
Shang Martin, Zhang Yi, Fan Ju and Li Si who have greater ability? Who has the worst character

author:Strictly keep telling history

Shang Martin, Zhang Yi, Fan Ju and Li Si were very famous ministers who emerged during the Warring States period, and none of them were Qin people, but they all made great contributions to the construction and development of the Qin state. All four are warring states figures, but Li Si appeared relatively late.

If the abilities of these four people are compared, then Shang Martin and Li Si can rank first and second, Followed by Zhang Yi and Fan Ju, if compared by character, then the worst character of these four people is Fan Ju.

Shang Martin, Zhang Yi, Fan Ju and Li Si who have greater ability? Who has the worst character

Although Fan Ju also made indelible contributions to the development and growth of the Qin State, this person will repay with his eyes wide open. After he became famous, he took revenge on all the people who had bullied him before, and he was also criticized by later generations for this incident.

First, the martingale transformation method

During the Warring States period, the land of China was divided into several regions, the strongest of which were the seven countries of Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao, Wei, and Qin. The situation of the Seven Heroes for hegemony was maintained for a long time, and finally it was unified by the Qin State and established the later Qin Dynasty.

Shang Martin, Zhang Yi, Fan Ju and Li Si who have greater ability? Who has the worst character

The Qin Dynasty was the first unified multi-ethnic state in ancient mainland China, and shang martingale played a pivotal role in being able to build such a country. Shang Martin used an iron fist to implement the change, and was supported by Qin Xiaogong.

Shang Martin led to the reform of the land, he abolished the land ownership system of the feudal landlord class, and made all the land private, thus tacitly acknowledging that land could be bought and sold back and forth between the peasants. When the peasants have land, their enthusiasm for work is greatly strengthened, so the grain harvest is also rising year after year, and the people's living standards are gradually improving.

Shang Martin, Zhang Yi, Fan Ju and Li Si who have greater ability? Who has the worst character

In order to improve the army's combat ability, Shang Martin decided to abolish the inherent Shiqing Shilu system and replace it with a military merit system that could be rewarded according to merit. The reward system has changed, and the mentality of the soldiers on the battlefield has also changed, and in order to win more rewards and improve family conditions, their enthusiasm for fighting has been greatly improved.

In this way, the military strength of the Qin State has also been greatly strengthened, so they have the conditions and ability to attack the armies of other countries one by one. In addition, Shang Martin also changed the source of state taxes, adding many sources to the original, so that the state could support the necessary military expansion and economic construction.

Shang Martin, Zhang Yi, Fan Ju and Li Si who have greater ability? Who has the worst character

After the change of law, the economic, political, and people's livelihood aspects of the Qin state have developed by leaps and bounds, and the combat effectiveness of their armies has also been continuously enhanced, so there is a foundation for the unification of the six countries. In the middle and late period of the Warring States, the State of Qin once became the richest and most powerful country.

However, the Shang martingale transformation method seriously damaged the interests of the high-level landlord class in the Qin State, so the Shang martingale became the target of the change. After Qin Xiaogong's death, the power to protect him collapsed, and soon he was attacked by the high-level class of the Qin Dynasty, and finally Shang Martin died on the battlefield, even if he was dead, his body did not escape the disaster, and finally his body suffered the punishment of car splitting.

Shang Martin, Zhang Yi, Fan Ju and Li Si who have greater ability? Who has the worst character

Although Shang Martin's ending was not good, his transformation method was successful, so he exchanged his personal life for the strength of the Qin state. It is precisely because Shang Martin has the support of this fearless spirit that the Qin State has become the head of the Seven Kingdoms and the first unified country in the ancient history of the mainland. Of these four people, Shang Martin's credit is the greatest.

2. Zhang Yi and Fan Ju

Zhang Yi was a very famous diplomat in the Warring States period, but also a very powerful strategist, he was originally a native of the State of Wei, but he was not welcomed in the State of Wei, so he sought other ways out and came to the Gate of the State of Qin.

Shang Martin, Zhang Yi, Fan Ju and Li Si who have greater ability? Who has the worst character

Because he studied under Oniguzi in his early years and learned a lot of very favorable powers, such as the art of vertical and horizontal, after he came out of the mountain, he created a new diplomatic strategy for the first time in history: the art of continuous horizontality. He came to the territory of the Qin state and lobbied the monarch here, and when he told King Huiwen of Qin about his art of lianheng, he was praised by the monarch and crowned him as a Xiangguo.

However, before the unification of the Qin state was completed, King Huiwen of Qin, who maintained Zhang Yi, died, and he lost his favor. After King Wu of Qin succeeded to the throne, Zhang Yi fled in panic and came to the State of Wei and served as the Xiangguo of the State of Wei. Fan Ju was originally a doorman of the State of Wei, but later he was ostracized, leaving him cornered and had to come to the gate of the State of Qin.

Shang Martin, Zhang Yi, Fan Ju and Li Si who have greater ability? Who has the worst character

After he met King Zhao of Qin, he was appreciated by this monarch, and in order to repay the favor of Zhiyu, Fan Ju did his best to develop the Qin state. He was loyal to King Qin Zhao, and in order to help the Qin state lay a foundation, he proposed a diplomatic strategy of "long-distance attack".

The so-called "long-distance attack" means that countries that are far away from the Qin state adopt friendly tactics and establish friendly diplomatic relations with them, while the territories closer to the Qin state adopt offensive tactics, so that the other countries will be attacked one by one to break through the unification of the six countries.

Shang Martin, Zhang Yi, Fan Ju and Li Si who have greater ability? Who has the worst character

Fan Ju's diplomatic strategy achieved great results, and in the end, the Qin state also swept away the other six countries and became the victor. Although Fan Ju was quite successful in diplomacy, this man was a person with clear grievances.

After he became famous, Fan Ju avenged all the enemies who had humiliated him before. And the people who had helped him before, Fan Ju also paid a special visit to them and thanked them. Therefore, among these four people, the one with the worst character is Fan Ju.

Shang Martin, Zhang Yi, Fan Ju and Li Si who have greater ability? Who has the worst character

Iii. Lis Reform

Li Si was the prime minister after the establishment of the Qin Dynasty, he made great contributions to the construction and development of the Qin State, and his achievements were many, whether in the economic, political or cultural aspects. First of all, he abolished the sub-feudal system and adopted the county system, accumulating strength for the development of the centralized system and consolidating the unified state.

Secondly, Li Si, like Qin Shi Huangjing, suggested that the whole country use the same currency and weights and measures, and finally Qin Shi Huang also adopted his opinion, and his measure improved the chaotic situation of commerce and made the economy develop rapidly.

Shang Martin, Zhang Yi, Fan Ju and Li Si who have greater ability? Who has the worst character

In addition, he also unified the script, using the same script throughout the country: XiaoHuan, which was extremely beneficial to the construction and development of culture. Li Si was a man of great power and did things unambiguously, or because he was a practitioner of the Ideas of the Dharma.

And these ideas developed by the Fa family conformed to the development trend of the times at that time, so Li Si was able to live in the Qin Kingdom like a fish. He was a great contributor to the establishment of a unified multi-ethnic state and deserves to be remembered. So in terms of achievements, he is no different from Shang Martingale.

Shang Martin, Zhang Yi, Fan Ju and Li Si who have greater ability? Who has the worst character

4. Summary

Shang Martin, Zhang Yi, Fan Ju and Li Si live almost in the same time and space, although they are not Qin people, but they are all outstanding talents who have made important contributions to the great cause of the construction of the Qin state. The monarch of the Qin Kingdom knows how to make good use of talents and maximize the value of each talent, and it is precisely for this reason that these stars are not dull.

In terms of ability, Shang Martin and Li Si were not distinguished between the top and the bottom, Shang Martin implemented reforms, making the Qin state the strongest of the seven kingdoms, Li Si assisted Qin Shi Huang to unify the six kingdoms, and introduced a series of measures to consolidate the country, so that the Qin Dynasty has achieved unprecedented development.

Shang Martin, Zhang Yi, Fan Ju and Li Si who have greater ability? Who has the worst character

Although Fan Ju and Li Si are not as strong as these two, they are also important talents. If we talk about character alone, Fan Ju is at the bottom of the four people, he will repay his eyes and be grumpy about the past, so he is also the person with the worst character.