
League of Legends popular "Death Stream Sain", what is the winning rate of the whole routine?

The so-called "Death Stream Sain" is to use the high attack speed provided by Sain's passive resurrection "zombie form" to quickly dismantle the tower. Sain pushes the line quickly, the talent belt explodes, and after passive resurrection, each blow to the tower deals maximum health damage. Another portal can make a wave of soldiers and a tower. Equip the Core Giant Nine, the Raptor Cloak, the Blood Hand, and then turn the portal.

League of Legends popular "Death Stream Sain", what is the winning rate of the whole routine?

At the beginning, choose to steal the buff to transmit the line, and then go out with the corrupt potion, try to be stable in the early stage, and when you encounter a strong point, you can push the line to push the line, and the line advances to rub a blast to go, and the opposite side comes to catch and run. After the tower's defenses are gone, if a teammate comes to your aid once or twice, we'll be able to successfully take down the tower. After pushing off a tower, the brainless line should also pay attention to the position of the enemy hero, and then quickly out of the giant nine, after pushing the line of soldiers into the second tower, directly bypass the back of the broken line, when the line of troops is broken, if the opposite person catches you, you can run, you can run, you can't run back to the tower, resurrect the tower, run next to the tower and open a big move to dismantle.

League of Legends popular "Death Stream Sain", what is the winning rate of the whole routine?

Don't forget that you are carrying a blast, wait until the second tower on the road is pushed off, communicate with your teammates, let your teammates push in a group or take the canyon pioneer, and then we will go down the road. Come down like this, wait until the opposite side of the road is also gone, we watch the teammates and enemies hold each other back, steal his home highland, if you can't push it once, resurrect it, and then wait until the end of the game to win the game with a record of about 1/dozen.

League of Legends popular "Death Stream Sain", what is the winning rate of the whole routine?

Remember that this is a team game, you must interact with your teammates a lot, and give away the head to give value. Don't let your teammates think that you are here to take revenge on society, and be sure to bring the troops into the tower before sending you to death. And if the other side is obsessed with catching you, then the enemy will slowly find that it can't beat you a little bit, and then start snowballing, taking the little dragon, taking the Baron Nash. But no matter how you play, there is no 100% win rate of play, and if you lose such a game, it is easy to be detected and sent to the head.

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