
She is Jay Chou's sister, debuted for 10 years without fire, and now uses music for public welfare

author:Surin JNT9

As an artist, there has been no fire in the debut for ten years, and it is difficult for ordinary people to know what the artist's heart is like. As the sister of the famous Jay Chou, Yuan Yonglin said: "I originally planned to leave this circle. ”

But fate does not fail everyone who works hard enough.

On the stage of "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves", Yuan Yonglin, who can play more than ten kinds of instruments and sing and dance, is on fire! In the eyes of ordinary people, Yuan Yonglin should hit the iron while it is hot and invest all her energy to make her acting career go to a higher level. But Yuan Yonglin's subsequent actions were quite surprising.

In June 2020, Yuan Yonglin participated in Hunan Satellite TV's "Shoot, Brother! Mango Poverty Alleviation Cloud Supermarket Big Live Broadcast. In this regard, Yuan Yonglin said: "This is not the first time. ”

After the fire, Yuan Yonglin was keen on public welfare, and some netizens questioned: Is this gilding herself through public welfare?

Actually, that's not the case.


She is Jay Chou's sister, debuted for 10 years without fire, and now uses music for public welfare

Yuan Yonglin participated in the live broadcast of helping farmers

As a singer, Yuan Yonglin has a distinctive public welfare feature: she has never left "music".

It stemmed from an experience she had in high school. At that time, her mother was hospitalized due to illness, and Yuan Yonglin ran to the hospital to volunteer in order to accompany her mother, helping the hospital fill in materials and answer the phone... At the same time, because Yuan Yonglin learned music from an early age, she would also play the piano when she was in the hospital.

At this time, something unexpected happened to Yuan Yonglin. Her mother told her that when she was cooperating with the doctor, she felt very calm when she heard the sound of the piano.

This allows Yuan Yonglin to see the power of music, "I found that those who are sick will be healed after hearing the sound of the piano, just like when I was a child, I used the way of playing the piano to vent my emotions and heal myself." So Yuan Yonglin volunteered in the hospital for a year, playing the piano for the sick.

"I remember once when I was playing the piano, there were several foreign patients, and they said to me: Thank you for your willingness to play the piano for us, after listening to your piano, I feel very comfortable and full of hope ..."

Yuan Yonglin said: "This is why I love music so much, because you never know what kind of energy your concert brings to others, a hope or not, or they are out of love and need to come out through music, or they need to use music to vent when they encounter setbacks in their careers... Using music to influence everyone, this effect is very direct, because it is a touch on the soul. ”

In this way, Yuan Yonglin's music and public welfare have become related.


Yuan Yonglin once lamented: "Music is a gift from Heaven." ”

For this precious gift, Yuan Yonglin did not enjoy it exclusively, and never forgot "music + public welfare".

In Taipei, China, she uses music every week for public welfare. "Go and bring an orchestra of fifty or sixty people, members of all ages, high school students, college students, or people in society in their forties and fifties, and everyone will form an orchestra to sing and perform." Yuan Yonglin believes that in this process, it can provide free learning and communication opportunities for people who love music, and can also use the power of music to heal those who watch performances.

And this "music + public welfare" model runs through Yuan Yonglin's entire public welfare road. In 2018, Yuan Yonglin followed a volunteer service team of 100 people to Hungary to do public welfare at her own expense.

"Our team went to help people there build schools, build houses, and teach them to cultivate the fields..." Yuan Yonglin said that everyone in the team has their own strengths, and everyone is using their own strengths to do public welfare.

For Yuan Yonglin, what she needs to do is still to use music for public welfare. "I'm there mainly teaching music to the little ones and am responsible for entertaining everyone!" Speaking of this, Yuan Yonglin smiled happily.

In fact, the effect of Yuan Yonglin's "music + public welfare" is far more than "entertainment". She said seriously: "Concepts are very important for a person's growth, and education must start with children."


Music can bring people spiritual pleasure, but the road to public welfare with music often has unknown hardships.

For artists, the biggest "roadblock" when doing public welfare is the schedule. When public welfare and performing arts "collide" in time, how should we choose? This is an inevitable problem for every artist who wants to do public welfare.

For example, before going to Hungary to do public welfare, Yuan Yonglin happened to encounter a filming opportunity, and the play chose her as the heroine - that was her first time as a heroine. But in order not to delay going to Hungary, Yuan Yonglin had to finish the filming within three weeks, so during that time she hardly even had time to sleep, and she had a heavy cold.

But even so, with a slightly better cold, she boarded a plane to Hungary, where she finally reached her destination after more than 30 hours of transit and nearly 10 hours of driving. At the same time, she also pushed out many performances for this reason.

She is Jay Chou's sister, debuted for 10 years without fire, and now uses music for public welfare

Yuen Wing Lin rehearsed for the concert

However, Yuan Yonglin never thought of giving up public welfare. She said: "If there is no epidemic this year, I would have planned to go to Kenya to participate in a public welfare activity, and this time I was vaccinated in advance. ”

In response, her agent "cried bitterly": "When she was vaccinated and ready to go to Kenya, I couldn't take a lot of work here." But she is that kind of person, we all support her, she is a real and kind entertainer! ”

In Yuan Yonglin's view, things are prioritized, and public welfare has always occupied an important position in her heart.


For Yuan Yonglin, why is public welfare so important?

Attachments must have a long-lasting cause. Yuan Yonglin's "public welfare dream" can be said to have a long history.

She is Jay Chou's sister, debuted for 10 years without fire, and now uses music for public welfare

Yuan Yonglin took a group photo with Hungarian children

As early as the first year of her debut, she once said to her mother: "I feel that music saved me, when my childhood was very hard and very painful, it was music that diverted my attention, so that I could create and vent." I have a goal, that is, to run a music public welfare school. Give access to music for people who don't have the financial means to learn music, so that they can vent or escape from it temporarily. At the same time, it is also possible to find some children with musical talents, give them the opportunity to shine, and let their future have hope! ”

This dream, Yuan Yonglin has always remembered in her heart. Ten years after her debut, Yuan Yonglin still thinks of the dream of music public welfare.

She introduced: "Before participating in "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves", I was going to change careers, and I had already told the company that I wanted to use music for public welfare. I didn't feel that I had to use music to make money, such as the orchestra I wore every week, which made me very rewarding. I can't make a penny, but it's very happy for me. Seeing everyone grow up and seeing that people who play music have a place to play music, I feel that I can pass on my profession, and for me there is a sense of accomplishment. ”


Under the influence of Yuan Yonglin, her fans have also thrown themselves into public welfare.

November 14, 2019 – On Yuan Yonglin's birthday, her fans donated 1,114 yuan to the China Social Welfare Foundation to provide free lunch for children. "When the fans gave me the donation certificate, I felt from the bottom of my heart that they really understood me. Everyone does a little bit and the world will be different. ”

As a singer, Yuan Yonglin used a lyric she created when participating in "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves" to describe her public welfare road: We are not humble and unobtrusive, and we will always ride the wind and waves.

Yuan Yonglin said: "Doing public welfare is like planting a seed, how this seed will sprout in the future You may not know now." But if you don't plant this seed, then there will never be a harvest that day. One person can run fast; a group of people can run far! ”

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