
Gold three silver four to recruit HR a few suggestions

Gold three silver four to recruit HR a few suggestions


Do a good job of recruitment

You have to cross professional and cognitive bottlenecks

After working for a while, everyone will face a problem: Am I continuing to do the recruitment work, doing deep work in the vertical direction? Or do you do training, employee relations, or performance and move on a holistic and horizontal scale?

The choice of these two development paths has a certain relationship with the value anchor behind it: to develop horizontally is because you know that you have shortcomings and want to make up for them further; to develop vertically, you know that you are very strong in this regard and want to make a breakthrough at a single point.

There are few opportunities for overall development at the headquarters of group companies; usually in small and medium-sized enterprises or branches.

To develop horizontally and horizontally, closer to the business, and to develop vertically, it is more focused on functions. People who are eager to develop in a comprehensive way have a stronger job appeal; those who focus on vertical development advocate "professionalism creates value"...

Whether the future is horizontal development or vertical development, many recruitment HR will encounter such confusion:

Gold three silver four to recruit HR a few suggestions

We have worked for 5 years, but the experience and skills and the people who have worked for 2 years are not much different; they will only receive instructional recruitment tasks to promote, and they do not have the awareness or ability to organize diagnosis; the recruitment work done is fragmented and lacks the "system" sense of recruitment management;

The ability to link and decode strategically is still very lacking; although it is insufficient to understand, it lacks direction and guidance; I want to frequently jump jobs and promote my position, but I lack professional accumulation...

A big reason for this confusion is that we always mask strategic laziness through tactical diligence.

You may be able to recruit from 10 people per week to 15 people per week; but you have never considered your future career development and cognitive upgrading from a higher dimension.

Without "dimensionality-raising thinking", there is no way to "reduce dimensions".

Let's clarify the advanced labels and boundaries of recruitment HR from basic to high-level professional growth (below).

When we grow up to the level of recruitment managers, we must begin to learn to think systematically and know how to plan layouts.

This is also the main reason why we share the construction of the recruitment system today.

Gold three silver four to recruit HR a few suggestions

Remember, it's not that hiring is low, it's the way you do things that makes people feel like the job of recruiting is low.


What exactly is what we often call a "recruitment system"?

The recruitment system of a company with mature recruitment management generally consists of six parts:

1) Institutional rules

The recruitment management system is the lowest "code" of each company's recruitment management system.

On the basis of this code, there may be some other systems or guidelines (such as the management method of the headhunting channel, the management specification of the background check, the guidelines for the use of the recruitment platform, etc.) as a "patch".

The design of the recruitment management system is based on business and management needs. Take into account the coordination and implementation of rules, and conduct regular review and optimization to highlight the professional and management value of recruitment.

It generally meets the requirements of these aspects:

Perspective on business and management needs: We design what kind of system business and management currently need.

For example, in a startup, executives may recruit some relatives in; so from a management point of view; can you design a "relative avoidance system" to regulate it?

Focus on the synergy of institutional rules: When a new system is born, do other systems need to be followed up accordingly?

For example, the "Management Specification for Background Investigation" has been drafted before; but now we have introduced headhunting services, and sometimes let the headhunting company back-adjust on behalf of the headhunting company; then the original system needs to be improved accordingly.

Focus on landing to form a closed loop: will the systems fight each other? Are there still gaps in some links?

Grasp the important priority order: If campus recruitment is held every year; but the recruitment session is not held much; then the management system of campus recruitment is relatively more important.

Orderly promotion of iterative upgrading: According to the needs of business and management, sometimes some systems need to be revised from time to time.

2) Recruitment channels

The management of recruitment channels should be results-oriented; and it needs to pay attention to and continuously improve the suitability of delivery, the operational quality of the channels and the evaluation of effectiveness.

First of all, you need to know what recruitment channels can be used; then you need to know which channels are most effective in different positions, forming tools (such as channel matrix and channel resource cards);

Secondly, you must also learn to operate the channel and maximize the value of the development channel (such as by organizing the annual headhunting meeting, focusing on the release of positions, improving bargaining power, and reducing recruitment costs);

Finally, when you have used these channels, you must also review the channels; through the time, quality, benefits, cost and other dimensions to carry out post-evaluation.

Gold three silver four to recruit HR a few suggestions

3) Team management

To build a high-level recruitment team, it is necessary to "vertically to the end, horizontal to the edge", strengthen the professional capacity building of recruitment, and build recruitment resources.

"Vertical to the end" needs to pay attention to two aspects:

Think about how to improve the rank of team members: recruitment professional ability / recruitment delivery from simple to complex; the knowledge structure of recruitment is further upgraded; and the scale and level of team management in recruitment are further improved.

Think about how to get team members to a position; consider the personal career development of the recruiting team so that they have the opportunity to be promoted.

"Horizontal to edge" needs to pay attention to three aspects:

Product strength. Make the hiring department an output department in the company; not a department that only receives instructions. Think about what recruiting jobs can evolve into products; simplify complex issues and make back-office work front-end.

For example, we can develop some courses, often to new employees or business departments to talk about how the recruitment work is accepted and carried out; who is in the recruitment team, what are the recruitment processes and systems... Through these publicity, let everyone understand recruitment better; make the recruitment work more valuable and more existential.

Propagation. Construction of recruitment resources. It mainly refers to the reserve of information such as the research of the industry/target company, the drawing of the talent map and the portrayal of user portraits. Without these resources, no matter how delivered, it is the foundation of your life.

4) Recruitment system

Gold three silver four to recruit HR a few suggestions

The recruitment system refers to the "1+ X" information construction.

"1" refers to the HR recruitment management system. Like some well-known enterprises, they are using Kenjia's smart recruitment cloud system to simplify personnel workflows and reduce human resource management costs.

"X" refers to other information means such as excellent and explosive micro-recruitment H5 copywriting, WeChat community operation, and school recruitment video written test.

We need to look at these new technologies and tools with an open and curious mindset; use these technologies and tools to improve the effectiveness of recruitment; and keep the cognitive system and capabilities upgraded.

5) Recruitment process

We must not only know how to draw the recruitment flow chart, but also clarify the rights and responsibilities, sort out the procedures, and simplify, pre-position, parallel, etc. according to the actual work needs to optimize and improve the efficiency of the recruitment work.

For example, whether the written test, interview or one side and two sides can be carried out on the same day; when the business needs are urgent, whether we can move the preparation review back, etc.; through centralized or decentralized, pre-or-post, serial or parallel flexible processing, make the recruitment process more efficient, rather than passively waiting for the completion of each link.

6) Cost budget

It is necessary to be guided by business awareness, establish a recruitment cost management framework, strengthen budget and process control, and improve the effectiveness of recruitment and production.

It mainly includes three aspects: recruitment cost tracking: budgeting and process control of recruitment costs of the group and subsidiaries; understanding the flow of recruitment costs.

Recruitment cost analysis: according to business units, cadre levels, special activity classification, time distribution and other dimensions; the recruitment cost expenditure is structured analysis; so as to dig out unreasonable expenditure, optimize and improve.

Recruitment and production optimization: Optimize the input-output ratio of recruitment costs by centralizing procurement of recruitment channels, internal rewards and penalties for expense expenditures, and restrictions on the use of headhunting channels; or internal incentives and internal headhunting team construction.

These are the six components of the recruitment system. When you encounter problems in the recruitment process, you can put it into these six parts to enrich and think; so as to achieve your own cognitive upgrade.

Gold three silver four to recruit HR a few suggestions


A few suggestions for recruiting HR advanced

1) Take the analysis and diagnosis of recruitment needs as the starting point, actively improve the requirements of recruitment work, shape professional value judgments, and enhance the influence on the business;

Usually we receive recruitment needs, and will make basic judgments on the recruitment positions, such as the number of recruits, the time of arrival, job responsibilities, job qualifications, recruitment reasons, current establishment, relevant business objectives, achievement of key performance indicators, future business planning, etc.

But this is not enough. Because some positions, in fact, there is no need for external recruitment.

In addition to understanding these basic information, we also need to conduct an in-depth analysis of the position. In terms of adequacy, we need to understand whether external talents can match the current business needs; including business direction, ability, experience, ability, etc.;

We provide requirements such as rank and salary to target candidates. From the necessity point of view, we must conduct an inventory of internal stock talents (whether internal talents have met the needs but the positioning is missing);

Organizational diagnosis (whether it is an organizational level problem, such as unreasonable architecture settings, insufficient professional training and other factors) and the impact of business maturity, management style and employment preferences.

With this deep thinking, you can exert professional influence on the business unit, not just as a recruiting tool.

2) Precipitate recruitment work experience, consolidate professional foundation and upgrade cognitive system, and complete personal career leap and development;

Here are a few things you can do:

Link strategy, perspective on the business: deeply understand the strategy, improve the communication ability across the organization and team; deepen the interaction with the business, in order to boost the business as the value of the return. Only by understanding the strategy can we know how the recruitment work should be adapted to the strategy; we can know how to decompose the recruitment work.

Strategically driven, forward-looking layout: pay attention to cross-border competitors and new industry formats (such as new retail, agriculture, robotics, etc.), talent reserve; establish professional value judgments, shape career labels: establish in-depth understanding of the subdivision of recruitment fields, and create personal career labels.

Focus on industry dynamics: Pay close attention to industry business and talent dynamics; enhance sensitivity to business and talents; and shape the image of industry recruitment experts.

Active management awareness of recruitment work: promote the deployment of the recruitment system through organizational diagnosis; complete recruitment tasks in non-passive response, and synergize to promote the improvement of organizational capabilities.

Take the point to lead the face, break through the core key talents: through the completion of the recruitment of key talents above the director, the use of the circle layer to resolve the recruitment pressure.

Recruitment resource sharing: Through the sharing of talents, tools, methodologies, channels and other resources, promote the improvement of team delivery ability and professionalism.

Industry in-depth research: The final fight for HR recruitment is never how many resources you have in your hands; it is your understanding and penetration of the industry. You can use competitive product analysis, industry salons, training sharing and other means to make your understanding of the industry more profound.

Recruitment team construction: mentioned above, will not be repeated.

Gold three silver four to recruit HR a few suggestions

3) Human resources and recruitment work should avoid falling into professional deep wells, and more from customer needs, work outputs and results and assumptions;

Keep these three points in mind:

Start with assumptions, not best practices: Don't assume that the experience of Company A doing well will necessarily apply to Company B. Be careful to hypothesize, careful to verify, combine the company's management foundation with the current situation of the business; and do not learn from excellent corporate practices without thinking.

Start with the customer's needs, not the functional expertise: you have carefully designed the framework and system, and made a bunch of beautiful tools and tables; but it does not solve the customer's pain points, it is meaningless. Start with the actual needs of your customers, not just your expertise.

Start with results, not activities: from focusing on inputs and outputs; from focusing on professional activities to focusing on results and contributions, avoiding "self-amusement".

In addition, recruiters should also strive to create and cultivate personal IP in the workplace; enhance the monetization ability of personal brands and products.

First of all, we must improve our cognition and find our own shortcomings in order to find our own positioning. Let the professional advantages match their own resources with their interests and personalities; through trial and error, calibration, and then in-depth focus, find the direction of future development.

In this process, seize the opportunity to create a prominent workplace success event; let your market value jump.

Whether it is horizontal development or vertical development, we must be diligent in strategy and tactics. The recruitment work itself is not without value, but our thinking about this piece is not familiar with it, and we have not insisted on it.

Usually, as long as you deeply understand the "system sense" of recruitment work; and through deliberate practice of "ascending thinking"; and constantly enrich and improve the cognitive structure, the annual salary of millions will no longer be a dream.