
The Russian-Ukrainian fierce battle, the Russian Navy controlled the Black Sea, the destroyed frigates were revived, and the false results of the Ukrainian war were punctured

author:Aviation Vision

The Ukrainian military announces the results of the battle every day, and from the data released by Ukraine, it has wiped out almost 20% of russia's troops deployed in Ukraine, and there is a rhythm that has approached the Russian capital Moscow. Russia began conducting "special military operations" in Ukraine on February 24, with three major goals set, which have now become the six conditions proposed by Russia in the negotiations. The fierce war between Russia and Ukraine has aroused the general concern of the world and also impacted the development of the world economy, and the sharp rise in international crude oil prices is a concrete manifestation, so the impact of the fierce war between Russia and Ukraine is far-reaching.

The Russian-Ukrainian fierce battle, the Russian Navy controlled the Black Sea, the destroyed frigates were revived, and the false results of the Ukrainian war were punctured

According to the news released by Russia, the Russian Navy's Black Sea Fleet was "sunk" by the 22160 Sivary Bekv guided missile frigate suddenly appeared, this cutting-edge missile frigate appeared near Sevastopol, after Ukraine publicly announced the use of multiple rocket launchers to sink the Russian Navy's missile frigate, and the claim was that it sank the Russian Navy's frigate by "sounding east and west", when the Ukrainian Navy used speedboats to harass the Russian Navy. Immediately after the Russian Navy frigate entered the range of multiple rocket launchers, Ukraine immediately launched a dense strike, hitting the Missile Frigate of the Russian Navy directly.

The Russian-Ukrainian fierce battle, the Russian Navy controlled the Black Sea, the destroyed frigates were revived, and the false results of the Ukrainian war were punctured

The appearance of the Russian Navy's Sivary Bekv guided-missile frigate is the result of puncturing The false propaganda of Ukraine, which is extremely wide-ranging, and even fabricated the "myth" that a MiG-29 fighter jet shot down 6 fighters of the Russian Air Force, but Ukraine could not provide relevant evidence at all, so this story was called "Kiev ghost". In fact, as early as the first day of Russia's attack on Ukraine, Russia had already used precision-guided weapons to destroy Ukraine's important military objectives along the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov, thus achieving full control of the Black Sea. Russia also captured the Ukrainian island of Snake, thus deterring Odessa.

The Russian-Ukrainian fierce battle, the Russian Navy controlled the Black Sea, the destroyed frigates were revived, and the false results of the Ukrainian war were punctured

Russia's capture of Snake Island is also very embarrassing to Ukraine, because Ukraine hyped up the so-called Snake Island 13 warriors, claiming that the Ukrainian defenders refused to surrender the story, but in the end was beaten by Russia, because the Ukrainian army on Snake Island is not more than 13, more than 80 Ukrainian soldiers are surrendered to Russia, after the surrender, it is a great irony to learn that Ukraine has listed 13 people as "martyrs". When ukraine carried out false propaganda, the European and American Western media played a role in fueling the waves, and the European and American Western social media blocked the relevant information about Russia and let the message from Ukraine spread everywhere.

The Russian-Ukrainian fierce battle, the Russian Navy controlled the Black Sea, the destroyed frigates were revived, and the false results of the Ukrainian war were punctured

Now just look at the war reports issued by Ukraine, Russia has been defeated in Ukraine, Ukraine and there is a rhythm to break through Moscow, in fact, the Russian army has achieved the encirclement of the eastern part of Ukraine, is gradually clearing the Ukrainian army in the encirclement, while the Russian army is advancing the siege of kiev, the capital of Ukraine, and also launched an attack on the western part of Ukraine, destroying a NATO training center set up near Poland in Ukraine. 202203256/Aviation Horizon/AZ, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy was originally a comedian, and during the fierce war between Russia and Ukraine, Zelenskiy began to perform again, but he was often punched in the face, and the appearance of the missile frigate Sivaribebev was a typical case.

The Russian-Ukrainian fierce battle, the Russian Navy controlled the Black Sea, the destroyed frigates were revived, and the false results of the Ukrainian war were punctured

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