
The visit of the three EU prime ministers to Ukraine expressed their support, and the Ukrainian government is planning to attract investment to the west to weaken the eastern part of Ukraine

author:Phoenix TV

The Prime Ministers of Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovenia visited Kiev earlier to express their support for the Ukrainian government. According to local public opinion analysis, this has laid the foundation for the next step of cooperation between Ukraine and the European Union, especially post-war reconstruction.

The visit of the three EU prime ministers to Ukraine expressed their support, and the Ukrainian government is planning to attract investment to the west to weaken the eastern part of Ukraine
The visit of the three EU prime ministers to Ukraine expressed their support, and the Ukrainian government is planning to attract investment to the west to weaken the eastern part of Ukraine

The prime ministers of the three European countries are visiting Ukraine, and Ukraine is expected to receive a package of financial support from the European Union

On March 15, local time, the prime ministers of Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovenia visited Kiev by train and held talks with Ukrainian President Zelenskiy and Prime Minister Shmegarh.

Ukraine's local Newspaper Pravda praised the courage of the three European leaders, calling them the first European leaders to visit Ukraine after the outbreak of the Russo-Ukrainian War, and that they risked a possible attack by train from Poland to Kiev as a landmark event in support of Ukraine.

The visit of the three EU prime ministers to Ukraine expressed their support, and the Ukrainian government is planning to attract investment to the west to weaken the eastern part of Ukraine

The purpose of the European leaders' visit is to confirm the support of the entire European Union for Ukraine's sovereignty and independence, and to provide a broad package of support to the Ukrainian people, which is a strong support for Ukraine caught in the war.

The visit of the three EU prime ministers to Ukraine expressed their support, and the Ukrainian government is planning to attract investment to the west to weaken the eastern part of Ukraine

Ukraine's Gradon News mentioned in the report that when multinational embassies chose to relocate from Ukraine due to the Russo-Ukrainian War, the visit of three European leaders brought European support to the Ukrainian government and people in the war. Ukraine needs European support and more international assistance to fill the reconstruction funds already set up by the Ukrainian government to help with post-war reconstruction.

The visit of the three EU prime ministers to Ukraine expressed their support, and the Ukrainian government is planning to attract investment to the west to weaken the eastern part of Ukraine

The Ukrainian government is contemplating attracting investment from the east to the west, or weakening the economic strength of the eastern region

On March 16, local time, the Russian-Ukrainian ceasefire negotiations continued. As for the issue of sovereignty in Donbass, one of the key points of the negotiations, the local community in Ukraine generally believes that there will be no substantial progress in the short term. The local government of lviv, a western Ukrainian city, told Phoenix SATELLITE TV reporters that it would consider introducing more investment policies to attract investment from the east to the west.

The visit of the three EU prime ministers to Ukraine expressed their support, and the Ukrainian government is planning to attract investment to the west to weaken the eastern part of Ukraine

According to official National Economic Data released by Ukraine before 2014, the eastern region has long been more prosperous than the western region. The industrial model that has continued from the Soviet era to the present day, including the mature development of shipbuilding, machinery manufacturing, chemical industry, metallurgy and aviation, coupled with rich coal resources, has made the eastern economy have not lacked foreign investors.

Separatists' long-term control of parts of eastern Donbass has led the Kiev government to consider that it can only weaken the local government economically until it can truly control the local administration.

The visit of the three EU prime ministers to Ukraine expressed their support, and the Ukrainian government is planning to attract investment to the west to weaken the eastern part of Ukraine

Kubiba, head of economic policy at the military administration of Ukraine's Lviv region, said the region had received applications for 170 companies to move to Lviv in three and a half days, and said that there was no cap on the number of places in Lviv in terms of attracting investment, and he believed that more companies would submit applications and that these companies would absorb more labor.

A little more news:

According to the Ukrainian State News Agency reported on March 16, Ukrainian negotiators and adviser to the Office of the President of Ukraine Podolyak said that the Ukrainian and Russian leaders are expected to carry out direct dialogue in the next few days, the only way to end this war is the Ukrainian-Russian president direct dialogue, which is also the current goal of the two sides of the negotiations, very confident in the next few days to reach a ceasefire agreement, the two sides are drafting relevant documents for the two presidents to discuss and sign.

According to Russian media reports, Podoriak said that Ukraine and Russia began to move towards some kind of compromise, and the security plan proposed by the Ukrainian side stipulates that there must be a guarantor country and has a legal obligation to intervene.

Source: Phoenix TV Information Station

Edit: Motoyama

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