
Emile (Volume II) classic quote

author:I'm Obuchi
Hi, I'm Obuchi. Now we are reading the second volume of Emile.

status quo

In the order of all things, human beings have their own place;

In the order of life, childhood has its place.

We should treat adults as human beings,

Treat your child like a child.

Put everyone in their place and let him stay there.

Emile (Volume II) classic quote



As long as people feel that there is some inadequacy and lack, they will suffer.

Our unhappiness is caused by an imbalance between our desires and our talents.

The real world is finite, while the imaginary world is infinite.

We cannot expand the real world, so let's narrow the imaginary world, because the gap between them alone leads to all suffering.

Emile (Volume II) classic quote


A person who likes to do whatever he likes is happy.

The prerequisite is that he is self-reliant and self-sufficient.

This is the case with adults living in a state of nature.

Emile (Volume II) classic quote


With natural education and free education, why should children lie to you?

Why would he tell his little friend everything instead of telling you innocently?

Because telling you the truth is more dangerous than telling your friends.

Therefore, usually you should not obstruct him at will, do not punish him, and do not force him to do anything.

Emile (Volume II) classic quote


Liking to imitate is a law of nature and a good nature.

At an age when the child's mind has not formed any perception, you must let him imitate.

Imitate the behaviors you want them to eventually form into habits,

Until they can understand and do those things out of love.

Emile (Volume II) classic quote