
Ancient stitching monster Immortal Zhou Yu, the skill stacking is too obvious, this attitude is really disgusting

author:Three Kingdoms Tinker Bell

Ancient stitching monster Immortal Zhou Yu, the skill stacking is too obvious, this attitude is really disgusting! #三国杀移动版 #

This issue of Tinker Bell brings you the last boss of the Battle of Kings, Xian Zhouyu. Friends who do not understand the rules of the Battle of Kings mode game, you can click on the link at the end of the article, which has the rules of the game detailed by Ding Dong.

Ancient stitching monster Immortal Zhou Yu, the skill stacking is too obvious, this attitude is really disgusting

Zhou Yu /[3]-7 Blood

Reinforcements: During the draw phase, you can draw two extra cards.

Strange: Locking skills, you are not affected by the delay card and the chain of iron ropes.

Tianwei: Locking technique, your martial arts card can not be turned over or removed from the game.

During the card playing phase, you can assign another character, choose a suit to draw one of your hands and show it. If the card is different from the chosen suit, you deal a little fire damage to it, and the character then gets the card once per turn.

Souls: During the card draw phase, you can use or reforge any of your cards as a ♣ chain of wires, limited to once per turn.

Jade Soul: Fighting skills, locking skills, black kills are not effective for you, you can't be the ♠ ♣ target of the and tips.

Back to heaven; Forge a spell, lock skill, turn start selling your stamina to a 1 point.

Ancient stitching monster Immortal Zhou Yu, the skill stacking is too obvious, this attitude is really disgusting

The first three skills are the standard skills that bosses will have in the Battle of Kings, and it is mainly used to ensure the boss's ability to pass cards and the ability to be free of control.

Let's look at Zhou Yu's four skills as an enhanced counterpoint. Its operation process is exactly the same as that of the anti-ma, mainly to strengthen the damage hit in the attack is not a normal damage, but a fire attribute damage.

Ancient stitching monster Immortal Zhou Yu, the skill stacking is too obvious, this attitude is really disgusting

Zhou Yu's five skills are Pang Tong's chain, but they are much weaker than Pang Tong, and this guy can only use it once a round. However, the fire attribute damage combined with the three skills can indeed hit an extraordinary suppression.

Next is Zhou Yu's Tenward Technique, which is a combination of curtain and older than forbidden perseverance. To put it bluntly: immunity to all black cards.

Ancient stitching monster Immortal Zhou Yu, the skill stacking is too obvious, this attitude is really disgusting

The last skill is also the standard motivation skill for the bosses, ensuring that they have a good recovery ability.

Overall, this Zhou Yu's skills are some familiar skills, it can be said that he is the earliest stitching monster martial artist, his skills are very obvious, giving people a very disgusting feeling, not the skill effect is disgusting, but the planning is not careful, making people feel very disgusting. And the skill intensity is also 10 points low, if it is 4 to 1, Zhou Yu may be beaten without the ability to fight back.

Ancient stitching monster Immortal Zhou Yu, the skill stacking is too obvious, this attitude is really disgusting

Well, the content of this issue is like this, like friends can like and pay attention to DingDong, DingDong will be killed in the hand and so on by our next issue goodbye bye bye. Go to the official website

Do you remember the ancient Battle of Kings and God of War Return modes? It's just that it has never been officially recognized

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