
What do you think of the shame?

In the past few days, I have received several private messages asking me how to take care of Teacher Wei Jia's words about the Disgrace Hall.

Off-topic, I use pinyin, every time I type chirutang, the first one that comes out always eats lactose, is sugar still divided into lactose and old sugar, or where is the custom of eating lactose?

I am actually very clear about what kind of answers I want to get in private messages from my netizens.

First of all, if he felt that this was not a thing, he would not ask.

Secondly, since he thinks it is a thing, it is not a good thing, there are so many games, there are more comments or commentaries at a high level, and no one asks me how I think.

Finally, since it is not a good thing, it is nothing more than wanting me to criticize it, to show that I am in the same group as him, and to think the same way.

Sorry, I really don't think the same thing.

Because, my first reaction, and my current thoughts, are one: it's not a thing at all, it's normal basketball commentary language, and it doesn't touch any bottom line.

So some netizens said, let me write an article, saying that what is said is the boundary of comments.

This brings me to two recent events.

The first thing is my personal experience.

People who often read my articles, or Weibo and Tencent community number, know that I like to ridicule. Watching the ball, everyone is a picture of fun. If your goal is to get an education, you're in the wrong place. As Guo Degang said, I don't have to bear the responsibility of education for everything. Are you so short of education, you have to be educated to listen to a crosstalk, watch a basketball to be educated, watch a TV series to be educated. I have more objects of ridicule, in 2020, I like to ridicule the Clippers, kawaii, peppers, green, this year like to ridicule the Lakers, Westbrook, Simmons, Irving has been ridiculed for many years.

Recently, there have been a few netizens' comments, which can be seen as Wei Shao's fans, private messages scolding me, leaving messages to scold me, involving my family, and doing my best to insult the language, which made me look very bad, I don't want to say specific details, but the comments of these netizens are obviously touching the bottom line.

I teased Westbrook, most of which was aimed at Westbrook's performance on the field, "Westbrook and Tucker, proving that they, like James's thick eyebrows, are players who can't be traded." His remarks on the scene, I commented very little, including many netizens criticized the "family is the most important", I actually think that there is not much wrong. As for his family, I also joked once, "Westbrook finally showed the toughest defense of the season: Russell Westbrook in the post-match press conference, and Nina Westbrook (Mrs.) and Ray Westbrook (brother) on Twitter. Any normal person, as long as his education is not obtained by listening to crosstalk or watching TV dramas, should see that I have not attacked him personally with vicious language, nor have I fabricated facts.

The second thing is about the battle between Gong Hanlin and Feng Xiaoting.

Gong Hanlin slammed the national football team, Feng Xiaoting came out to ridicule, "give way to Gong Hanlin", and then caused many people to take sides, Feng Gong joined, so many years do not watch football, want to kill you.

On this matter, my point of view is, "Gong Hanlin to Feng Xiaoting, as long as no one reports, to use public power to suppress the other side, it is generally a good thing." ”

From a personal point of view, I support Gong Hanlin, your national football level is not high, do not blame others for criticism. From another point, Feng Xiaoting did not scold the street, nor did he humiliate Gong Hanlin himself and his family, all his remarks were normal discussion scope and did not touch the bottom line.

The logic behind this is to use a phrase commonly used in TV dramas: I don't agree with your point of view, but I swear to defend your right to speak to the death.

Even if you lack tutoring, lack of school education, 90% of the education is obtained by watching TV, you can understand this sentence.

Combining these few things, I will talk about what I think is the bottom line of comment.

The bottom line of comments is time-by-time and region-specific. In the United States today, any topic involving skin color, race, or religion is now a highly sensitive topic. Some time ago I chatted with a few American friends, I used to like a nonsense cartoon drama "Family Guys", now many episodes should not be broadcast, many of the topics they ridicule, are politically incorrect.

For our basketball commentary, I think the first bottom line is not to make up the facts.

This is easy to distinguish, originally Gong Hanlin is reasonable, you have to post a fake Ou Chuliang signature, you are looking for embarrassment for yourself.

Second, don't attack individuals and family members.

There is no need to dwell on this.

In fact, I think most people who can read on the Internet know in their hearts where the general boundaries are. Whoever attacked me, didn't he know that it was wrong to do so? Those who want me to comment, and also know that Guan Weijia's words have not crossed the bottom line, if you really think that the bottom line is crossed, you will certainly not ask my opinion.

Over the past few years, I know that the kind of people who have no quality and look for education everywhere are very few. Even if they are disgusting, as long as they can adjust their mentality, there is actually no big harm. Whoever has not stepped on the when he goes out, who has not had a fly on him, the nausea is temporary, but as long as you don't go into the dung pit yourself, there will be no big problem.

The latter, thinking that the teacher is wrong, I think it should be more vigilant.

The Lakers have played so badly this season, the team has lost the most points in the first quarter of history, and the first quarter of the team's history has the fewest points, these are not the team's honor records, right? It is no exaggeration to say that it is a record of shame. If you can record shame, isn't that the hall of shame? I know there must be people who say that this is different, that is different, this is not the point, the starting point is to say that the Lakers are not playing well, the players are not performing well. Go around, or those few words, competitive sports, dishes are the original sin, happy you play so bad, just let others comment on you. From Jordan to Kobe Bryant, such a powerful character, the criticism has gone a lot, you are a Los Angeles giants team sitting in the West sitting 9 and 10, what can not be criticized?

If the Hall of Shame is not right, then what is the wrong boundary?

Is your ideal live match stream like this? The commentary and commentary from beginning to end are praise: this player has so much strength in his hands that he can hit the timer; this player knows how to distribute physical strength and is good at forking his waist; this coach is loving, leading by 19 points, and the big score is 3-1, and he can wait for others to give up his victory to others; this player is so flexible that he can fall to the ground on skin contact; this referee has really large lung capacity, and can blow a whistle in thirty seconds. After a few games, there will be no words in the back, because you can't say the same thing over and over again, as long as you say that the ball is really round, there are no edges and corners; these players are really physically good, and they all persist until the end of the game.

This should not be the scene you want.

If the Hall of Shame can't say, the next time every commentator has to think about what can be said and what can't be said before speaking. Fortunately, before I ridiculed kawaii and bubble pepper, no one scolded me, if someone scolded me so bottomlessly, I may rarely speak, and for a moment I suddenly understood why Luo Xiang quit Weibo.

If everyone is silent and all eyes are flies, isn't that a dung pit?

Besides, a basic dialectic, since you have players you like, you have players you hate. According to my observation, the more you dislike players, the more you hate certain players. Most people who don't allow others to criticize their favorite stars, the more harshly they criticize the stars they hate.

Every time we defend each other's right to criticize, we are defending our own space for praise.

Basketball, sports, all belong to the category of entertainment. This should be the most careless and casual place for everyone, if this can not be said, then what is the boundary?

One of the phenomena I've observed is that recently entrepreneurs are coming out and talking less and less.

Every time someone who restricts himself or herself from speaking is a stitch in his mouth.

When the mouth is sewn and cannot be opened, whether it is lactose or old sugar, you will not be able to eat it in your mouth.

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