoritative release | the city held the sixth press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic

The reporter learned from the press conference that from 16:00 on March 16 to 16:00 on March 17, the city reported 5 new cases of local asymptomatic infection, including 1 case in Shouguang City and 4 cases in Weicheng District. As of 16:00 on March 17, there were 8 locally confirmed cases and 34 local asymptomatic infected people in the city. At present, all the above-mentioned personnel have been transferred to the Municipal Public Health Clinical Center for observation and treatment.

The press conference reported on four aspects.

1. Medical treatment. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the city has enriched the centralized treatment force for the first time, and 65 medical staff have been drawn from the Municipal People's Hospital to form a front-line treatment team, covering severe disease, respiratory, infection, heart, pharmacy, examination, imaging and other specialties, and fully carry out clinical treatment work. Three municipal TCM experts participated in the diagnosis and treatment, and the interventional treatment rate of TCM reached 100%. Set up a logistics support team of 24 people to follow up and do a good job in relevant service support work. After timely isolation and active symptomatic treatment, all cases were in stable condition and in good mental condition.

Second, the source of the flow adjustment. Adopt a more active prevention and control strategy, and race against time to carry out circulation, investigation, and traceability. As of 12 o'clock today, the city has checked a total of 1650 close contacts, 5721 sub-close contacts, and 4086 other related personnel, all of which have implemented relevant control measures according to requirements, and relevant places and environments have also completed sampling and elimination.

3. Risk management and control. In order to further control, stabilize and control the potential epidemic risk, from 0:00 on March 16, the epidemic prevention and control headquarters of the municipal party committee designated the Gu Dejin Shopping Center in Beiguan Street, Weicheng District as a medium-risk area. At present, there are 2 medium-risk areas in the city, and the risk level of other areas remains unchanged, all of which are low-risk areas. From 22:00 on March 16, Shouguang City, with Liujiazhuang Village in the ancient city street and Shouguang Jiayi Printing and Packaging Co., Ltd. as the center, expanded outward in turn, and delineated the sealing and control area, control area and prevention area. There are 8 sealing and control areas and 6 control areas in the city, which are distributed in Weicheng District, Kuiwen District, High-tech Zone and Shouguang City.

4. Nucleic acid testing. Further strengthen the coordination and connection of all aspects of mining, transportation and inspection, and on the basis of completing the first round of regional nucleic acid testing, press stubble to promote the second round of sampling and testing. The city's cumulative nucleic acid testing was 17.534 million times, and the results were 14.842 million. Among them, the first round of testing has been completed on time, the second round of testing has sampled 7.714 million people, and the results have been 5.49 million. The municipal party committee and the municipal government made every effort to accelerate the construction of the air membrane laboratory, and the two equipment purchased urgently were installed and commissioned on the evening of March 15 and 16, respectively, and put into use. The additional two units purchased urgently will also be available in the near future. After the full use of 4 devices, the daily detection capacity can reach 2 million copies.

Next, the city will further strengthen the analysis and judgment of the epidemic situation, further strengthen the investigation and control of epidemic-related personnel, further strengthen the quality effect of nucleic acid testing of all employees in the region, further strengthen the emergency handling and the implementation of various prevention and control measures, further strengthen the guarantee of the normal production and living order of enterprises and the masses, more resolutely, more decisively and more efficiently carry out traceability and screening and control, cut off the epidemic transmission chain as soon as possible, achieve dynamic "zeroing" of the social surface, and resolutely adhere to the bottom line of no large-scale rebound of the epidemic. At the same time, it also calls on the general public to consciously do a good job in personal protection, consciously participate in nucleic acid sampling and testing, and actively cooperate with the implementation of various prevention and control measures. I believe that through the joint efforts of everyone, we will be able to win the battle of epidemic prevention and control as soon as possible.

Authoritative release | the city held the sixth press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic

Luwang reporter asked a question

The protection of epidemic prevention materials is very important for the prevention and control of the epidemic, in the current situation, how can we ensure that the procurement of materials is more convenient and efficient?

Ma Jinli, a second-level researcher of the Municipal Finance Bureau, replied

In special times, the epidemic is the order, and prevention and control is the responsibility. In order to better help the prevention and control of the epidemic, the municipal financial department issued the "Notice on Doing a Good Job in Government Procurement under the Current Epidemic Prevention and Control Situation" for the first time, and quickly opened the "green channel" for government procurement to ensure the timely supply of epidemic prevention materials and the orderly development of government procurement activities.

First of all, vigorously reduce government procurement links. In accordance with the principles of "what can be reduced, then reduced" and "should be reduced", and the primary goal of meeting the needs of epidemic prevention and control work, a "green channel" for procurement is established to ensure that the most urgently needed prevention and control materials are procured at the fastest speed and with the highest efficiency. All procurement related to epidemic prevention and control can be implemented as an emergency project, without the preparation of government procurement budgets, without the need to perform the approval of imported products, and without the implementation of government procurement processes. In order to improve the convenience of procurement, the city has also set up a special area for epidemic prevention materials in the government procurement online mall for various departments and units to purchase online and achieve "zero contact" in transactions. Since March 11 this year, the municipal level has purchased a total of 87 million yuan of materials through green channels, providing a strong guarantee for epidemic prevention and anti-epidemic.

In addition, in order to effectively reduce the occurrence of risks, we have adjusted the rules for the selection of review experts, and the projects that really need to carry out review activities in medium and high-risk areas can be selected by each department and unit on their own, without the need to extract from the expert pool; projects that carry out review activities in low-risk areas, regardless of the amount of the project, when each department, unit and procurement agency selects experts, only local experts are selected. At the same time, during the epidemic prevention and control period, the on-site acceptance of suppliers' questions and complaints will be suspended, and all departments, units and procurement agencies may adopt online or postal methods to accept suppliers' questions without meeting.

A reporter from Weifang Radio and Television News asked a question

Recently, the National Health Commission issued the "Diagnosis and Treatment Plan for Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (Trial Version 9)", please introduce the specific situation, how should we grasp it, and what suggestions do you have?

Tan Wei, director of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine of the Municipal People's Hospital and head of the Municipal Medical Expert Guidance Group of Western Medicine for the Prevention and Control of the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic, answered

At present, the Omicron strain has replaced the Delta strain as the main epidemic strain, and the clinical manifestations of patients with novel coronavirus pneumonia have shown new characteristics. On the basis of carefully studying the transmission characteristics and case characteristics of mutated strains such as Delta and Aomi Kerong, and in-depth analysis of relevant research results, the National Health Commission issued the "Diagnosis and Treatment Plan for Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (Trial Ninth Edition)" on March 15. Compared with the eighth edition, the ninth edition has obvious adjustments in terms of virus characteristics, detection methods, diagnostic methods, diagnosis and treatment methods. There are four main highlights of this update:

First, about asymptomatic infected people: The judgment of asymptomatic infected people is cancelled in the new version of the case classification of the diagnosis and treatment plan, and asymptomatic infected people are not included in the scope of diagnosis and treatment, but still need to be isolated according to the requirements of prevention and control.

Second, on the criteria for admission and treatment: mild cases are only subject to centralized isolation management, and do not require treatment in designated hospitals. Relevant centralized isolation sites must not isolate people entering the country, close contacts and other groups at the same time. During the isolation and management period, symptomatic treatment and disease monitoring should be done, and if the condition worsens, it should be transferred to a designated hospital for treatment.

Third, the criteria for lifting isolation and discharge:

The criteria for lifting isolation have been greatly updated: two consecutive nucleic acid detection N gene and ORF gene Ct values of the novel coronavirus in mild cases are ≥35 (fluorescence quantitative PCR method, the limit value is 40, and the sampling time interval is at least 24 hours), or two consecutive negative nucleic acid tests for the new coronavirus (fluorescence quantitative PCR method, the limit value is less than 35, and the sampling time interval is at least 24 hours), which can be released from isolation management. At the same time, "continue to isolate for 14 days after discharge and monitor health status" was revised to "continue to be under quarantine management or continue to conduct home health monitoring for 7 days after discharge". Wear a mask, conditionally live in a well-ventilated single room, reduce close contact with your family, eat separately, do a good job of hand hygiene, and avoid going out.

In terms of discharge criteria, the above criteria add:

1. The body temperature has returned to normal for more than 3 days;

2. Respiratory symptoms improved significantly;

3. Lung imaging shows significant improvement in acute exudative lesions.

Fourth, the treatment plan adjustment: "antiviral therapy" added PF-07321332/ritonavir tablets (Paxlovid), mainly suitable for mild and ordinary patients within 5 days of onset. In addition, ampavirinumab/romimab injections are also included in the recommendations for mild and ordinary patients.

Fifth, the significance of the guideline update: At present, the infection cases of the Omicron strain have replaced the Delta strain as the main epidemic strain. The available evidence suggests that the Omicron strain is more transmissible than the Delta strain and that the pathogenicity is somewhat reduced. According to the current characteristics of strain transmission and case characteristics, the new version of the guidelines has been optimized and supplemented in the way of detection, treatment, treatment and release from isolation. According to the opinions reflected in various places that "the patients infected with the Omikejong mutant strain are mainly asymptomatic infected and mild cases, most of them do not need too much treatment, and all of them will occupy a lot of medical resources when they are admitted to designated hospitals", and further improve the classification and treatment measures for cases, saving a lot of medical resources and human resources. The release of the guidelines has great guiding significance for the adjustment of prevention and control measures, social production, and the restoration of living order in various localities.

Sixth, how should the public control:

1. It is recommended that the public actively receive the new crown vaccine, actively participate in nucleic acid testing, consciously reduce distance activities, and cooperate with the work of tracing the source of circulation.

2. Maintain good personal hygiene habits, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, wash your hands often and thoroughly, and do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth with dirty hands.

3. The room is ventilated and ventilated and kept clean and hygienic.

4. Avoid close contact with people with respiratory symptoms (such as fever, cough or sneezing) as much as possible.

5. Try to avoid crowded and space-tight places, and wear masks if you must go; Reduce unnecessary travel, especially overseas travel and provincial travel.

6. Pay close attention to physical health, such as fever, cough and other symptoms, and go to a medical institution with a fever clinic or fever clinic as soon as possible.

7. Enhance health awareness, exercise appropriately, ensure sleep, do not stay up late, and improve self-immunity.

  Source: Weifang Release