
A cuban generation of strongmen Castro, an extraordinary life

author:The daily routine of 2202

He came from a privileged background, but had a heart for commoners; at the age of 13 he led workers against his father, and after graduation he became a lawyer, defending the poor people.

He was a legend in politics, leading only 12 people to overthrow the dictatorship of the Cuban government, rebelling against the United States, denouncing the Soviet Union, and establishing the first socialist state in the Americas;

He is the president of a small country that has caused the united states the most headache, survived 11 presidents of the United States, escaped 638 assassinations by the United States, and has been sanctioned by the United States for many years, but still does not bow to the United States, so that Cuba's medical care and education are among the forefront of the world.

He is The leader of Cuba, Castro.

A cuban generation of strongmen Castro, an extraordinary life


Born in August 1926 in Cuba to a Spanish soldier father, Castro moved to Cuba and became the owner of a famous sugar plantation.

Castro was the third child in the family, his younger brother Raul Castro became his loyal political partner, his mother was a domestic servant, perhaps because of his mother's relationship, although he grew up with a good diet, Castro always had a heart for the toiling people.

A cuban generation of strongmen Castro, an extraordinary life

Castro and younger brother Paul Castro

At the age of 13, Castro led his own workers on strike to protest his father's oppression and exploitation of wage workers, and repeatedly quarreled with his father.

When Castro was 15 years old, his father ended his first marriage and married his mother, who also received his father's approval.

Castro is talented, especially athletically, and has a good chance of becoming a great athlete if he hadn't been exposed to the law.

A cuban generation of strongmen Castro, an extraordinary life

In his youth, Castro loved basketball

In 1945, Castro was admitted to the University of Havana, the best university in Cuba, to study law. At the end of the 19th century, cuba had just emerged from Spanish colonial rule and had not yet ushered in independence, and the United States extended its claws to Cuba in an attempt to turn Cuba into its own vassal state. At that time, Cuba, which was weak and weak, was unable to resist, and the actual control of the military and finances fell into the hands of the United States. Under the puppet regime of the United States, the Cuban president changed frequently, the domestic economy stagnated, the Cuban people complained about the government at that time, and the University of Wana also set off a frenzy against the dictatorship.

Under the influence of the school's strong political atmosphere, Castro became a member of the radical faction. He often participated in student protests and held several leadership roles. In 1947, castro's dissatisfaction with the government deepened, and he chose to join the Cuban People's Party, later the Cuban Communist Party. The leader of the party was Chabas, who was deeply disgusted by social corruption, and he ran in the presidential election that year, but due to his low support, he was finally defeated. For Castro, Chabas was the guide of his political career.

A cuban generation of strongmen Castro, an extraordinary life

Castro in his youth

In 1948, Castro traveled to Colombia to attend the Anti-Imperialist and Anti-Colonial Student Conference. The move provoked the anger of the local government, and the army was sent to suppress it, and many people were killed in the streets. Castro escaped to the Cuban Embassy, escaped the attack, and was later sent back to Cuba to continue his education.

In 1950, after graduating from college, Castro got a job as a lawyer in Havana, specializing in defending the poor at the bottom. Soon, he married the daughter of a wealthy local merchant and had a happy career and family, but Castro did not feel that he could not ignore the social unrest.

A cuban generation of strongmen Castro, an extraordinary life


In 1951, Chabas was running for president again. However, a few days later, he committed suicide while participating in a show, and the unexpected death of Zivas caused a lot of blows to Castro. He decided to temporarily abandon his career as a lawyer, inherit the legacy of his mentor, and re-embark on the road of revolution.

In 1952, Batista ascended to the presidency of Cuba. This was the second time he had come to power through a coup d'état since 1933, when he came to power, he imposed dictatorship, announced the abrogation of the Constitution, suppressed persecution of other parties, and dissolved Parliament. Under his leadership, Cuba and the United States exchanged more closely, and a series of military treaties were signed before and after, and the Barista regime was unpopular from the beginning, and the implementation of these policies aroused strong opposition from the people throughout the country.

In July 1953, Castro gathered 134 patriotic youths to launch an attack on the Moncada barracks in Santiago, an operation he wanted to overthrow the dictatorship, but due to the disparity between the two sides, they were defeated, countless young journalists were killed, and he and his brother were arrested and imprisoned.

A cuban generation of strongmen Castro, an extraordinary life

Moncada Barracks

In court, he defended himself as a lawyer, delivering the famous defense statement "History will acquit me.".

Castro was eventually sentenced to 15 years in prison, and his first marriage ended. Five years later, when Castro was pardoned and released from prison, he took his brother to Mexico and quickly organized a revolutionary force there. During this time he met a loyal ally in his political career, Che Guevara, and thus two like-minded young people from different regions came together.

A cuban generation of strongmen Castro, an extraordinary life

Castro and Guevara

In 1956, Castro led 82 comrades out of Mexico, crossed the Caribbean Sea, and returned to Cuba. Before he could go ashore, he was intercepted by Batista's army, and Castro suffered heavy losses and fled into the mountains with only 11 remaining comrades. The attack was unfavorable and did not hit Castro, but the conviction to overthrow Batista's rule was stronger. Soon, he regained his strength, led his comrades to establish the first revolutionary base area, formed guerrilla groups and launched sneak attacks on Battis's large army many times, and his reputation in Cuba grew.

At the same time, Batista's popularity at home declined rapidly, and the voices demanding his ouster became stronger and stronger, and a large number of rebel groups sprang up across the country, and society was in chaos, and many young people defected to Castro. In this way, a contingent of 12 people grew rapidly, and the number of revolutionary base areas also increased.

Castro also issued a land reform declaration, and a series of treaties favorable to the common people, such as peasant land rights, won the support of countless people. The so-called popular people win the world, and Castro's move undoubtedly paved the way for his success. Riots spread throughout Cuba, Batista was powerless to suppress them, and even his subordinates rebelled against the rebels.

A cuban generation of strongmen Castro, an extraordinary life


Castro's army was menacing, and Batista fled to the United States to save his life. In January 1951, the rebel army went straight into the capital Havana, the Batista regime was completely overthrown, the Cuban Revolution ushered in a great victory, and Castro naturally became the supreme leader of Cuba.

Cuba, which had just experienced the disaster of war, was in a depression, and in order to quickly recover the post-war economy and improve the living environment of the people, Castro set his sights on the United States, which he had relied on for many years. In April 1959, Castro personally traveled to the United States, but not only was his trip not recognized by the United States, but even the American experts who remained in Cuba were evacuated. Seeing that the United States was unwilling to help, Castro simply turned against the United States, and the United States wanted to continue to control the actual regime in Cuba, but Castro was unwilling to submit to the United States.

After returning to China, he vigorously reformed the domestic economy, nationalized American assets, carried out land reform, practiced socialism, and established the first socialist country in the Americas. Cuba, which was suppressed by the United States in 1960, moved closer to the Soviet Union and signed many economic treaties with the Soviet Union.

A cuban generation of strongmen Castro, an extraordinary life

Castro visits the SOVIET Union

Cuba was seen as the backyard of the United States, and the Soviet Union was the strongest competitor of the United States, and the Soviet Union and Pakistan joined forces to harm the United States without any benefit. So the United States increased its pressure on Cuba. This move indirectly strengthened the cooperation between Cuba and the Soviet Union, and further exacerbated the deterioration of US-Pakistan relations.

In 1961, the United States gathered thousands of reactionaries in Cuba and formed a mercenary army that caused chaos in Cuba. Since Castro knew the plan in advance, the American mercenaries eventually collapsed and fled. In this war, Cuba completely severed bilateral relations with the United States.

In 1962, the Soviet Union secretly established a missile base inside Cuba. This was undoubtedly a huge crisis for the United States, which immediately imposed an armed blockade on Cuba and demanded that the Soviet Union withdraw its missiles. The Soviet Union and the United States could not hold on, the smell of gunpowder became stronger and stronger, the war was about to break out, and in the end, the Soviet Union compromised to withdraw missiles from Cuba, and relations between Cuba and the United States continued to deteriorate.

A cuban generation of strongmen Castro, an extraordinary life

Castro and Gorbachev

Although the Cuban economy was gradually on track with the assistance of the Soviet Union, this stability did not last long. When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the backing of the Cuban economy collapsed. Cuba is once again isolated, but Castro still does not bow to the United States, he wants to build an independent, uncontrolled Cuba.

Castro's appearance has blocked the path of U.S. colonization of Cuba, and the U.S. government has always regarded Castro as a thorn in the eye. Since Castro came to power, the United States has changed 11 presidents in succession, and each president has shown dissatisfaction with Castro's anti-American attitude and tried everything to get rid of him.

According to the U.S. Intelligence Agency, they have carried out as many as 638 assassinations against Castro, including poisoning Castro's smoke, even hiring underworld assassins to assassinate, and even beauty tricks, in short, all of which can be used, but all failed, Castro lived until the age of 90, and eventually died of illness.

A cuban generation of strongmen Castro, an extraordinary life

Castro of old age

Under U.S. sanctions, Cuba's economy has developed slowly, but its level of education and medical care is among the best in the world. During Castro's reign, he not only reformed the domestic economic system, but also popularized education in large schools in the country, tried to let every child have schooling, implemented a free medical care system for the whole country, built a large number of houses to rent cheaply to the people, and let everyone have a house to live in. At the same time, we will vigorously develop tourism and make Cuba one of the best tourist destinations in the world.

Cuba was also the first country in Latin America to establish diplomatic relations with China, and Castro visited China many times during his lifetime, and he also wrote articles praising China in newspapers, and the economic and trade exchanges between the two countries were quite close.

A cuban generation of strongmen Castro, an extraordinary life

Castro visits China and climbs the Great Wall

Castro is not only highly respected by the people in Cuba, but his supporters are scattered throughout the country. On the day of his death, countless people voluntarily gathered on Revolution Square to see him off.

Castro is gone, and the history he created will continue to be passed on.

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