
Tymoshenko, Iron Lady of Ukraine: With close ties to Putin, can he become the new president of Ukraine?

author:A national view of history

Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, On February 9, 2019.

Incumbent President Petro Poroshenko is working on his re-election.

His biggest rival for re-election is Tymoshenko, known as Ukraine's "oil princess."

In today's forum called "Open Dialogue", Poroshenko said pointedly:

"Ukraine does not need a president and commander-in-chief who submits to the Kremlin, a president and commander-in-chief who flirts with Putin and giggles, a president and commander-in-chief whose first order is signed after coming to power is a surrender to Russia."

Fatherland Party President Tymoshenko has a good relationship with Putin, and she is attacked by political enemies as a way to channel national interests to Russia.

Tymoshenko, Iron Lady of Ukraine: With close ties to Putin, can he become the new president of Ukraine?
In the 2019 election, Tymoshenko lost, but in 2022, with the outbreak of the Russo-Ukrainian war, she was considered a popular candidate for the next Ukrainian president because of her personal relationship with Putin.

Marry the tycoons into a gas oligarch

The first thing that attracts Tymoshenko's attention is her super high appearance.

She has delicate doll-like features, and her long blonde hair is braided into a twist braid on the top of her head, giving people a clean and neat feeling.

Even in Ukraine, where beautiful women are everywhere, Tymoshenko's image is outstanding.

However, under such an excellent appearance, there was no complete and happy childhood.

When she was three years old, her parents divorced and she struggled with her mother on a meager salary.

Tymoshenko, Iron Lady of Ukraine: With close ties to Putin, can he become the new president of Ukraine?

The unfortunate experience of childhood made Tymoshenko understand that in order to live a good life, he must rely on himself.

Her mantra is: "I'm no worse than anyone else".

Tymoshenko is extremely self-motivated, not only seriously studying book knowledge, but also good at sports.

Her sports such as football and gymnastics can reach a professional level.

Although his appearance is beautiful and weak, Tymoshenko has a very strong personality.

When she was a student, she blocked male classmates in the toilet door and did not dare to come out.

What was even more unexpected was that she would set fire to the door of the men's restroom and force the boys out.

At the age of 18, Tymoshenko met his love.

She received a phone call that came in by mistake, and there was a male voice across from her.

The two did not hang up the phone in a hurry, but the more they talked, the more enthusiastic they became.

Tymoshenko, Iron Lady of Ukraine: With close ties to Putin, can he become the new president of Ukraine?

Then we met offline.

She fell in love at first sight with the man who had made the wrong call.

The man's name was Alexander Tymoshenko, and his father was a middle-level Ukrainian official.

Soon after the two met, they entered the palace of marriage.

Marrying into a rich family, she also got more opportunities.

Her husband, Alexander, was a quiet man by nature and did not like to run the family business, so Tymoshenko took over the work in his place.

Her decisive demeanor and keen business acumen impressed her father-in-law Gennady, who entrusted more of the family estate to Tymoshenko.

In the 1990s, Gennady became the mayor of Kirov District.

Tymoshenko, Iron Lady of Ukraine: With close ties to Putin, can he become the new president of Ukraine?

With the power behind it, Tymoshenko's business is getting bigger and bigger, and she knows that the energy business is very important, and if she can participate in it, she will definitely be invincible in the commercial sea.

In 1991, Tymoshenko established the "Ukrainian Gasoline Company", and after four years of consolidation and reorganization, the "Ukrainian Gasoline Company" was finally renamed "Ukrainian Unified Energy Company".

From the "unification" in the name, we can see that this company's monopoly ambitions.

Due to the lack of natural gas in Ukraine, three-quarters of the national demand needs to be imported, which is undoubtedly a huge project.

But under Tymoshenko's operation, the Ukrainian Unified Energy Company firmly controlled the big project.

Tymoshenko was also known as Ukraine's "gas princess".

Tymoshenko is in both political and business circles

If money is blessed with power, it will double.

Tymoshenko knows this well, and turning over her career resume, it is not difficult to see that at almost every stage, behind her stands a man of high authority.

Tymoshenko, Iron Lady of Ukraine: With close ties to Putin, can he become the new president of Ukraine?

In 1992, Tymoshenko became acquainted with Lazarenko, then governor of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.

Three years later, Lazarenko was promoted by President Kuchma to become Ukraine's energy minister.

Just a year later, Lazarenko became Prime Minister of Ukraine.

With such a friend at the peak of power, Tymoshenko's business grew bigger and bigger, eventually monopolizing Ukraine's oil trade with Russia.

Despite being already a Ukrainian energy oligarch, Tymoshenko's ambitions do not stop there.

In addition to astronomical amounts of money, she also had to hold power.

With the help of Lazarenko, Tymoshenko became the representative of the Ukrainian people.

Began to dabble in politics.

Tymoshenko, Iron Lady of Ukraine: With close ties to Putin, can he become the new president of Ukraine?

However, the political situation is always volatile.

In 1997, with the fall of Lazarenko, Tymoshenko also lost his position as president of the Ukrainian company Unified Energy Systems.

Although her wealth was not affected, her quest for power was tortuous.

She desperately needs to find a new political refuge.

Soon, she met her golden partner yushchenko in her career.

Yushchenko was originally the president of the National Bank of Ukraine, and like Tymoshenko, he believed in the cooperation of money and power.

The money he invested was not used to support The Ukrainian state-building, but went into the pockets of the oligarchs.

Tymoshenko, Iron Lady of Ukraine: With close ties to Putin, can he become the new president of Ukraine?

In 1999, Yushchenko became Prime Minister of Ukraine, and in the same year he proposed that Tymoshenko be made Deputy Prime Minister.

Yushchenko's unabashed cover for Tymoshenko has led the outside world to speculate that the two have an ambiguous relationship, and in Ukraine, the two have a "political couple." " name.

But this title is only superficial, and the reason why the two are politically close is because they have a common political enemy, Kuchma.

In order to reach the pinnacle of power, they banded together to prevent President Kuchma from being re-elected.

Tymoshenko and Yushchenko launched a campaign to successfully overthrow Kuchma under the slogan : "Ukraine does not need Kuchma".

Yushchenko and Tymoshenko, who sent away their biggest political opponents, thought they could sit back and relax, the presidency was already in their pockets, and they never expected to kill halfway and bite the gold.

Yanukovy's strange army suddenly sprung up, and in the general election, he actually "cut off" the presidency halfway.

Faced with this situation, the "political couple" joined forces with Western countries in 2004 to launch the "Orange Revolution" in Ukraine.

It was a color revolution that advertised "freedom, democracy, prosperity," with Tymoshenko and Yushchenko wearing orange scarves and waving orange flags.

Tymoshenko, Iron Lady of Ukraine: With close ties to Putin, can he become the new president of Ukraine?

They incited some half a million people to gather in front of Independence Square to protest Yanukovych's fraud in the presidential election.

As the scale of the protests grew, some cities in Ukraine symbolically announced that they would not recognize Yanukovych's victory in the presidential election.

Yushchenko, on the other hand, also took the opportunity, with the support of the opposition crowd, to announce his presidency half-pushed and half-pushed.

His best friend, Tymoshenko, was naturally made prime minister of Ukraine.

Just when everyone thought that Ukraine's "political couple" would lead Ukraine to the West, contradictions broke out between the two.

Tymoshenko was superior in appearance, and when she became prime minister, the public paid much more attention to her than to President Yushchenko.

Yushchenko worries that the backwardness of attention will affect his power.

And Tymoshenko also continued her tradition of not letting her eyebrows be raised, and gradually became suspected of "merit and mastery" in her work.

The contradictions between the two accumulated step by step, and finally reached the point of not speaking to each other.

Tymoshenko once called Yushchenko in front of the media and was hung up on the spot.

In 2005, Yushchenko directly dissolved the Tymoshenko government.

Her first term as prime minister lasted only seven months.

Although she re-emerged as prime minister in 2007, her relationship with Yushchenko was not as strong as it once was.

In 2008, Tymoshenko publicly rebuked Yushchenko.

"I believe that the president of this country is messing up the currency in the wrong way, along with the president of the National Bank, and he should resign!"

On September 3 of that year, Tymoshenko, together with the opposition Regional Party and the Communist Party of Ukraine, voted in parliament to limit the power of the president and strengthen the power of the prime minister.

Subsequently, Yushchenko also fought back by leading his supporters out of the ruling coalition.

Tymoshenko, Iron Lady of Ukraine: With close ties to Putin, can he become the new president of Ukraine?

In 2010. Tymoshenko's unsuccessful bid for president led to the ouster of her cabinet.

At this point, her career as prime minister came to an end.

Tymoshenko was imprisoned twice

Tymoshenko's political career has not been a smooth one.

During her tenure as Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine, she introduced a series of economic reforms.

She was indicted in 2001 by the Ukrainian Prosecutor's Office on charges of smuggling, bribery and tax evasion for violating the interests of Ukrainian oligarchs for advocating open tenders for oil prices.

Tymoshenko himself had to go to jail.

But this time the prison period lasted only forty-two days.

In 2011, Tymoshenko promoted the signing of the Russian-Ukrainian gas supply agreement.

Tymoshenko, Iron Lady of Ukraine: With close ties to Putin, can he become the new president of Ukraine?

The move was attacked by the opposition, who reported Tymoshenko to the court, accusing her of abusing her power for her own personal gain.

This time, Tymoshenko was imprisoned for a very long time and sentenced to seven years in prison.

Tymoshenko has been denying the allegations against her, which she insists are political persecution.

While serving his sentence in prison, some media broke the news that Tymoshenko was abused in prison and suffered multiple injuries.

She struggled to appeal, but during Yanukovych's time, it was unsuccessful.

It was not until 2014, when Yanukovych stepped down from the presidency, that Tymoshenko was acquitted by the Supreme Court.

Tymoshenko, Iron Lady of Ukraine: With close ties to Putin, can he become the new president of Ukraine?

Will the unfulfilled dream of a president come true because of a relationship with Putin?

Tymoshenko's highest position, ukraine's prime minister, clearly does not satisfy her political ambitions.

Becoming head of state has always been her dream.

In 2018, Tymoshenko officially announced that he would participate in the next year's general election.

Her biggest rival was poroshenko, her former rival.

Poroshenko publicly accused Tymoshenko of:

Tymoshenko, Iron Lady of Ukraine: With close ties to Putin, can he become the new president of Ukraine?

Tymoshenko herself began to be labeled pro-Russian, mainly because she had made such remarks:'

"Without Russia, the range of problems facing Ukraine would be more complex."

Tymoshenko, Iron Lady of Ukraine: With close ties to Putin, can he become the new president of Ukraine?

And in her political career, it can indeed be seen that she has had a good relationship with Putin.

Since entering politics, she has visited Russia several times and met with Putin.

In terms of linguistic habits, Tymoshenko's pro-Russian may be taken for granted.

She herself spoke Russian and did not learn Ukrainian until she was forty years old.

As early as her presidency, she was at odds with Yushchenko's pro-American political attitudes.

Yushchenko has always been pro-American.

In order to submit a "letter of submission" to the West, Yushchenko actually defaulted on the gas fees that should have been paid to Russia.

The move left Russia unhappy.

In 2008, when Yushchenko made public anti-Russian remarks, Prime Minister Tymoshenko remained neutral.

This once-intimate "political couple" also has a huge contradiction.

In 2011, Tymoshenko presided over the signing of the Russian-Ukrainian gas supply agreement.

Although the move left her in the limelight, it was also because of this that she gained the favor of Russia.

At the time, some analysts believed that Tymoshenko might be the Kremlin's most desirable candidate for Ukrainian president.

However, when Russia and Ukraine were at odds over the Crimean issue, Tymoshenko immediately hid his pro-Russian attitude for the time being.

Tymoshenko, Iron Lady of Ukraine: With close ties to Putin, can he become the new president of Ukraine?

In 2019, Tymoshenko ran for president.

She was defeated along with her old rival Poroshenko to zelenskiy, an actor who had come out halfway.

She ran for president three times, but she also lost three times.

However, with the outbreak of the Russo-Ukrainian War, the pro-Russian beauty prime minister began to be pinned high hopes on by many people.

Some people think that if she had been the president of Ukraine, there might not have been a Russo-Ukrainian war.

However, Tymoshenko is clearly a man of extreme political interests.

In order to master Ukraine's energy project, he was close to Lazarenko, and later in order to defeat President Kuchma, he became a "close" political partner with Yushchenko, and then in order to defeat Yanukovych, Tymoshenko turned to the embrace of the West.

Even when he was prime minister, he repeatedly expressed the idea of pushing Ukraine to join NATO.

Such a person who only values interests, although she has dealt with Putin, but if she wants to take this opportunity to become the president of Ukraine, she must also do two things.

First, persuade the Ukrainian army to abandon resistance and let Russia destroy all the military facilities of the Western countries in Ukraine.

Second, promise Putin that Ukraine will never join NATO and will always be neutral.

Only then will Tymoshenko (possibly) become the new Ukrainian president after Russia's conquest of Ukraine.

Conversely, if Tymoshenko sided with the West in the process, she would have lost her dream of becoming president altogether.

Tymoshenko, Iron Lady of Ukraine: With close ties to Putin, can he become the new president of Ukraine?


Born in 1960, Tymoshenko has an angelic countenance.

This is a great plus in today's mature video technology, and her beauty allows her to easily gain the attention of the world.

Studies have shown that in Western election campaigns, good looks can indeed add points to themselves.

But looking back on the first half of her life, Tymoshenko was by no means just beautiful.

She is ambitious, tenacious, and she values only profit in politics.

These core qualities are the important reasons why she is in the political and business circles.

However, after coming from a poor background, she did not think about how to benefit the people after becoming an oligarch.

She has a firm grip on Ukraine's gas supply system, making Ukrainian gas expensive.

The interweaving of money and power is what she has always believed in and promoted.

In combing through her experiences, it is difficult to find that she has a great ideal of saving the country and the people, and we can only see a shrewd businessman and a slippery politician.

If she can really become the president of Ukraine, I hope she can bring peace and stability to the Ukrainian people.

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