
To the void pole, keep quiet. All things work together, and I watch them return

author:Half-dreamers and half-awake zeroers
To the void pole, keep quiet. All things work together, and I watch them return

To the void pole, keep quiet. All things work together, and I watch them return. Husbands and wives, each returned to its roots. In the final analysis, it is quiet, and it is quiet and restored. Resurrection is often known, and knowledge is often known. I don't know how to be delusional, and I am arrogant. Knowing the constant, Rong is the public. The whole is the whole, the whole is the heavens, the heavens are the Way, the way is long, and there is no body that is immortal.

Lao Tzu said: Reach the extreme of emptiness, and keep the thickest place of silence. Everything grows together, and I come to watch them cycle back and forth. All things, though colorful, are all about to return to their roots. Returning to its roots is called stillness, and stillness is called returning to its mission. Replying to its mission is called constant, and understanding this "constant" is called "ming." If you don't know "constant", misbehaving will have unlucky consequences. To understand this "constant" is to be accommodated, and to be accommodated is to be just. Justice can be comprehensive, comprehensive is the Way of Heaven, the Way of Heaven is the Way, the Way can be permanent, even if there is no body, it will not slacken off.

To the void pole, keep quiet. All things work together, and I watch them return

As a sage of the Chinese nation, Lao Tzu did nothing in his life, and when he left the Hangu Valley in the west, he left behind a great work that shook the ancient and modern times, "Tao Te Ching". In the Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu expounds that behind the movement of heaven and earth is the fertilization of the "Tao", and the operation of the Tao follows the principle of "the movement of the opposite Tao, the use of the Tao of the weak".

In this chapter, Lao Tzu combines daily life with the Tao. Lao Tzu said, "When you can reach the extreme of emptiness, keep the thickest place of silence." Everything grows together, and I've come to watch them cycle over and over again. Everything, though colorful, is to return to its roots. Returning to its roots is called jing, and jing is called restoring its mission. The mission of the guardian is called constant, and to understand this 'constant' is called 'ming'. If you don't know 'Constant', misbehaving will have unlucky consequences. To understand this "constant" is to be able to accommodate, and to accommodate is to be just. Justice can be comprehensive, comprehensive is the Way of Heaven, the Way of Heaven is the Way, the Way can be permanent, even if there is no body, it will not slacken off. ”

To the void pole, keep quiet. All things work together, and I watch them return

As a sage of the Chinese nation, Lao Tzu achieved his status as the founding ancestor of The Taoists, one of the three major schools of thought of the Chinese nation, through a "Tao Te Ching". His great deeds are unique even in the history of world civilization. Lao Tzu is the object of eternal reverence and worship of my descendants such as me.