
Often do not eat dinner, in addition to being able to lose weight, or there are these 4 situations, early understanding early benefit

author:Dr. Yi said

In order to be able to get a perfect body, weight loss becomes an inevitable thing, and it is especially important to lose weight in 6 words: keep your mouth shut, open your legs, and control your diet.

Often do not eat dinner, in addition to being able to lose weight, or there are these 4 situations, early understanding early benefit

In the impression of most women, skipping dinner is the greatest respect for weight loss, but can long-term skipping dinner really achieve the purpose of weight loss? The doctor said that in addition to losing weight, there may be 4 problems, I hope you will understand as soon as possible.

Can skipping dinner really help with weight loss?

The first thing we can be sure of is that skipping dinner does lead to weight loss, but once a normal diet resumes, it is likely that the rebound will be more severe.

Skipping dinner can effectively reduce the circulating consumption of food into the body, and can also reduce the components of sugars and proteins in staple foods entering the body, preventing excessive accumulation of fat and leading to obesity.

Often do not eat dinner, in addition to being able to lose weight, or there are these 4 situations, early understanding early benefit

However, long-term non-eating of dinner will cause significant fluctuations in blood sugar, which in turn will have a negative impact on the normal rhythm of insulin secretion, which will increase the burden of insulin metabolism. When the insulin secretion rhythm is disturbed, the ability of insulin to regulate fat metabolism is weakened, and it is easy to store fat in the body, resulting in an increased risk of obesity.

If you do not eat dinner, you can also cause the gastrointestinal peristaltic rhythm disorder, once the gastrointestinal peristaltic rhythm occurs disordered, its ability to transport food declines, easy to make the food eaten in the body, too much energy in the form of fat storage, will cause an increase in the risk of obesity.

Often do not eat dinner, in addition to being able to lose weight, or there are these 4 situations, early understanding early benefit

At the same time, if you do not eat dinner, it will cause obvious hunger, and then the next day's breakfast or lunch because of obvious hunger, resulting in a retaliatory diet, resulting in more energy into the body, increasing the risk of obesity.

Often do not eat dinner, in addition to being able to lose weight, or there are these 4 situations, early understanding early benefit

1. It causes insomnia

After a busy day of work and life, physical strength has been exhausted, if you do not eat dinner for a long time, not only will produce a feeling of hunger, but also let the brain has been in a state of excitement, resulting in insomnia.

2. Affect the efficiency of work and learning

Most people who continue to work overtime at night to study will consume a lot of energy. If the body cannot get energy replenishment, it will feel seriously hungry and its own attention will be diverted, thereby reducing learning and work efficiency.

Often do not eat dinner, in addition to being able to lose weight, or there are these 4 situations, early understanding early benefit

3. Loss of stomach health

Often do not eat dinner, the damage to the stomach is very large, easy to lead to gastrointestinal dysfunction, resulting in stomach ulcers, 12-finger ulcers, stomach cancer, chronic gastritis and other diseases of the incidence of increased, the need to maintain a healthy diet and living habits, in order to have a healthy stomach.

4. Reduce brain function

After a full day of work and study, physical exertion can lead to lack of concentration, affecting brain function, especially adolescents during the growth and development period, not eating dinner will affect brain development, low blood sugar or brain dysfunction problems lead to intellectual decline.

Often do not eat dinner, in addition to being able to lose weight, or there are these 4 situations, early understanding early benefit

What are the things to pay attention to when losing weight?

1, the speed of weight loss can not be too fast

Because some people are eager to succeed, but often want to speed is not up to, if the speed of weight loss is too fast, in addition to serious interference with endocrine metabolism, but also cause such as skin laxity, visceral sagging, resistance decline, insomnia, hair loss and other issues, so do not advocate more extreme weight loss methods;

2. Do not get pregnant during weight loss

Women who lose weight are not recommended to get pregnant during weight loss, because there is often an imbalance in nutritional intake during weight loss, and pregnancy during this period actually has an impact on embryo quality;

Often do not eat dinner, in addition to being able to lose weight, or there are these 4 situations, early understanding early benefit

3. Pay attention to a balanced diet

When losing weight, it is to reduce the intake of carbohydrates as the main means, but also to ensure adequate protein intake, when necessary, you can also supplement vitamin preparations to achieve nutritional balance;

4, the correct way to lose weight

If you use some extreme methods to lose weight, it is easy to cause a comprehensive decline in resistance and metabolism. This part of the population can achieve the purpose of shaping through the method of fitness, because some people do not really belong to the obese population, but there is some slack in the body shape, at this time, you can achieve the purpose of shaping through strength training and muscle exercise, and pay attention to supplementing the intake of high protein.

Often do not eat dinner, in addition to being able to lose weight, or there are these 4 situations, early understanding early benefit

These weight loss misunderstandings, have you stepped on the thunder?

Myth 1: Vomiting method to lose weight

Many people are difficult to bear the temptation of food when losing weight, and they are afraid that a momentary greed will destroy the weight loss process, so they invent a very absurd weight loss method, that is, the emetic method, and the food they like to eat meets the appetite of the mouth and stomach after eating it, and then spits it out, reducing the absorption of fat in food.

However, the harm caused by the emetic method to the body is very serious, it is likely to destroy the function of the organs, and over time it will lead to bulimia, anorexia, and even lose your life, which is not worth the loss.

Often do not eat dinner, in addition to being able to lose weight, or there are these 4 situations, early understanding early benefit

Myth 2: Starchy foods will gain weight

Eating more starch will lead to fat, from the so-called protein diet, that eating protein can lose weight, and eating starch will gain weight, in time according to authoritative department research, the total number of calories in the daily diet should have 40% to 50% of the proportion provided by starch.

Many starchy foods contain only a small amount of fat and calories, such as oats, rice, potatoes, etc., only excessive intake of starchy foods or supplemented with high-fat and high-calorie spices will play a fattening effect.

Often do not eat dinner, in addition to being able to lose weight, or there are these 4 situations, early understanding early benefit

Myth three: eat artificial sugar substitutes

It is well known that sweets are one of the causes of body fat. In order to reduce the intake of sugar, many women usually use artificial sugar substitutes, but there are studies that do not kill those so-called zero-calorie sugar substitutes, which can also lead to weight gain, even more than eating real sugar.

Because these artificial sugar substitutes will affect the function of the digestive system, damage the ability to digest, burn calories while also increasing hunger, compared to natural sugar substitutes are better, if you want to eat sweet food, you may wish to use natural sweeteners such as xylitol instead.

Often do not eat dinner, in addition to being able to lose weight, or there are these 4 situations, early understanding early benefit

Weight loss is a major event in a woman's life, want to maintain their figure at all times, in the usual must develop good living habits, follow the correct weight loss methods, in addition to scientific and reasonable diet, adhere to exercise is also essential.

Among all the ways of exercise, running is the easiest way to make people lose weight, but also can promote muscle exercise to continuously increase the heart rate, so that fat is fully burned, while reducing weight, it can also delay the aging rate and make the whole person more temperamental. #夏方养生指南 #
