
The spring breeze in February is like scissors| the overall sales volume of the market has narrowed, and who has a more stable foundation in the car field?

author:Car power

Recently, the Association released its latest sales data for February 2022. Among them, only 14 models in the field of cars have sold more than 10,000, and the 15th place has fallen into the "thousand" level.

The spring breeze in February is like scissors| the overall sales volume of the market has narrowed, and who has a more stable foundation in the car field?

Affected by the Spring Festival holiday, the overall sales volume of the market narrowed in February this year, which is of little reference to the annual sales. However, we can still see that some models have gained a firm foothold and may continue to "soar".

The ranking of the "top three" is basically stable

Xuanyi and Langyi, the "two brothers", have been "fighting" in the top three regions for many years, and have both established their "sales king" status.

The spring breeze in February is like scissors| the overall sales volume of the market has narrowed, and who has a more stable foundation in the car field?

As for Hongguang MINI, which has squeezed out "Double Escape" many times and won the championship, its performance in recent months has shown a slight decline. In the end, Nissan Xuanyi and Volkswagen Langyi remained the top and runners of the February car sales list.

Obviously, these two cars have not only always been the best in the field of compact cars, but also the preferred models for the majority of family users. Especially after they have been remodeled and replaced, the strategy of "selling on the same stage" of new and old products adopted has beaten other opponents one after another, making their sales far ahead.

The spring breeze in February is like scissors| the overall sales volume of the market has narrowed, and who has a more stable foundation in the car field?

On the other hand, the Hongguang MINI will undoubtedly gradually exist as a "just needed" model for daily transportation. It is still expected to perform well in the coming period. Not only that, SAIC-GM-Wuling is also continuing to "add weight" to this national car - new models such as the convertible version and the Game Boy version will be unveiled one after another, and maintain the product popularity as much as possible.

The real "protagonist" of February is TA

Year-on-year increase of 1289.7% – can you remember when the last time you saw such a figure? ......

I guess you won't remember—because, almost never.

For a long time, the domestic car segment has been occupied and dominated by joint venture brands. Leaving aside the B-class car and the Hongguang MINI , it is difficult to look at the most mainstream A-class car market alone, and it is difficult for a Chinese brand car to maintain a stable monthly sales of the top five.

But this time, the BYD Qin series did it.

The spring breeze in February is like scissors| the overall sales volume of the market has narrowed, and who has a more stable foundation in the car field?

In February, BYD Qin series sold a total of 24,501 units. Although the association did not announce the specific sales data of its various models, from the previous visits of "Car Power" in Chongqing's local 4S stores, the proportion of DM-i hybrid models is quite high; at the same time, the Qin Pro, which has improved its appearance and is quite cost-effective after the upgrade, also has a good market performance.

Not only that, but the rising fuel price since the New Year has also contributed to the hot sales of the BYD Qin series on the other hand - especially the EV models with low prices and good space, as well as the DM-i models that are more competitive in fuel economy, and have become the absolute "stars" in the dealer store.

It is foreseeable that Qin will become the heavyweight "protagonist" of Chinese brand cars in the market at present and even for a long time in the future.

Asian Dragon on the "Podium"

11,236 units, which is the February report card handed over by The Asian Dragon; in my memory, it is also the first time it has appeared in the top 15 of the car sales list.

Previously, the author has been very optimistic about the market performance of the Asian Dragon. For this standard B+ class model, its monthly sales have also continued to grow from 5,000-6,000 units at the beginning of the market to the current "breaking 10,000" performance.

The spring breeze in February is like scissors| the overall sales volume of the market has narrowed, and who has a more stable foundation in the car field?

Before the advent of the Asian Dragon, the sales performance of the B+ class sedan segment can be described as rarely bright spots - LaCrosse is still relatively strong, can stabilize at about 2000-3000 vehicles, but the price after the terminal discount has been close to the B-class car; as for the Taurus, which has been depressed, it has gradually faded out of people's vision; not to mention the Citroën C6, the monthly sales target of "breaking 100" is successful.

On the other hand, the Asian Dragon, which was born in the US market, appears to be more "like a fish" after coming to China - whether it is its own absolute sales or relative to the sales ratio of Camry, the acceptance of the Asian Dragon by domestic consumers is obviously very good.

The spring breeze in February is like scissors| the overall sales volume of the market has narrowed, and who has a more stable foundation in the car field?

The Asian Dragon, which has entered the Chinese market, seems to be breaking the spell of "dragging its legs" of B+ Class cars – in fact, its strong competitiveness can be felt only from the pricing aspect.

First of all, whether it is a gasoline version or a hybrid version of the model, the Asian Dragon is not much more expensive than the Camry, giving people a sense of "no money"; at the same time, it also reduces the configuration on the entry-level version to achieve the role of pulling down the price "threshold" of the entire car series, which makes people feel that this flagship product is full of sincere pricing strategy.

Finally, don't forget that the large number of parts shared between the Asian Dragon and lexus ES has also directly improved its own model grade a lot.

Therefore, I am ready to summarize the current hot selling situation of The Asian Dragon in one sentence:

The pricing is higher than the Camry, but the positioning is also higher than the Camry; the pricing is lower than the Lexus ES, but the "three big pieces" are about equal to the ES.

At the end of the article, we should also mention the BMW 3 Series - after its replacement, although the comfortable product positioning has been criticized, its market sales have only increased.

It can also be seen from this that the real purchasing power has never been in the hands of the "keyboard man".