
Ukrainian mercenaries were scared away, saying Russian airstrikes had killed hundreds of people, including Citizens of the United States and Britain

author:Weapons: Shawning

According to British mercenaries who fled Ukraine, the russian air raids on the Lviv training camp caused hundreds of deaths, including British and Americans. He deliberately used the term "great casualties" to describe the number of British and Americans who were hit.

Judging from the information from all sides, the death toll will not be more than 30 as Ukraine said, and even the 180 deaths revealed by the Russian Ministry of Defense are conservative.

The mercenaries who escaped from Ukraine were more excited than the other, and at first glance they were greatly stimulated, if not too shocked, nor did they have the courage to go to the battlefield but be frightened and cry because of the death of their companions.

The Reaction of the West to this air strike was calm.

In particular, the United States and Britain, which shouted the most fiercely, did not have the intention of fighting back against Russia, and the Pentagon even said that the Americans had withdrawn early, and no Americans were present when the air raids occurred.

The British side lied that 3 former British special forces soldiers were missing, suspected of being killed by the bomb, but did not admit that they had been killed.

Ukrainian mercenaries were scared away, saying Russian airstrikes had killed hundreds of people, including Citizens of the United States and Britain

Recently, America's timidity has been exposed.

In addition to this Russian air strike. Iran fired a wave of ballistic missiles at a target in Iraq's Kurdish zone.

The site of the explosion is just 50 meters from the U.S. consulate in the area.

The first reaction of the United States to the matter was to show that the Iranian attack did not cause American casualties. Later, it was stressed that Iran's actions were not directed against the United States.

As for whether to pursue Iran, the United States pushed Iraq to hold Iran accountable, and then the United States turned the matter over.

For the United States, no matter where it is attacked, there will be no Americans dying, not that there are really no Americans dead, but the United States does not dare to admit it. Once admitted, is it to send troops or not to send troops? Not sending troops is laughed at, and soldiers can't afford to play, so they can only pretend that nothing happened.

Ukrainian mercenaries were scared away, saying Russian airstrikes had killed hundreds of people, including Citizens of the United States and Britain

Of course, the United States is still very tough in its mouth.

In the wake of the Russian airstrikes, U.S. President Security Adviser Sullivan said that if NATO's territory records a Russian military attack, NATO will fight back whether Russia intended it or not.

This remark seemed to be a cruel remark, but it turned out to be ridiculed. The reason is very simple, from another point of view, as long as Russia's attack does not affect NATO territory, it can fight as much as it wants, even if it causes the death of Westerners, NATO will not fight back.

This is in line with the position that the United States has always stressed, that the war should be controlled within Ukraine, and as long as the situation does not overflow, the position of the United States will not change.

Therefore, whether the United States is soft or hard, it shows that the United States will never be involved in this conflict. Even if the war inadvertently burns into NATO territory, the United States will have a new argument, rather than directly going to war.

Ukrainian mercenaries were scared away, saying Russian airstrikes had killed hundreds of people, including Citizens of the United States and Britain

The original intention of the United States is to let Ukraine be cannon fodder and let Ukraine drag Russia back, so as to maximize the interests of the United States.

If the United States is involved in the war, the previous preparation will be blind.

The United States wants to harvest European capital, and since it wants to harvest others, it must ensure that it is protected from the effects of war. Otherwise, European capital will not move its nest, and in Europe it is also a war anyway, and it is still a war in the United States, so why should we flee to the United States?

Essentially, both Russia and Ukraine are gambling.

Ukraine provoked Russia, betting that the United States would help itself. Russia's counterattack was a gamble that the United States would not dare to intervene in the war.

As it turned out, russia won the gamble.

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