
Jobs are not easy to find, it may be that the recruitment channels are not selected correctly

author:New Elite Charging Station

The first step in implementing a recruitment effort is to get the information out, so where should the information be sent? First of all, we must determine where people are and where to recruit people, that is, choose recruitment channels. With the widespread use of the Internet, recruitment channels are becoming more and more extensive, so in the many recruitment channels, which recruitment channel is better? Which recruitment channel recruits people that are more suitable for the needs of the enterprise? Which recruitment channel is more suitable for each position in the company? We must carefully analyze the characteristics of each recruitment channel, and then combine the actual situation of enterprise recruitment to select a recruitment channel suitable for the enterprise.

Classification of recruitment channels

Corporate talent recruitment is divided into internal recruitment and external recruitment. The following table shows the characteristics of internal and external recruitment.

Jobs are not easy to find, it may be that the recruitment channels are not selected correctly

Internal and external recruitment has its own advantages and disadvantages, should we choose internal recruitment or external recruitment? In general, the following 3 principles should be adhered to.

(1) The principle of internal priority in the selection of senior management personnel.

(2) When the external environment changes drastically, adopt a talent selection method that combines internal and external.

(3) Organizations in the growth stage should open up external recruitment channels.

Publicity Act

Recruitment channels are divided into internal recruitment channels and external recruitment channels. Internal recruitment includes the Public Notice Law, the Archives Law, the Recommendation Law, etc.; external recruitment includes on-site job fairs, job advertisements, campus recruitment, online recruitment, talent agency recruitment, etc.

The publicity method is one of the main methods of internal recruitment and is often used in conjunction with the competition method. The main form is to post recruitment posters within the company or publish a competitive announcement on the intranet, hold a competitive election within the specified time, attract the attention of employees, provide opportunities for employees, make employees get rid of the original unsatisfactory working environment, and also promote supervisors to manage employees more effectively and prevent the loss of employees in the department.

Archival Law

Under normal circumstances, the human resources department will sort out and archive the personal files of employees, and understand the basic information of the workers. According to the performance of employees and family conditions, a general judgment can be made, such as whether the employees have passed the evaluation and performance appraisal in recent years, what education and training they have participated in, what aspects of work experience, and whether they have actively participated in organizational activities. This method plays an important role in employee promotion, training, development, etc. Of course, there is a subjective judgment in this method, and more attention should be paid to its use.

Recommendation method

The recommendation method includes both internal and external recommendations.

Internal recommendations are generally recommended by superior supervisors, and the advantage is that both parties understand each other and have a high success rate, which is a common method. The disadvantage is that it is too subjective and susceptible to personal factors, such as the selection of one's own cronies, rather than those who are truly competent. In addition, some supervisors do not want their competent subordinates to be transferred to other departments, affecting the work strength of their own departments, which is also a factor restricting the effective implementation of internal recommendations.

External recommendation, also known as acquaintance recommendation, refers to the recommendation of employees to their relatives and friends to apply for positions in the company. The biggest advantage of this recruitment method is that the information held by both the enterprise and the applicant is relatively symmetrical, and the introducer will report the real situation of the candidate to the enterprise, saving the time for the enterprise to investigate the candidate. At present, many companies are already using this recruitment method, such as New Oriental to encourage employees to recommend others to apply, and set up a corresponding incentive mechanism, if the applicant is admitted, the introducer will get a certain bonus.

On-site job fairs

On-site job fairs are generally organized by government-administered talent agencies and university job centres, mainly serving the groups waiting for employment and employers. Most job fairs have specific topics, such as "Fresh Graduate Session", "Graduate Talent Session" or "IT Talent Session". By distinguishing between graduation time, academic level, knowledge structure, etc., enterprises can easily choose their own special recruitment positions for recruitment. The precautions for attending the job fair are as follows.

(1) Understand the grade of the job fair.

(2) Understand who the job fair is facing.

(3) Pay attention to the organizers of the job fair.

(4) Pay attention to the information and publicity of the job fair.

Post job ads

Job advertisements are mainly published in newspapers, television and other media. Advertising in newspapers is a very traditional way, mainly in the subway, buses and other crowded places to publish recruitment information. There are two key points in the release of recruitment advertisements: one is the choice of advertising media, which needs to understand the target groups of the media and be targeted; the other is the design of advertising content, which is an important factor affecting the recruitment effect.

Campus Recruitment

Campus recruitment is a special external recruitment channel, which refers to the recruitment of new graduates at all levels and levels directly from the school. After graduating and entering the company, students can quickly accept the company's corporate culture, and have a strong sense of corporate honor, and after on-the-job skills training, they can also quickly enter the working state.

The disadvantage of this recruitment method is that some students do not have clear job planning for themselves, their expectations for work are too idealistic, and the positions recruited will be limited, because many positions within the company require employees to have work experience in order to enter the work state in the shortest possible time.

Considerations for participating in campus recruitment are as follows.

(1) Understand the employment policies and regulations for college students.

(2) Prevent the phenomenon of "stepping on two boats".

(3) It is necessary to fully understand the career concept of college students.

(4) It is necessary to understand the issues that college students are more concerned about and are interested in.

Online recruitment

Online recruitment is currently the most widely used recruitment channel. The three recruitment websites we are most familiar with are China Talents Network, 51job 1Job and Zhaopin Recruitment. In addition to these three major recruitment websites, there are also some professional websites, such as Liepin Network, Photovoltaic Talents Network, Optoelectronic Talents Network, Lagou Network, Boss Direct Recruitment, etc.

The advantage of online recruitment is that it is not limited by geography, has a large audience, a wide coverage, and a long timeliness, which can obtain a large number of candidate information in a relatively short period of time. Moreover, some industries will have internal websites that meet the characteristics of the industry, and the advantage of these internal websites is that they enjoy a high reputation and reputation in the industry. The applicability of different recruitment websites is also different. When choosing an online recruitment channel, it is necessary to consider whether the recruitment website can play a leading role, whether it has appeal and influence, and whether it can recruit the object you want to recruit. The following table shows common recruitment websites.

Jobs are not easy to find, it may be that the recruitment channels are not selected correctly
Jobs are not easy to find, it may be that the recruitment channels are not selected correctly

When an enterprise opens an online recruitment channel, if the fee is limited, it is recommended to open a national online recruitment channel and a professional online recruitment channel.

Talent agencies

With the increasing flow of talents, talent intermediaries such as government talent exchange centers, labor service companies, and headhunting companies have emerged.

(1) Government Talent Exchange Center.

The government talent exchange center includes the Employment Bureau, the Talent Center, etc., and the talent resource retrieval is convenient, highly targeted, the cost is low, and it is basically a free service. These places mainly provide some low-end resources and have a large labor reserve.

(2) Labor service companies.

Labor service companies have abundant labor reserves and can provide more labor in a shorter period of time, so as to quickly meet the personnel needs of enterprises. When recruiting with the help of labor service companies, enterprises should choose formal and powerful labor service agencies and need to supervise the work of labor service agencies.

(3) Headhunting companies.

Headhunting companies are talent service agencies established to meet the needs of enterprises for high-end talents, generally to help enterprises recruit senior management talents or professional and technical personnel. When choosing an executive search company, it should be noted that each headhunting company has its own field and industry of expertise, and not all positions can recruit suitable talents.

Social platforms

With the widespread use of the Internet, many social platforms have also become important channels for recruitment, such as Linkedin, Pulse, WeChat groups, QQ groups, professional forums, etc.

(1) Linkedin

Linkedin (LinkedIn), the world's largest professional social networking site, was founded in 2002 and has more than 300 million members, about half of whom are in the United States, and executives from every Fortune 500 company joined, entering China in 2014. Linkedin talent information is relatively high-end, the industry is widely distributed, mainly foreign companies and domestic large enterprises. Linkedin is used more frequently in first-tier cities and has a high degree of talent matching.

(2) Pulse.

Founded in 2013, Pulse is a workplace social APP that uses scientific algorithms to open up interpersonal relationships, break industry barriers, lower social thresholds, and achieve exchanges and cooperation between all walks of life. Mainstream users are mainly around 30 years old, manager-level talents, most of whom have 5 to 10 years of work experience; post-90s are relatively few, and most of them are Internet talents.

(3) WeChat groups and QQ groups.

Many human resource managers feel that recruitment is not easy to do, especially for the recruitment of professional and technical personnel, they think that they are not familiar with the situation of the industry, do not understand professional technology, it is difficult to recruit professional talents. At this time, you should ask yourself what channels you have taken to recruit hard, how many professional and technical groups have been joined, how many professional and technical friends there are in the circle of friends, if these are not, then the recruitment of human resource managers is far from enough. Human resource managers want to enter the circle of professional and technical personnel, and they can join their professional and technical groups. The most convenient way to join the professional technical group is the WeChat group and the QQ group. After joining the corresponding technical group, you can communicate with the group members and gradually establish contact with the technical personnel. As long as they stay in touch for a long time, these technicians are candidates for recruitment.

The same industry to dig people

To dig people in the same industry, many people think that this is what headhunting companies do, and now as human resource managers, they also need to master this channel, and the recruitment technology in this area will become more and more important. How to recruit people in the same industry? First of all, we must find the target group, that is, to determine the positioning of the same industry, what kind of people need to be dug. Looking for target groups can refer to the following methods.

(1) Landscape search. Selection of candidates in the same industry, also known as the same direction search.

(2) Vertical search. Target searches, also known as vertical searches, are made in the same positions in related industries or in different industries.

(3) Circle search. First find a certain point (individual), and then open his social circle from this point to search, also known as circle search, consultant search.

(4) Curve search, also known as roundabout search, is a cross-industry, cross-occupation search method.

Jobs are not easy to find, it may be that the recruitment channels are not selected correctly

Selection of recruitment channels

There are so many recruitment channels, in addition to the top ten channels introduced above, there are other recruitment channels. So, for so many recruitment channels, how should human resource managers choose?

(1) When choosing a recruitment method, we must first understand and analyze the recruitment needs of the enterprise, that is, analyze the needs of recruitment

(2) Analyze the characteristics and talents of potential candidates, and what kind of advantages and adverse effects will be brought about by candidates after being hired to the enterprise.

(3) Determine the appropriate recruitment channel, according to the number of job requirements and qualification requirements in the recruitment plan, according to the calculation of cost and benefit to select the best effect of the recruitment channel.

(4) After choosing a recruitment channel, we should pay attention to the choice of recruitment methods, whether to publish advertisements or use intermediaries, or to be recommended by acquaintances.

The choice of channels is not in the many, but in the appropriate.


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