
Purify the growth environment of students around the campus, shu shi attach small in action

author:White Colt Eating Ground

In order to conscientiously implement the spirit of the provincial and municipal leaders' instructions on campus safety, as well as the spirit of the document (Liujiao Supervisor [2022] No. 3), in accordance with the special rectification work deployment of campus safety, Shushifu Primary School has carried out a series of special actions to further purify the growth environment of students around the campus, focusing on maintaining the physical and mental health of students, preventing and resolving safety risks around the campus, and building a safe campus.

Purify the growth environment of students around the campus, shu shi attach small in action

1. Strengthen publicity.

Carry out safety education for minor students through various forms such as theme team meetings and safety education special classes, and educate students not to participate in lottery activities around the campus. Use electronic screens to publicize students' correct consumption concepts. Guide students to establish civilized, scientific and rational values, let students learn to identify undesirable social phenomena, and stay away from various products and activities that endanger the physical and mental health of minor students, such as three-no food, toys, disguised gambling, and illegal publications.

Purify the growth environment of students around the campus, shu shi attach small in action
Purify the growth environment of students around the campus, shu shi attach small in action
Purify the growth environment of students around the campus, shu shi attach small in action
Purify the growth environment of students around the campus, shu shi attach small in action
Purify the growth environment of students around the campus, shu shi attach small in action
Purify the growth environment of students around the campus, shu shi attach small in action

2. Strengthen daily management.

It is necessary to further strengthen campus safety management, strengthen the management of doormen and duty, combine the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, strengthen the management of students entering and leaving the campus, and guard the first line of defense for campus safety. Open up courses such as physical education, aesthetic education, labor education, and mental health to improve students' physical and mental qualities, guide students to treat life and entertainment correctly, and stay away from disguised gambling activities such as lottery scams.

3. Improve the ability to discover and report.

Organize teachers and parent volunteers to regularly carry out investigations of hidden risks around the campus, focusing on the existence of risks and hidden dangers such as sanwu food, toys, illegal gambling, illegal publications, and entertainment venues such as Internet cafes to accept minor students' illegal business practices, promptly report to departments such as market supervision, public security, health and health, culture, and urban management, and retain relevant reporting materials to further purify the growth environment of students around the campus.

Purify the growth environment of students around the campus, shu shi attach small in action

4. Strengthen home-school cooperation.

Adopt forms such as issuing a letter to parents, strengthen home-school communication, guide parents to guide minor students to establish a correct view of consumption, stay away from bad behaviors that endanger the healthy growth of minor students such as suspected disguised gambling, and jointly create a good atmosphere of caring for the healthy growth of minor students.

Purify the growth environment of students around the campus, shu shi attach small in action
Purify the growth environment of students around the campus, shu shi attach small in action
Purify the growth environment of students around the campus, shu shi attach small in action