
For you to support the | after the "double subtraction" your child "three plus"?

author:Gobi green

"Double reduction" is for students in the compulsory education stage, one subtraction: reduce the burden of homework, and two subtract: reduce the burden of off-campus training.

Let's analyze it, the signal of a reduction to us is that students do not have to carry heavy school bags, and they do not have to write homework until midnight, which really plays the role of "reducing the burden"; the second reduction benefits not only students, do not have to write homework in training schools, but also reduce the financial burden of parents.

For you to support the | after the "double subtraction" your child "three plus"?

Since the introduction of the "double reduction" policy in July 2021, the economic pressure of parents has become smaller, the children have more free time at home, the time is completely their own, it should be relatively relaxed, you can self-release, new problems have arisen, what do children do at home? Watching TV, playing games, playing crazy in the community, or... Such a problem does exist, as far as the children in my yard are concerned, some parents are busy not caring, riding bicycles in the yard, and riding bicycles to the lawn. Parents do not play a role in discipline, so that children can develop freely, but how to develop freely also requires parental discipline, that is, strict tutoring. From the dialectical thinking to consider: there is a reduction must be added, the children's homework burden is reduced, the parents' spirit and wallet are reduced, in order to let the children have a tutor to make full use of the time, increase some homework", which is conducive to the healthy development of the child's physical and mental health, but also cultivates the child's self-discipline. So how? I think it can be considered from the following three aspects:

First, read widely. Reading is divided into two categories: reading extracurricular books, as well as magazines suitable for primary and secondary school students; reading textbooks can also be "extracurricular reading books" that match textbooks. Wide range of books, open books are beneficial, no matter what kind of books as long as it is beneficial to the development of children, the accumulation of small into more. Accumulate experience and knowledge for your child's writing and language expression.

For you to support the | after the "double subtraction" your child "three plus"?

2. Arts and sports exercises. After the "burden reduction", some parents have reported music to their children: classes such as blowing and playing, sports, balls, new media such as programming, etc., most of the classes are studied on weekends, so monday to Friday night can appreciate the works of teachers or others, and then practice to consolidate what they have learned, develop the habit of reaching the standard, and finally use extracurricular habits to drive the formation of learning habits in the classroom.

For you to support the | after the "double subtraction" your child "three plus"?

3. Parent-child activities. Before "reducing the burden", parents said that every day the child did homework very late, the weekend is not homework or all kinds of training, there is no time to accompany the child now has time and does not know how to do it. In fact, there are many things to do: do housework, parents take their children to teach while doing, cultivate the habit of loving labor; prepare materials, do scientific experiments, cultivate scientific observation ability and hands-on ability; parent-child reading, discuss a small story in the book, express their own opinions and opinions, cultivate the ability to speculate; appreciate the beauty of beautiful pictures and beautiful things, talk about their own views, and cultivate aesthetic ability.

For you to support the | after the "double subtraction" your child "three plus"?

The process of raising children is a long process, parents need patience, determination and confidence, need to constantly learn ideas, need children to cooperate with parents to carry out small things education. As a parent, there will be no return without paying, and the return here refers to the child's achievements; and the parents pay, first look at the method and then talk about the return, the amount of return is determined by the degree of the child's own digestion, understanding and application. So parents should not blindly talk about their children's returns. Believe in yourself, as long as you pay, there is no regret in your heart.

For you to support the | after the "double subtraction" your child "three plus"?