
The Russian-Ukrainian conflict has led to "three lessons", us generals have given China a "lesson", and the United States has failed

author:Global Defense Watch

Russia began military operations against Ukraine on February 24, while Russia attacked Ukrainian military objectives, did not give up the settlement of the contradictions between Russia and Ukraine through negotiations, in the end of the fourth round of negotiations, Russia put forward six conditions, and asked Ukraine to write five conditions into the constitution, including the recognition of Russian sovereignty over Crimea, the declaration of neutrality and non-accession to NATO, the elimination of Nazism, the recognition of the two republics of Donbass, the recognition of Russian language is also the official language. Now that Russia has the initiative on the battlefield in Ukraine, it dares to be very tough at the negotiating table, but in the eyes of the United States, Russia has failed.

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict has led to "three lessons", us generals have given China a "lesson", and the United States has failed

According to US media reports, Kenneth Wilsbach, commander of the Air Force of the Pacific Command, has issued a warning to China, this time the US general is going to "teach China", And Wilsbach has derived "three lessons" from the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, which is the so-called basis for the US general to "teach" China. In fact, as far as the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is concerned, the United States itself has been greatly defeated, and at the military and political level, the United States has no capital to brag about, and it is not expected that the US generals are still "shameless" and want to come to China to "teach lessons", which is obviously an act of "self-humiliation".

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict has led to "three lessons", us generals have given China a "lesson", and the United States has failed

The so-called "three lessons" of Wilsbach are: like Russia, once China launches an attack, it will be opposed by the "international community"; the Asia-Pacific region will "unite" against China; and from the perspective of geopolitical factors, China will suffer huge losses. 202203247/Global Defense Watch/Alli, Pacific Command Air Force Commander Kenneth Wilsbach is assuming that China has encountered "three lessons" in military action, Global Defense Watch believes that American generals are overestimating their influence and underestimating China's strength, perhaps Wilsbach has forgotten that the US military is the defeated general of the People's Liberation Army, and the United States is not invincible. Today's PLA already has the ability of "anti-access and regional denial", and on the basis of the PLA's possession of a variety of weapons, it can establish a strong deterrent to the United States.

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict has led to "three lessons", us generals have given China a "lesson", and the United States has failed

In the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the United States has failed, because the United States has exposed its own paper tiger essence, and Russia's military operations in Ukraine have hit the United States in the face, because the United States has never dared to send troops to Ukraine, only dare to provide Ukraine with anti-aircraft missiles and anti-tank missiles. The United States has been humiliated in front of its allies, the United States is the first to drop the chain at the critical moment, and now the United States is constantly arching fire, but does not dare to confront Russia. Judging from the "three major lessons" of the US generals, the US general Wilsbach has raised the scope of the "international community" that the West considers, because the sanctions against Russia are nothing more than the European and American Western countries and the five followers of the Asia-Pacific region.

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict has led to "three lessons", us generals have given China a "lesson", and the United States has failed

NATO, like the United States, is also a paper tiger, Russia has hit the NATO training center in Ukraine in the western border region of Ukraine, NATO is "dumb" for as many as 180 mercenaries to be killed, and now the United States has not established a so-called Asia-Pacific version of NATO around China, the "Four-Power Alliance" is only a military exercise twice a year summit, and NATO has a huge gap, so there is no way to talk about Asia-Pacific countries to confront China. Wilsbach's claim of "great loss" is a bluff, China is the largest trading partner of more than 130 countries, how many countries dare to sanction China? The U.S. worldview is still limited to the Western world, which is partial and comprehensive, highlighting the arrogance and ignorance of the United States.

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict has led to "three lessons", us generals have given China a "lesson", and the United States has failed

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