
There is seasonal fresh food only in the spring, and people who do not eat it in vain are dry rice

author:Rich and auspicious wine

Recently, the epidemic has a small-scale comeback trend, and in the good season when everything is recovering, many people have to stay at home, but they always feel that they have failed to live up to the good spring light.

Everything in the spring is full of life, revealing its vitality to the world, and it also brings many spring-specific delicacies. Although we can't swim around happily, we can use our taste buds to enjoy the great spring light!

1. Pickle tuk tuk fresh

There is seasonal fresh food only in the spring, and people who do not eat it in vain are dry rice

Pickled tuk fresh, Gangnam people believe in the spring limited food. A steaming pot of pickled tuk tuk, the soup is rich, the meat is soft and rotten, and the bamboo shoots are fresh and sweet, which is endlessly evocative.

The umami flavor slid all the way from the mouth into the stomach, and drank several large bowls in one breath, just like knocking on the door of spring warmth and colorfulness.

Cooking method

· Soak the bacon in warm water for 2 hours.

· Put the pork belly in cold water, add the green onion, ginger, cooking wine, and turn off the heat and remove it after the water becomes boiling and discolored.

· Slice the pork belly, soak in water, soak the whole piece of bacon, Jinhua ham 5-7 slices together into a pot of boiling water, low heat "tuk" for half an hour.

· Remove the bacon, cut into chunks and put back in the soup pot, skimming off the froth.

· Peel the spring shoots and cut into hob pieces and add a little salt blanched water.

· Place the spring shoots and blind knots in a broth pot and bring to a boil over high heat, slowly "tuk" for 1 hour.

Take a sip of the rich soup, take a sip of good wine, and taste it carefully. Then a piece of soft and rotten bacon, this flavor with time precipitation, mixed with the bean aroma of the blind knot, the crisp tail of bamboo shoots, it is simply evocative.

2. Youth League

The wormwood picked in the spring is the most tender. The turquoise green dough is wrapped in a variety of fillings, soft and soft, fragrant and distant, from color to taste, it is full of spring weather.

There is seasonal fresh food only in the spring, and people who do not eat it in vain are dry rice

· Blanch the mugwort leaves, add glutinous rice flour and sticky rice flour and mix well.

· Divide the dough into a mixture of the same size.

· Take a potion and press it flat, wrap it in bean paste filling, and squeeze it tightly into a ball. The stuffing is made according to your own preferences, and it can be salty and sweet!

· Put the prepared green dough into the steamer and steam it on high heat for about 20 minutes, then cook it thoroughly and then come out of the pot.

Take a sip of rich and auspicious wine, the pure and fragrant wine meets the wormwood flavor of the green dough, and the aroma of the grain balances the sweetness of glutinous rice flour and the filling, making people not feel sweet.

3: Tofu mixed with tofu

When it comes to the spring limit, how can you not mention toon? Toon is like a short flower in a vegetable, only a half moonlit scene appears, and if it is over the season, it can only wait another year.

There is seasonal fresh food only in the spring, and people who do not eat it in vain are dry rice

Toon is often done, scrambled eggs, wrapped in paste and fried, or cold mixed. If you want to preserve the original taste of toon, it is best to mix it cold, and you can taste the beauty of spring in one bite.

· Soak the toon in salt water for 10 minutes, then rinse.

· Blanch the toon in a pot for 10 seconds, remove it and let it cool.

· Cut the tofu into small pieces, blanch the water and drain.

· Finely chop the toon, add salt and sesame oil and mix well, pour over the tofu.

There is seasonal fresh food only in the spring, and people who do not eat it in vain are dry rice

Tofu is light, toon is fresh, with a few glasses of fragrant wine, herbaceous aroma and the rich aroma of wine, stimulating your taste buds, completely eliminating the dullness of the mix, suddenly making people feel that the teeth and cheeks are fragrant, mellow and fresh echo each other, complement each other.

4. Pork dumplings with cabbage

Pork dumplings with cabbage are the most springy delicacies of childhood. Spring cabbage is the most tender, and although digging for cabbage is time-consuming, the process is joyful.

There is seasonal fresh food only in the spring, and people who do not eat it in vain are dry rice

Picking, washing, chopping the filling, and then carefully holding it with a pair of skillful hands, the unique aroma of the cabbage is wrapped in the skin of the dumplings, and when you take a bite, your mouth is full of fresh field aromas. In this gift of nature, and from the taste buds first feel the breath of spring.

· Dig up the cabbage and wash it and remove the yellow leaves.

· Blanch the roots, dry and chop.

· Mix with the pork filling, add salt, chicken essence, minced green onion, sesame oil, garlic paste, minced ginger, soy sauce and other spices and mix well.

· Wrap the stuffing with dumpling skin and cook it in a pot.

There is seasonal fresh food only in the spring, and people who do not eat it in vain are dry rice

Delicious but dumplings, dumplings are also the soul side dish of liquor.

Dumplings are served with wine, and the more you drink them, the more you make your best wishes in the spring of the beginning of the year.

5. Mix dandelions

Did you blow dandelions as a child? Exhale softly, with small fluffy seeds, fly like parachutes into the unknown far away...

There is seasonal fresh food only in the spring, and people who do not eat it in vain are dry rice

In fact, dandelion is also a good thing that can be used both medicine and food, which can not only clear heat and detoxify, but also be particularly refreshing and pleasant to eat.

· Remove the dandelion roots, rinse repeatedly and drain.

· Add the dandelion to an appropriate amount of salt and blanch the water, scoop it up for tens of seconds, pass through the cold water and drain.

· Add soy sauce, vinegar, salt, sugar, two dried chili peppers cut into strips, garlic into minced garlic.

· Add the right amount of oil to the pan, bring to a boil and drizzle over drizzled chili peppers, peppercorns and minced garlic.

The scorched aroma of braised peppercorns and dried peppers accentuates the freshness of dandelions, two distinct but so perfectly blended flavors that impact the taste buds. At this time, drink a glass of fragrant good wine, and spring is so easily pinched...

6. Steamed mandarin fish

"Peach blossom flowing mandarin fish fat", the spring mandarin fish is the most delicious, tender meat and no thorns.

The best way to get mandarin fish is steaming, which not only preserves the tender taste to the greatest extent, but is also quite simple.

There is seasonal fresh food only in the spring, and people who do not eat it in vain are dry rice

· Remove the scales, offal, gills and black mucus from the surface, wash and dry the surface moisture.

· Change the processed fish to a flower knife and sprinkle salt and cooking wine evenly on both sides.

· Cut the green onion and ginger into strips, stuff half the ginger shreds with peppercorns into the belly of the fish.

· The fish is drizzled with steamed fish soy sauce.

· After the steamer water comes to a boil, steam on high heat for 10 minutes.

· Spread with shredded ginger, green onion and coriander.

· Heat the oil and pour it over the fish.

The steamed mandarin fish is locked in the fish meat, and the fish meat is wrapped in a mouthful of thick juice, and at the same time, the fragrance of the condiment is emitted. Paired with a few glasses of good wine, it is even more appetizing. The tenderness of the fish and the roundness of the good wine, the bite of the dish and the wine, make people can't stop at all!

There is seasonal fresh food only in the spring, and people who do not eat it in vain are dry rice

If spring is just right, go to the fields or shop for these fresh ingredients and prepare a sumptuous spring-specific meal for your family and yourself.

Eating a mouthful of tender wine, tasting a good wine with endless aftertaste, this freshness index that belongs to spring will rise sharply.

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