
Elephant Recommendation Officer | ten thousand interpretations of the spring equinox

Elephant Recommendation Officer | ten thousand interpretations of the spring equinox

The earth is born of the sun The moon follows the earth

The change of the sun and the moon gives birth to solar terms

Five days and one waiting, three waiting festivals, there are four seasons, and the adult year is coming of age

Years and years and years, the unity of heaven and man has a long history

Henan Radio and Television "Chinese Festival" sister article

"Chinese Solar Terms" series

The spring equinox is here

Trace the source of Chinese civilization

Deciphering the code of Eastern culture

Elephant Recommendation Officer | ten thousand interpretations of the spring equinox
Elephant Recommendation Officer | ten thousand interpretations of the spring equinox

What is the Vernal Equinox? "Moon Order Seventy-two Waiting Solution" Yun: "In the middle of February, the divider is half, and this is the half of the ninety days, so it is called the division." The vernal equinox is the midpoint of spring, hence the name.



Three waits

One of the three seasons of the vernal equinox is "Genbird Solstice". Genbird, swallow also. That is to say, the swallows come in the spring equinox, bringing the rain of spring and bringing warm flowers in spring. The second wait for "thunder is happening", the ancients believed that thunder was the sound of yang qi, and after the spring equinox, it came out of the ground to make a sound. After the spring equinox, the four yangs are in full bloom, the electricity is the light of the yang, and the lightning and thunder in the sky also follow.

Elephant Recommendation Officer | ten thousand interpretations of the spring equinox

Depart from spring

Embark on an adventure to chase your dreams

Henan Radio and Television "China Solar Terms" series of programs

The first chapter "The Adventures of the Spring Equinox"

Invite you to cross the ancient and modern with Liu An, the king of Huainan

Come to a bizarre and bizarre modern covenant

March 19

18:30 Elephant News Client

19:30 Henan Satellite TV


Elephant Recommendation Officer | ten thousand interpretations of the spring equinox
Elephant Recommendation Officer | ten thousand interpretations of the spring equinox

Source: Henan Tai Editor-in-Chief's Office

Editor: Zhang Ting

Content Director: Lee Sang-sung Shi Han-feng

Swing toward the light when the wind

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