
Spring ploughing preparation for ploughing is fully launched Listed companies in the industrial chain have benefited

author:First Agricultural Machinery Review

At present, it is the busy season of farming, and spring ploughing preparations are being carried out in an orderly manner throughout the country. When the growers grabbed the farmers, they made full preparations for this year's spring ploughing and spring sowing work. This year's No. 1 document of the Central Committee particularly emphasizes the need to firmly adhere to the bottom line of ensuring national food security, so many departments have launched a number of policies to benefit farmers, make every effort to grasp grain production and supply of important agricultural products, and also actively promote green planting.

The China Securities News reporter learned that at present, agricultural fertilizers, plant protection, agricultural machinery, seeds and other agricultural materials are hot, and related listed companies are expected to benefit.

Do a good job in spring ploughing production

Spring plowing is currently being carried out from south to north. The mainland is a big agricultural country, and to ensure that more than 1.4 billion people have enough to eat well, it is necessary to stabilize grain production, and the top priority is to do a good job in spring ploughing production.

This year, Hainan Province stimulated farmers' enthusiasm for growing grain through policy support for the benefit of the people, incentives and subsidies. Hunan invested 110 million yuan in 55 counties to carry out pilot projects for subsidies for rice machine transplanting and machine throwing operations, driving the province to invest more than 40,000 rice transplanters and rice throwers. Jiangxi Province has accelerated the construction of high-standard farmland and the promotion of agricultural machinery to ensure that the area sown to grain will only increase and not decrease. In Dongshao Township, Ningdu County, Ganzhou, scattered land is centrally transformed into high-standard farmland, and agricultural machinery is put into use in a large area.

Mr. Han, head of a rural cooperative in Jiaxiang County, Jining City, Shandong Province, said that the corn in Jiaxiang County has entered the stage of spring sowing. Now it is all mechanized planting, tractors, harvesters are all over the farmland, and drones have also taken on the task of spraying medicine. "How many seeds can be planted, how much can be expanded, as many food crops as possible, the income is relatively stable."

As the "Central Plains Granary" of Henan Province, which accounts for more than a quarter of the country's summer grain output, the wheat sowing area in the province continued to stabilize at more than 85 million mu this year. Among them, the high-quality special wheat was 16.28 million mu, an increase of 950,000 mu over the previous year. In addition, Henan Province also coordinates the construction of field roads, water conservancy irrigation and drainage and other engineering projects.

"At present, spring ploughing has been carried out, and this year's spring ploughing farmers are relatively high in their enthusiasm for planting corn, and generally as much as they plant each year can sell out." Mr. Shen, head of a rural cooperative in Neijiang City, Sichuan Province, said the weather was drier this year, but the government has helped farmers build reservoirs in recent years to alleviate water pressure.

The latest agricultural conditions of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs show that in addition to the northern part of Xinjiang, the winter wheat in the country has fully returned to green, the Jianghuai and Jianghan regions have begun to joint, and the southwest region is pregnant ears. Since the end of February, the temperature has risen rapidly, coupled with the good soil moisture, the winter wheat seedling conditions have rapidly transformed and upgraded.

Policy support

With the steady progress of spring ploughing, the support policy for spring ploughing and ploughing has also arrived as promised. Some departments have increased the supply of agricultural materials, some departments have promoted the scientific planting process of farmland, and some departments have increased financial support.

Since March this year, the first batch of more than 3 million tons of spring tillage fertilizer reserves in 2022 has begun to be released to the market. According to the website of the National Development and Reform Commission, as spring ploughing advances from south to north, a large number of reserve fertilizers will be put on the market in the future to ensure the fertilizer needs of agricultural production during key periods such as spring ploughing.

Agricultural irrigation is inseparable from water conservancy construction. The Ministry of Water Resources recently issued the "Key Points for the Revitalization of Water Conservancy and Rural Areas in 2022", which said that it is necessary to accelerate the construction and transformation of rural water supply projects. At the same time, focusing on industrial prosperity and food security, we will focus on promoting the construction of farmland irrigation and drainage projects; support poverty alleviation areas to do a good job in the preliminary demonstration of 150 major water conservancy projects, and accelerate the construction of major water conservancy projects under construction.

Green planting is also a major feature of spring plowing this year. The reporter learned from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs that the Agricultural Ecology and Resources Protection General Station of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs recently sunk the front-line service guidance and actively helped spring ploughing to prepare for farming. In view of the characteristics of spring ploughing production in key membrane-using areas, focus on major food crops such as corn and potatoes, vigorously promote the scientific use of mulch film technology, and enhance farmers' awareness of green production. This year, we will promote 50 million mu of thickened high-strength mulch film and 5 million mu of fully biodegradable mulch film to all localities.

Finance helps spring ploughing and preparing for farming. It is understood that during the critical period of spring ploughing production, the staff of banks, insurance and other financial institutions actively went to villages and households to provide effective financial guarantees for all kinds of new agricultural business entities. Zhan Dongsheng, president of the Agricultural Development Bank of China, introduced that around March 20 (spring equinox), the agricultural development bank is strongly and orderly supporting spring ploughing and preparing for farming. In 2022, in terms of supporting agricultural production, it is expected that the Agricultural Development Bank will invest no less than 100 billion yuan in agricultural land loans, investment-loan linkage to support the revitalization of the seed industry by 20 billion yuan, support fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural machinery and other agricultural material supply loans to invest no less than 20 billion yuan, and "vegetable basket" project loans to invest no less than 20 billion yuan.

Sales of agricultural inputs increased

With the development of spring ploughing, agricultural materials such as fertilizers, agricultural machinery, and seeds are also selling well.

Li Buxun, director of the Longping Hi-Tech Rice Industry Management Department, said that before and after the Spring Festival, we have taken various measures to promote seed promotion, and the proportion of key varieties in households accounts for more than 30% before the festival, and spring ploughing accounts for about 70% after the festival. Judging from this year's market, large varieties and good varieties are more popular, and some key varieties such as Long Liangyou, Jing Liangyou, and Wei Liangyou are sold out in some areas, and the price of seeds is basically the same as in previous years.

In order to ensure the stable production and supply of spring tillage plant protection, the production plants of Plant Protection Products of Syngenta Group in China have made full use of production capacity to ensure quality through logistics and production linkage under the premise of doing a good job in epidemic prevention, and fully guarantee the production and supply of plant protection products.

Zhang Wenlong, an analyst at Huachuang Securities Research Institute, said that the pesticide boom in the spring plowing season continued, the fertilizer cost support was strong, and enterprises with potash supply chain advantages were expected to benefit. Guosheng Securities is also optimistic about the trend of high prosperity of agricultural materials, focusing on potash fertilizers, pesticides, flat glass and soda ash industries.

"According to the shipment situation in the first two months, the sales data is still OK, and it is better than the same period last year." The relevant person in charge of Stanley said that the reason is mainly due to the rise in raw material prices in the fourth quarter of the previous year, dealers have a wait-and-see attitude, and the market has been delayed. In the context of rising food prices and the implementation of subsidy policies by the state, farmers are more willing to plant. At the same time, the No. 1 document of the Central Committee emphasizes the need to increase the planting area of soybeans and other crops to benefit agricultural fertilizers.

In terms of agricultural machinery sales, the relevant person in charge of LiuGong (6.340, 0.04, 0.63%) said: "Since the beginning of this year, the sales of agricultural machinery have been better than the same period last year, and now the country is vigorously developing agricultural mechanization, and the types of agricultural machinery are growing every year." ”

It is understood that this year LiuGong increased the production of tractors, and the company's agricultural machinery products are mainly sugarcane harvesters and tractors. The relevant person in charge of the above-mentioned LiuGong said: "The current market share of agricultural machinery production enterprises is relatively low, and everyone starts late. At present, there are policy subsidies for the purchase of agricultural machinery, and we will increase the investment in agricultural machinery. ”

Spring ploughing preparation for ploughing is fully launched Listed companies in the industrial chain have benefited

"We mainly sell rice and wheat combine harvesters, as well as crawler rotary cultivators and other agricultural machinery products, with the start of spring ploughing, sales are also rising." The relevant person in charge of Xingguang Agricultural Machinery told reporters. (Reporter Pan Yujing)