
Have you learned the stomach nourishment strategy during the spring equinox?

author:Anhan Technology

March 20 is the vernal equinox, the fourth solar term of the year, in which the day and night are divided equally, each for 12 hours. The weather is getting hotter and hotter, which is the best time for everything to grow, but it is also the season when harmful bacteria such as bacteria and viruses multiply.

Therefore, we need to eat well and drink well in this season to improve the body's immunity and enhance the resistance to bacteria and viruses. And the premise of all this is to raise the stomach well in order to let the nutrients pass the "digestion" level smoothly! Eating this way during the spring equinox is healthy and nourishing.

Have you learned the stomach nourishment strategy during the spring equinox?

First, a multi-soup diet, mainly to nourish the stomach.

During the spring equinox, it is necessary to help the body resist the invasion of foreign germs and smooth the internal organs. Drinking some highly nutritious soup can not only play a role in warming the stomach, but also reduce the digestive burden of the stomach, accelerate the absorption of nutrients, and then increase human immunity, but do not forget to eat the ingredients in the soup while drinking soup, so as to maximize the intake of nutrients.

In addition to the soup to warm the stomach, honey water can also be properly drunk! Chinese medicine believes that honey tastes sweet and enters the spleen and stomach two meridians, which can tonify the qi and moisturize the intestines and laxative. During the spring equinox, insist on drinking with 1-2 spoons of honey water every day, which has a good tonic effect on the body. Honey contains a variety of minerals, vitamins, as well as lung detoxification function, so it can enhance human immunity, is the most ideal tonic in spring.

Let's talk about the pumpkin porridge in the porridge, the pumpkin is rich in a lot of pectin, pectin has the effect of caring for the gastric mucosa, which can prevent the appearance of ulcers. Boiling some pumpkin porridge during the Spring Festival is delicious and can also nourish the stomach and strengthen the body.

Have you learned the stomach nourishment strategy during the spring equinox?

Second, more light diet, should be digested mainly.

During the spring equinox, the diet should be mainly light, and the intake of heavy foods such as oil, salt and spicy should be reduced. Most vegetables and fruits are easier to digest, so they can shorten the time that food stays in the stomach and avoid food accumulating in the gastrointestinal tract, causing indigestion. In addition, vegetables and fruits are rich in fiber, which can play a role in laxative and help the body excrete metabolic waste. Recommend two good foods for the Spring Equinox season.

(1) Scrambled eggs with fungus: Wood ear fungus is rich in fiber and fried with nutrient-rich eggs, which not only has full color and flavor, but also can benefit the spleen and stomach and regulate the qi.

(2) Poria cake: Poria has the effect of strengthening the spleen and nourishing the stomach, calming the mind and dispelling dampness and water. Poria flour, flour and milk are combined to make poria cakes that can be used as a staple food or as a simple medicinal diet.

Have you learned the stomach nourishment strategy during the spring equinox?

Third, pay attention to the health of the stomach

During the spring equinox, all things arise, which is the stage of yang qi rising, and this period should be mainly warm supplementation. Eat less foods like lamb, dog meat, quail, marine fish, shrimp, crabs, etc., because they can cause excessive yang in the body and hurt the stomach. Once there is a stomach upset, it is important to seek medical attention in time. If you are afraid to do a gastroscope, you can choose a painless and noninvasive Anhan magnetron capsule gastroscope. The magnetron capsule gastroscope only needs to swallow the next small capsule, lie in bed for about 20 minutes to complete a comprehensive and systematic gastroscopy, and there is no discomfort in the whole process.

Have you learned the stomach nourishment strategy during the spring equinox?

Wind and thunder are stirring up in the spring, and peach willow is dressed in a new way every day. The equatorial golden sun shines on the face, and the day and night are divided equally. The vernal equinox is a wonderful solar term, according to the characteristics of the solar terms to a good stomach, the effect is doubled with half the effort!