
The survival of ordinary people is blood, sweat and hand-to-hand combat

author:Zhang Sanfeng said technology

Uncover the dark and vicious devil mask of human nature, the truth behind the truth, the law behind the law, and the knowledge of knowledge!

Survival is a hand-to-hand combat, but you will only spend fists and embroidery legs, and the rich people practice free fighting, the following is the truth that a very small number of people know, the five dry years have continued to exist so far there have been 2 sets of thoughts: a set of Yang Dao surface phenomena based on the inherent goodness of human nature, and a set of Yin Dao based on human nature and evil can not be seen invisible. The Tao gives birth to one, life to two, two to three, and three to all things!

The survival of ordinary people is blood, sweat and hand-to-hand combat

When we learn to imitate anyone, we are not blindly copying and blindly following, but we must critically learn to take its essence and remove the false from the truth. Those who believe that people are good are ultimately deceived by hypocritical people, and those who believe in benevolence and morality are ultimately hurt by people who are moral in their mouths and selfish in their hearts. Kindness, benevolence, morality, these are just flowers and embroidery legs sound good, look good, but not practical, and the masters all know that the rules of today's era have changed, you appeared in a free fighting arena, what a gentleman is not a gentleman, rich and powerful is a gentleman, no one according to the gentleman's moves, so we ordinary people are instantly put down. There is essentially only one relationship between people, and that is the relationship of interests. The rich people say that as long as there are interests, even the most distant people can get together, and once the interests are harmed, even fathers and sons will become enemies who do not interact with each other.

The survival of ordinary people is blood, sweat and hand-to-hand combat

Men will still be lustful at the age of 50, and the wife, as soon as she is 30 years old, will have a decline in appearance, so the husband will definitely find another love as soon as he has the opportunity. In today's society, the divorce rate has doubled, and it seems that there are no lustful men in the world, if there are, just because he has not stored enough lustful capital in his pocket.

The survival of ordinary people is blood, sweat and hand-to-hand combat

Moral benevolence is only the surface of what is said with the mouth, and profit is the truth behind everything. The Yang Dao is only effective if it is placed where there is no competition for interests. As long as there is a struggle for interests, the Yang Dao is ineffective. When you are in love, it is effective to take the Yang Dao, but after marriage, the husband and wife have a conflict of interests, and then take the Yang Dao blindly to her, give her all the money, you are easy to be hurt. When your child is young, you can take the Yang Dao, the child is old, you are old, you take the Yang Dao again, divide the property, you are old and miserable.

Using profits to make others have to be moral about you is the true morality. Only hoping that others will be moral to you, but you can't give the other party any benefit, is pseudo-morality.

The survival of ordinary people is blood, sweat and hand-to-hand combat

We ordinary people, what you hear and see, is an innings

The world is made up of two sets of orders, the first set of rules: fairness, justice, morality, etiquette, and the second set of rules: the hidden struggle for interests.

The morality of the first set of rules is the appearance, and the interests of the second set of rules are the reality. Most of the knowledge we have been exposed to since childhood is the first set of surface rules. And the calculation that people play in their hearts all the time is the second set of interest rules. The masters all use the first set of rules as a means to achieve the purpose of the second set of rules. Almost everyone puts on a glossy moral cloak and then tries everything to benefit themselves.

Moral rules, everyone put on the lips; the rules of interests, everyone remembers. So don't be confused by the first set of rules, but use the second set of rules to see things clearly, for example, we ordinary people can't look at what a person says, but to see what a person does. The first set of rules is a pretense, and you can't think of it as a way to settle down and become famous.

The survival of ordinary people is blood, sweat and hand-to-hand combat

No matter how the world develops, people's self-interest will not change, you say that what industry in this world, life, work, marriage and what have nothing to do with interests. Profit is the most important logic for deriving people's behavior. But one thing is very important: after using the second set of vaginas to deduce the purpose, it should be quickly packaged with the first set of yang. To put on the first set of moral cloaks, do not talk nakedly about interests, because the second set of rules is unspeakable, and the value of the first set of rules is precisely to help you better disguise your true purpose, but the truth that keeps the world running is the second set of rules, and the first set of rules may be more like a courtesy between two people.

Just like sometimes we talk to people: we know that we are talking empty words, we also know that the other party is telling lies, we all know each other's clichés, everyone knows each other, but still the polite talk of the Eight Classics, which forms the first set of rules.

No matter how human beings develop, they need to follow the first set of rules as the first set of Yang Dao rules as orthodox, so that people will not look so realistic, even if the truth is more realistic than reality... Because of beauty, hope and positive energy, we can better promote the development of society.

True maturity is to see through but not to say thoroughly, referring to the second set of Yang Dao rules, it can only be used, but do not say, a word is wrong, which is why many people like to tell the truth but do not please.

Sometimes the masses of ordinary people do not necessarily want the truth, but an idealized psychological satisfaction, or a kind of emotional sustenance, although this idealized feeling is so unrealistic, the world's truth-telling people often look like a villain, many villains disguise themselves like a gentleman, so growth is the process of polishing the eyes...

We ordinary people keep our wallets, not cut leeks, not be confused by illusions, not deceived, close our naked eyes, open our hearts and eyes to see the world!