
Overcrowding is harmful, and driving without a license is even more unspeakable

author:Huangshan Radio and Television Station

Squeeze in and you're there

If the picture is convenient, there will be one more person


Both are cars overcrowded

Or other vehicles overcrowded

There are always thousands of reasons for illegal drivers

Can occur in the event of a traffic accident

The consequences are unimaginable

Expose typical cases of violations of the law that have been investigated and punished recently

Case 1

On March 14, the Huangshan Traffic Police Highway Seven Brigade police seized a car overcrowding violation in the S42 Huangfu Expressway Yaniu Descending Service Area.

At 16:25 p.m., when a small car with a plate of Zhejiang B5***3 drove into the parking area of the S42 Huangfu Expressway Yaniu Descending Service Area, it was observed by careful police through the thick rear window glass that there seemed to be four people sitting in the back row, plus two people in the front row, and the car was suspected of being overcrowded.

Overcrowding is harmful, and driving without a license is even more unspeakable

After investigation, the car was loaded with 5 people, 6 people and 1 person. It is understood that in order to bring his family back to his hometown at one time, the driver Zhang Moumou let six people squeeze into a five-seat car. The police punished Zhang X's illegal behavior of overcrowding in accordance with the law, and ordered him to transfer the overcrowded personnel.

Case 2

At about 16:00 on March 11, when the Huangshan Traffic Police High-speed Seventh Brigade was on duty in the S42 Huangfu Expressway Yaniu Drop Service Area, a white passenger car was suspected of overcrowding.

The driver, Dong Mou, told the police: "The people on the car are all co-workers, anxious to go to a construction site to work, and only 1 person is overcrowded, whether they can open a side." The police explained the harm of overcrowding to the driver and informed him that the law was not merciless and must be punished according to law.

Overcrowding is harmful, and driving without a license is even more unspeakable

Subsequently, the police punished Dong Mou's illegal behavior of overcrowding in accordance with the law and ordered him to transfer the overcrowded personnel.

Case 3

On March 13, when the police of the Huangshan Traffic Police Highway Seven Brigade conducted a routine inspection of a white car in the S42 Huangfu Expressway Yaniu Descending Service Area, the driver of the car said that he forgot to bring his id and that the electronic driver's license was not registered. Subsequently, an identity card number was reported to the police, as well as information such as the quasi-driving type, mobile phone number, and driver's license examination time related to the identity card number.

Overcrowding is harmful, and driving without a license is even more unspeakable

After the police inquired through the police terminal, they found that the photo corresponding to the ID card and the driver's appearance were different. Subsequently, the police persuaded and educated the driver, let him truthfully provide his driver's license information, and the driver honestly admitted that he did not have a driver's license, and the ID card just said was a friend's. The driver will be fined 1,000 yuan, and can also be punished with an administrative penalty of detention of up to 15 days.

Overcrowding is harmful, and driving without a license is even more unspeakable
Overcrowding is harmful, and driving without a license is even more unspeakable

> Traffic police tips <

The dangers of overcrowding


It will make the vehicle unstable

Overcrowding causes the vehicle to exceed its load capacity, which will increase the instability of the driver in the driving process, so that the vehicle inertia increases, the braking distance is lengthened, and the danger is correspondingly increased.


It will be easy to burst tires and get out of control

If it is seriously overcrowded, the vehicle is very easy to cause tire bursts, sudden deflection, brake failure, steering out of control and so on due to excessive tire load and excessive deformation.


Make escape and rescue harder

Especially in the event of accidents such as traffic accidents and spontaneous combustion of vehicles, vehicle overcrowding brings great difficulties to passengers to escape and rescue the injured.


It is easier to take risks

Overcrowded vehicles often evade inspections, and traffic police on duty "hide and seek", either speeding or driving at night.


Passengers without seats are the most dangerous

The overcrowded part of the passengers has almost no safety protection, and in the event of an emergency such as a vehicle rolling over, it will be the first casualty.

Driving without a license

(1) The common name of driving a motor vehicle without obtaining a motor vehicle driving license is "driving without a license". "Driving without a license" is divided into the following situations:

1. Do not have any motor vehicle driving license.

2. The driver's license does not match the model of the driving vehicle, and is also commonly known as "quasi-driving discrepancy".

3. The driver's license is revoked, temporarily withheld, or revoked by the public security organs due to a traffic accident or other illegal conduct.

Article 19 of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates: "Driving a motor vehicle shall obtain a motor vehicle driver's license in accordance with law. ”

Drivers must be trained, reach the required school hours and miles, master skilled driving skills, pass an exam and obtain a driver's license before they can drive on the road. Driving without a license is a serious traffic violation and one of the major traffic safety hazards.

(3) How to punish unlicensed driving

According to Article 99 of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, if any of the following acts are committed, the public security traffic management department shall impose a fine of not less than 200 yuan but not more than 2,000 yuan: (1) Driving a motor vehicle without obtaining a motor vehicle driving license, having a motor vehicle driver's license revoked, or driving a motor vehicle while the motor vehicle driver's license has been temporarily withheld;

(2) Handing over a motor vehicle to a person who has not obtained a motor vehicle driver's license or whose motor vehicle driver's license has been revoked or temporarily withheld;

(3) Fleeing after causing a traffic accident, which does not yet constitute a crime;

(4) The motor vehicle drives more than 50 percent of the prescribed speed;

(5) Forcing the driver of a motor vehicle to drive a motor vehicle in violation of road traffic safety laws and regulations and requirements for the safe driving of a motor vehicle, causing a road traffic accident that does not yet constitute a crime;

(6) Forcibly passing in violation of traffic control provisions, and not listening to dissuasion;

(7) Intentionally destroying, moving, or altering transportation facilities, causing harmful consequences, which does not yet constitute a crime;

(8) Illegally intercepting or detaining motor vehicles, not heeding dissuasion, causing serious traffic jams or relatively large property losses.

Where the perpetrator has any of the circumstances in items 2 and 4 of the preceding paragraph, he may concurrently be sentenced to the revocation of the driver's license of a motor vehicle; where there are any of the circumstances in items 1, 3, 5 to 8, he may be detained concurrently for not more than 15 days.

Hope the majority of drivers

Eliminate overcrowding, unlicensed and unlicensed

Traffic violations such as drunk driving

Travel safely and civilly

Source: Huangshan traffic police