
Olympic champion "treason" was attacked by the Internet: "Really don't face! ”

author:Yu Brother whispered

Last week, the Tokyo Olympics, which were postponed for a year, officially kicked off.

Global audiences have once again focused on intense events this summer.

In the 100m butterfly final held the day before yesterday (July 26), Zhang Yufei, China's new generation of "butterfly queen", was second in the second place with a difference of 0.05 seconds.

In addition to Zhang Yufei, there is another Chinese face, who is also the winner of this butterfly swim - Canadian swimmer McNeil.

Olympic champion "treason" was attacked by the Internet: "Really don't face! ”

Image source: Weibo @Houson Monkey Mu

In a later interview, McNeil said:

"Yes, I was born in China, adopted as a child, and have been growing up in Canada..."

The same is the yellow descendants, for McNichol's victory, many netizens sent her blessings.

Seeing this, I can't help but think of another Chinese in the sports world, also a world champion, one who harvested flowers and applause, and one who still bears the infamy and even the ban.

How did China's once luminous sports genius come to this point?


Her name is Yao Li and she was born into a rural family in Fuxin, Liaoning Province.

From a poor family, Yao Li was accustomed to manual work, so her physique and strength were always greater than children of the same age.

In 2000, at the county middle school sports meeting, Yao Li was discovered by sun Zhenqi, the coach of the sports school, because of her outstanding weightlifting talent.

He decided that Yao Li was a good seedling for practicing weightlifting, so he recruited Yao Li into the sports school and began to receive formal training.

Yao Li began her weightlifting career.

Olympic champion "treason" was attacked by the Internet: "Really don't face! ”

After training in sports school for a while, Yao Li met another Bole in her life, Zhu Mingwu.

Zhu Mingwu, who was the coach of the women's weightlifting team of the Liaoning Provincial Sports School at the time, was very optimistic about Yao Li and thought that she was a seed player who could win glory for the country, so Zhu Mingwu selected Yao Li to join the Liaoning Provincial Team.

Coach Zhu made a strict and careful plan for Yao Li, which was hand-in-hand, one-on-one guidance training, just so that her talent could be fully stimulated.

With unremitting efforts + rare talents, the seeds that Yao Li watered with sweat finally blossomed.

Olympic champion "treason" was attacked by the Internet: "Really don't face! ”

In 2009, gaoyang world championships grabbed the sixth place, the champion of the deadlift, and the champion of the overall result.

In 2009, the Asian Championships were 3rd in the snatch, 2nd in the deadlift and 3rd in the overall result.

In 2010, the Antalya World Championships grabbed fourth place, the champion of the deadlift and the champion of the overall result.

In 2010, he won the Guangzhou Asian Games.

In 2011. Third place in the 63 kg snatch at the World Weightlifting Championships in Paris, champion in the deadlift, runner-up overall.

In 2012, he won the London Olympic Games. And with a total score of 245 kg, he broke the Olympic record.

All of the above awards belong to a Kazakh girl named Meiya Maneza.

This splendid flower eventually blooms in the soil of a foreign country.


How did Yao Li become Maia Maneza?

The time is pulled back to 2008, when Yao Li's provincial team won the quota sent to Kazakhstan for training exchanges, and the coach elected Yao Li.

But the coach did not expect that Yao Li would never return from this trip.

Change suddenly.

Olympic champion "treason" was attacked by the Internet: "Really don't face! ”

After traveling to Kazakhstan, Yao Li quickly changed her nationality to "Kazakhstan" and changed her name to Maia Maneza.

Determined to face the world with a new name and identity from now on.

Yao Li's move will inevitably cause a lot of controversy, but everyone has the right to choose.

Moreover, the athlete yao li who changed her nationality was not the first person, which was originally beyond reproach.

But her various actions and speeches after changing her nationality can be called the realistic version of "Farmer and Snake".

Olympic champion "treason" was attacked by the Internet: "Really don't face! ”

At the 12th London Olympic Games, after Yao Li won the championship, she delivered her acceptance speech in English throughout the whole process.

In the face of the Chinese reporters interviewed, she completely pretended not to understand and asked the reporters to ask questions in English or Russian.

He also stressed that his weightlifting career has nothing to do with China, and he has lived in Kyrgyzstan since he was a child.

"I am a native of Kazakh, I am proud of my country, and although I have an oriental face, my weightlifting experience has nothing to do with China."

"My heart will always belong to Kazakhstan."

Can't wait to break the boundaries with China's Huaqing.

Olympic champion "treason" was attacked by the Internet: "Really don't face! ”

A native Chinese, after joining the foreign country, he left the motherland's cultivation of her behind, erased the Yellow Blood in his bones, and said that "he has nothing to do with China."

This is forgetting the original and forgetting the ancestors, forgetting the original intention.

For a time, the public's accusations and insults against Yao Li were overwhelming.

Yao Li's mother said in a follow-up interview:

"I am Chinese, her mother-in-law, she came out of the village at the age of 15, and her relatives, classmates and teachers can prove it."

I am an old woman from the countryside who doesn't know anything, but I know that the golden nest and the silver nest are not as good as my own grass nest. ”

Olympic champion "treason" was attacked by the Internet: "Really don't face! ”

Yao Li's departure may have a great relationship with her family.

Yao Li's father is not in good health and suffers from diabetes and needs to take medication for many years to maintain.

After the deterioration of the situation, a series of complications occurred, and in severe cases, dialysis was required, and an ordinary rural family could not afford such medical expenses.

It was during this time that Kazakhstan offered Yao Li attractive conditions, and her monthly salary of $1,000 was enough to cover her father's medical expenses.

Faced with the huge temptation of money, Yao Li gave in.

But she should never be so determined about cultivating her motherland.

We should not forget that we are a Chinese, and the blood of the Chinese nation flows through her bones.

Olympic champion "treason" was attacked by the Internet: "Really don't face! ”

In 2016, the International Weightlifting Union published a list of london Olympians who were doping positive.

The name "Maia Maneza" on the list is prominently listed.

Olympic champion "treason" was attacked by the Internet: "Really don't face! ”

The gold medal is withdrawn, the results are invalidated, and the competition is banned for life.

Cheng Ye Xiao He defeated Xiao He, and we don't need to say more about Yao Li.

Changing nationality is her choice after weighing the pros and cons, and what is chilling is that she uses drugs illegally to improve her grades and leave herself Chinese.

Chinese's pure heart and homeland spirit are the "backbone of China" that can never be overwhelmed.

Presumably, the moment she became a citizen of Kazakhstan, Yao Li was ready to give up everything.


Speaking of the "backbone of China," Mr. Qian Xuesen, the father of missiles, came to my mind.

Qian Xuesen's return to China was by no means to plant "apple trees." ”

"Qian Xuesen is worth five divisions everywhere he goes."

These two sentences of Americans to Mr. Qian have long been well-known, which also reflects the high status and weight of Qian Xuesen.

Olympic champion "treason" was attacked by the Internet: "Really don't face! ”

In 1939, at the age of 29, Qian Xuesen established the world-renowned "Carmen-Qian Xuesen" formula.

Later, he began to study rockets, missiles, aerodynamics, solid mechanics and other fields, all of which achieved remarkable results.

It laid a solid foundation for the research and development of American missiles and sounding rockets, and was one of the pioneers of the first generation of rocket research in the United States.

"Made a huge and immeasurable contribution", the United States attached great importance to Qian Xuesen at that time, and the treatment was extremely high.

But Mr. Qian regards all fame and fortune as floating clouds.

Olympic champion "treason" was attacked by the Internet: "Really don't face! ”

After the founding of New China, he immediately applied to return to China, but in the face of such a "super treasure", how could the United States easily give up?

Fame, status, money, house arrest, threats, and even fabrication of "espionage"...

Mrs. Jiang Ying, Mrs. Qian Xuesen, said:

"Powerful searchlights aimed at it 24 hours a day and did not let him rest"

But Qian Xuesen was bent on serving the country.

Finally, in 1955, he broke through many obstacles and returned to his homeland. In 1959, he joined the Communist Party of China.

Olympic champion "treason" was attacked by the Internet: "Really don't face! ”

After returning to China, Qian Xuesen gave full play to what he had learned and made every effort to contribute to the construction of new China.

On October 16, 1964, China's first atomic bomb was successfully exploded.

China became the fifth country to possess an atomic bomb after the United States, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and France.

"My career is in China, my achievements are in China, and my destination is in China."

Mr. Qian said.

Olympic champion "treason" was attacked by the Internet: "Really don't face! ”

Mr. Lu Xun wrote a passage:

"Since ancient times, we have had people who have buried their heads in hard work, people who have worked hard, people who have asked for the people's lives, and people who have sacrificed their lives to seek the law... This is the backbone of China. ”

There has never been a shortage of heroic figures in this part of China.

Scientists work day and night to study diligently, tackling one problem after another, and the country's science and technology are leading.

The athletes trained hard and desperately, won medals and medals, and washed away the shame of the "sick man of East Asia".

Olympic champion "treason" was attacked by the Internet: "Really don't face! ”

The Tokyo Olympics are still in progress, but in the past few days, I have seen that some netizens have too much malice towards the athletes who are fighting for the country.

The first gold medalist Yang Qian was scolded out of China because she had once dried Nike shoes, and Wang Luyao of the same team was scolded for taking a selfie after the game.

Olympic champion "treason" was attacked by the Internet: "Really don't face! ”

Image source: Weibo

The table tennis mixed doubles picked up silver, and someone said: "It's a shame to lose to little Japan." ”

Olympic champion "treason" was attacked by the Internet: "Really don't face! ”

Chinese athletes are human beings, not gods!

Liu Guoliang once described it in this sentence: "The pressure of the Olympic Games is 100 times that of ordinary competitions." ”

So please give our athletes a little more encouragement and a little more warmth!

Olympic champion "treason" was attacked by the Internet: "Really don't face! ”

Don't let the words of our compatriots crush the "backbone of China."

The people of the motherland support and love you!


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