
Good days in Gufu Village

Source: People's Daily - Yunnan Channel

Zhang Zaiqin, a Yi woman, can now earn more than 4,000 yuan a month, which is much better than when she opened a small restaurant before.

In July this year, the Yongping County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau invited professional teachers to the village for cooking training, and Zhang Zaiqin signed up. Fifteen days later, she went to work for a hotel in the county with a junior chef's certificate.

Zhang Zaiqin's village, called Gufu Village, is located in Longjie Town, Yongping County, Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, and is a multi-ethnic village. Surrounded by mountains, the clouds steam in the morning or after the rain, just like a fairyland on earth.

How to match the income of villagers with the good ecology of the village, the general branch of the party in Gufu Village takes the formation of the sense of the Chinese national community as the main line, strengthens the accurate service to the people of all ethnic groups, and promotes common unity and struggle, common prosperity and development.

Good days in Gufu Village

Aerial photo of Gufu Village. People's Daily Hu Zun will take photos

Grasp the "master key" of development

Zhang Zaiqin likes to cook and also likes to study cooking. A few years ago, she opened a small restaurant at the nearby highway entrance because she didn't make specialties, the plating was not professional, and the business was average. She wanted to learn to cook, but it cost money and she had to delay time.

There are many villagers like Zhang Zaiqin who want to develop and have many worries. Villager Yang Shujun raises cattle at home, but the scale is small and single, and he wants to expand the scale and introduce new varieties. But one has no technology, and the other has no funds. What to do?

Li Yongqing, secretary of the general branch of the village party, saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart. After holding several meetings, the general branch of the village party decided to ask the county human resources and social security department to invite professional teachers to conduct labor skills training, so as to make it more convenient for the people of all ethnic groups to start a business and find a job.

In 2017, the Yongping County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau invited professional teachers to the village for free breeding training, and more than 50 people signed up to participate, and Yang Shujun was also among them. What is the proportion of more standardized enclosure construction, disease prevention, feed feeding... During the 7-day training, Yang Shujun learned seriously, took the initiative to ask when he encountered something he did not understand, and also left the teacher's phone and added WeChat.

"A lot to gain!" After returning from 7 days of study, with the help of the general branch of the village party, Yang Shujun took out a loan to introduce new breeds of beef cattle, expand the scale of breeding, and breed according to the learned technology and science. In the past two years, he has more than 20 cattle at the most, and his annual income is more than 100,000 yuan. Sometimes I can't get busy, and I have to ask a small worker to help.

Coincidentally. In July this year, Zhang Zaiqin signed up for a free cooking training organized by the county human resources and social security bureau, and 15 days later, she passed the junior chef qualification examination and obtained the chef's primary qualification certificate. More importantly, she also learned the method of several specialties, and the color matching technique of the dishes has also improved a lot.

Zhang Zaiqin, who returned from school, wanted to practice first, so he closed the small restaurant and went to the county town to seek employment. Unexpectedly, after trial, she successfully settled in a hotel. Monthly package food and accommodation, salary of more than 4,000 yuan. "Better than opening a small restaurant!" She said.

Development is the "master key" to solving the problem of ethnic areas. In Gufu Village, the general branch of the village party grasped this "key" and created a number of service mechanisms, so that the people of all ethnic groups in the village listened to the party, felt the gratitude of the party, and followed the party, and the days got better and better.

Good days in Gufu Village

A corner of Gufu Village. People's Daily Photo by Li Faxing

What the Villagers Are Concerned About The general branch of the village party will try to do it

Life is better, why let the masses of all ethnic groups be more cohesive? After discussion, the general branch of the village party believed that the general branch of the village party would try to do what the villagers cared about until everyone was satisfied.

Every year near the Spring Festival, the villagers begin to kill the New Year pigs, invite guests to eat "pig killing rice", every time, adults and children are happy and harmonious, and everyone is happy in their hearts. However, in recent years, this custom has slowly changed its flavor, in the past, the neighbors gathered a few tables for a small meal, and now it is more pompous than generous, often dozens of tables, a "pig killing rice" to eat, pork left. For rural families, it not only increases the economic burden, but also causes a comparison mentality. Some families even lament that "slaughtering pigs and rice" is becoming more and more unaffordable and unaffordable.

What to do? In order to promote the change of customs and customs, in 2019, the general branch of the party in Gufu Village set up a 7-person annual pig slaughtering team, according to the needs of the villagers, the annual pig was slaughtered by the slaughtering team, advocating that "pig killing rice" should not be done.

As soon as the regulations came out, the villagers clapped their hands and said: "The burden has suddenly been reduced." They said. Today, 80% of the villagers in the village kill pigs in this way.

"Through such measures, the villagers are gradually united emotionally, the shared spiritual home is slowly built, and the confidence in development is even greater." Li Yongqing said.

When the industry prospers, the countryside prospers. The villagers have the confidence to develop, and the general party branch of Gufu Village combines the reality of the village's high altitude to guide the villagers to develop alpine ecological tea. At present, the whole village has planted more than 1,600 acres of ecological tea, which has become a new industry for the people of all ethnic groups to increase their income and become rich.

In order to reduce the cost of industrial development, this year, the village integrated the Shanghai-Dian cooperation funds, built a tea primary production institute, and created its own brand of ecological tea.

In order to enrich the cultural life of the masses of all ethnic groups in the village, the general branch of the village party also founded such national cultural activities as the "Second National Song and Dance Festival at the Beginning of the First Lunar Month," the "Ninth Temple Festival at the Beginning of the First Month," and the "Theme Day of National Unity and Progress." It has set up a children's singing team to enrich the cultural life of the masses of all ethnic groups while enhancing their identification with Chinese culture.

Under the leadership of the party, in today's Gufu Village, the pockets of the masses of all ethnic groups have bulged, the people's hearts have become more cohesive, and the strength of the officials has become more sufficient, and it has become a model for Dali Prefecture to cast a solid sense of the Chinese national community.

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