
March 18 Friday The sixteenth day of february in the lunar calendar, which zodiac signs need to be carefully adjusted and adjusted?

March 18, Friday, the sixteenth day of the second month of the lunar calendar, is the year of Nong yin, the month of Decay, the day of Geng. Gengwu day dry branch attributes are yang, day dry Gengjing fierce sharp, born in the spring decay moon, eating wounds thoroughly dry, conducive to calming the mind, gaining insight, should be easy to work, should not be too active. It is advisable to be open-minded and calm, modest and cautious, and avoid acting too aggressively. In such an environment, which genera should be cautious on March 18? And how to adjust it?

March 18 Friday The sixteenth day of february in the lunar calendar, which zodiac signs need to be carefully adjusted and adjusted?


The five elements of the sub-rat belong to the water, born in the moon sting festival, the energy state is not good, the noon day, the indian star is dry, the sub-water and the sun branch noon fire are rushed, and the moon branch is punished, and there is easy contradiction and barrier, so it is appropriate to stabilize and quietly, control risks, and it is not appropriate to take big things. It is necessary to conform to the general trend, aim for the long term, do not be reckless and impulsive, it is not appropriate to cooperate in gatherings, seek wealth and trade, etc., and beware of contradictions and struggles, financial ruin, and disasters.

Adjustment points: the earth branch is punished, the meridian is clashed, and the east and south are easy to bring harm to the zodiac rats, so it is important to avoid these two directions as much as possible. Green and red ties are not auspicious, try to avoid; yellow and white or black and white matching clothing is conducive to relieving the pressure of contradictions.

March 18 Friday The sixteenth day of february in the lunar calendar, which zodiac signs need to be carefully adjusted and adjusted?

Ugly Cow:

The five elements of the ugly cow belong to the soil, born in the spring decay month, the energy state is not good, the noon day, the food wound is thoroughly dry, the ugly soil and the sun branch noon fire are harmful, easy to have non-entanglement, so the genus is ugly cattle should wait for the opportunity, keep steady, and should not take the initiative to attack. Be in awe, be cautious in everything, and don't be reckless. It is not appropriate to cooperate in gatherings, financial transactions, etc., and beware of lawsuits, losses and losses.

Adjustment points: the ugly branches of the earth are harmful at noon, and the south is easy to bring harm to the ugly cattle of the zodiac, so it is important to avoid this side as much as possible. Red-yellow, yellow-white and matching clothing is conducive to alleviating the pressure of contradictions.

March 18 Friday The sixteenth day of february in the lunar calendar, which zodiac signs need to be carefully adjusted and adjusted?

Noon Horse:

The five elements of the noon horse belong to the fire, born in the spring moon of the decoction, the state is good, but the day is at noon, the wealth star is dry, the noon fire and the day branch noon fire are punished, it is easy to have a right and wrong barrier, so it is the open-mindedness and introvertedness of the noon horse, waiting for the opportunity, it is not appropriate to take big things. It is necessary to pursue the advantages and avoid the disadvantages, take into account the overall situation, do not be paranoid and excessive, it is not appropriate to gather and network, cooperate and expand, and other things, and beware of official disasters and tongues, and the destruction of wealth and harm.

Adjustment points: The ground branch is self-punished at noon and noon, and the south is easy to bring harm to the zodiac noon horse, so important things should try to avoid this direction. Bright red clothing is not conducive, try to avoid it, green, light blue or yellow clothing is conducive to releasing pressure.

Note: This article is published one day in advance.

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