
315How to do a good marketing campaign? Check it out


People are untrustworthy, industry is untrustworthy, and 315 is International Consumer Rights Day. Then for enterprises, this is an indispensable integrity and trustworthiness publicity activities, is one of the necessary conditions for integrity management to create a good marketing environment, so on the 315 day, many enterprises will carry out integrity activities publicity, but also to create a standardized and trustworthy market to make an effort.

315How to do a good marketing campaign? Check it out

So what are the marketing options on Consumer Rights Day? And how to make it? As an operator, you need to have a creative program, here to help you sort out some marketing programs to choose from, here we need to log on to the official website of Qiaotuo Cloud Intelligent Website, so that it is more convenient to intuitively understand more activities.

315How to do a good marketing campaign? Check it out

After logging in to the official website, we open the product center page and find the campaign management option, in which we can create and build the required activities.

315How to do a good marketing campaign? Check it out

In the Manage Activities page, we can quickly locate the search activity name by searching, and find the corresponding template to apply.

315How to do a good marketing campaign? Check it out

315 voting and selection activities can be used for task evaluation, material collection, etc., and can be used to take the protection of consumer rights and interests as the theme, and can select "honest business selection", which can increase user trust and enhance brand image.

315How to do a good marketing campaign? Check it out

The 315 draw is often used for customer welfare rewards to strengthen the connection between customers. Merchants can initiate online lottery, offline verification, to achieve store drainage, prizes can be set as peripheral products, can also be coupons, play a role in promoting a single effect.

315How to do a good marketing campaign? Check it out

315 In addition to the production of integrity marketing campaigns, we can make integrity management the theme of "315". If necessary, it can also be produced for the 315 integrity activity poster, so that the knowledge and science can be popularized for the masses, preferential promotions can be carried out, and preferential packages can be launched. By displaying the event information in the micro-flyer, it is convenient to notify users to participate in the event, so that you can drain your own brand.