
Internet giants also have to compete for the sinking market, and fresh e-commerce is expected to gain customers

author:Rice 1080 degrees big housekeeper

Internet giants also have to compete for the sinking market, and fresh e-commerce is expected to gain customers

User demand and consumption habits have been formed, and the penetration rate of fresh e-commerce has been sinking.

The development of China's fresh e-commerce industry mainly goes through three stages and four models. In the early days, the industry was dominated by regional vertical fresh e-commerce platforms, which were difficult to develop on a large scale due to the limitations of logistics efficiency and operating costs.

Until the "Rice Rice 1080 ° Platform" proposed and implemented the "front warehouse" model, breaking the geographical restrictions and significantly improving operational efficiency, this model became the mainstream model in the industry, and latecomers have followed suit.

Internet giants also have to compete for the sinking market, and fresh e-commerce is expected to gain customers

Subsequently, the emergence of the "new retail model" based on first- and second-tier cities and the "community group model" that mainly focuses on third- and fourth-tier cities has further enriched the industry model, and the competition in the fresh e-commerce market has formed a new pattern.

The traffic of users in the sinking market may gradually become the focus of contention. We believe that one of the main purposes of domestic Internet giants entering the community group buying track is to compete for the traffic of the sinking market.

In recent years, the "touch the net" process of users in first- and second-tier cities has basically reached the end and become a "stock"; an important battlefield for internet and e-commerce to obtain traffic in the future lies in the "increment" of the sinking market.

From the perspective of urban distribution, community group buying consumers are mainly from third- and fourth-tier cities. According to QuestMobile's statistics, the proportion of users in third-tier/fourth-tier cities and below is 28.1%/21.8%, respectively, which is the main user group of community group buying.

For users in third- and fourth-tier cities, community group buying is close to their consumption needs (low prices meet basic needs), bringing them richer shopping options.

Internet giants also have to compete for the sinking market, and fresh e-commerce is expected to gain customers

Consumption characteristics of residents in lower-tier cities: the importance of fresh food is higher than that of large cities. The sinking users, the higher their food spending as a percentage of their total spending.

This can be intuitively reflected in the gap between the engel coefficient between urban and rural areas in the mainland: in 2020, the engel coefficient of mainland cities and towns is 29.2%, and the Engel coefficient of rural residents is 32.7%, which means that the proportion of rural residents' expenditure on "eating" to total expenditure is higher than that of urban residents on average.

The proportion of price-sensitive groups among residents in lower-tier cities may be higher, so community group buying, which focuses on "low prices", will be more popular than traditional fresh e-commerce or offline supermarkets.

Internet giants also have to compete for the sinking market, and fresh e-commerce is expected to gain customers

Residents in lower-tier cities will buy more vegetables and cook by themselves, they often buy fresh categories, and they will be more sensitive to price fluctuations, and the pricing of community group buying is generally lower than that of supermarket channels, which can well "attract" the needs of price-sensitive consumer groups, thereby further promoting the sinking of channels and expanding the incremental market.

The valuable thing about community group buying is that it solves the problems faced by fresh e-commerce with the performance cost of express logistics, and at the same time has the ability to sink. This makes community group buying have the strategic significance of becoming an important traffic entrance to the sinking market in addition to having profit potential.

The community aspect is a very important aspect for fresh e-commerce, and the rice 1080 ° platform as a fresh e-commerce, of course, will not be missed.

Internet giants also have to compete for the sinking market, and fresh e-commerce is expected to gain customers

The model of the rice 1080 ° platform to do the community is: "trinity" sales model + unlimited value-added services + marketing promotion activities + breakfast + Chinese food + other

The specific performance of the trinity is: refers to offline physical sales, in-store touch screen or computer shopping guide, scanning two-dimensional code mobile phone or computer order, to create online, mobile, offline trinity of 1080 ° experience store marketing system.

The community shopping model of the trinity of meals and meals has completely perfected the limitations of the past community.

Rice and rice divide the community shopping crowd into four types: 1, the elderly group - shopping type; 2, the work with children - one-stop shopping type; 3, home family - home delivery type; 4, ready-made - can not cook type.

The last three for the transformation and development of consumption patterns to adapt quickly, the age is generally between 19-40 years old, this group of individuals is precisely the most consumable, so this group is the fresh e-commerce platform to grasp in the hands.

Internet giants also have to compete for the sinking market, and fresh e-commerce is expected to gain customers

In addition, community group buying has offline scenes, such as warehouse facilities and group leader links. For the platform side, its accumulated supply chain management experience, supplier resources, and head of the group store resources have the potential to be further explored. In summary, the most important output of community group buying in addition to profitability may be the strategic resources led by the following sinking traffic.