
The Rich American abandoned his wife, fell in love with a beautiful woman but was unfortunately killed, and 2 keys revealed the truth 14 years later

author:Old Yuan Archives Society

Newport Beach in Orange County, California is a rich city, is one of the richest cities in California, and even in the United States, with the most expensive real estate market in the United States, where the population of about 86,000 people, the climate is like the Mediterranean, there is a beautiful coastline stretching for nearly 10 kilometers, is a seaside resort that many people yearn for. Newport Bay is an upscale community here, where every home has a private jetty, and many even have private jets.

The Rich American abandoned his wife, fell in love with a beautiful woman but was unfortunately killed, and 2 keys revealed the truth 14 years later

On December 15, 1994, it was Thursday, around 10 p.m., when 28-year-old Nanette was driving back to her boyfriend's mansion in Newport Bay, she saw a row of police cars with flashing police lights surrounding the doorway, she was taken aback, felt as if something was wrong, and quickly got out of the car to try to enter, but was stopped by a police officer. She shouted anxiously: What happened? This is my home!

At this moment, a stretcher was lifted out, and on it was a man covered with a white cloth. It turned out that just an hour and a half ago, someone had broken into the house and murdered her boyfriend Bill. But Newport is a gated community, and it's almost impossible to climb over a wall or climb into a house.

The police found two keys at the scene, but no fingerprints, footprints or anyone's DNA were found at the scene of the crime, and the police did not find suspicious tools. After questioning, they learned the story of an old man and a young wife.

The Rich American abandoned his wife, fell in love with a beautiful woman but was unfortunately killed, and 2 keys revealed the truth 14 years later
So what's going on? Who murdered Bill? This story should start with Bill.

Counter-Attack Bill

Bill grew up in a poor family, but when he reached the age of high school, he was not allowed to join the army to supplement the family due to financial problems. Later, after retiring from the army, he was admitted to college and became the first college student in the family.

The child of the poor family always worked harder, and through his own diligent efforts, he got a full A grade when he graduated. After graduation, through his research in the field of biotechnology and his partners in the mid-1980s, he successfully invented the technology of separating plasma and blood, which is still widely used today, giving hope to patients with blood diseases and dialysis.

Bill and his collaborators later sold the technology to a pharmaceutical company, became a rich man, bought multiple properties in Newport, Las Vegas and other places, and then moved to Newport with his family. Bill loves flying so much that he bought himself a plane and often takes his family around.

The Rich American abandoned his wife, fell in love with a beautiful woman but was unfortunately killed, and 2 keys revealed the truth 14 years later

But after more than 20 years of marriage with his wife, after experiencing poverty, busyness, and eventually becoming rich, the contradictions between them began to gradually appear, and the common language of the two became less and less.

After all three children had reached adulthood and had moved out, Bill could no longer find anyone to deal with.

In 1990, at the age of 51, Bill divorced his wife and lived alone in a mansion, making Bill even more lonely.

The Rich American abandoned his wife, fell in love with a beautiful woman but was unfortunately killed, and 2 keys revealed the truth 14 years later

Bill and Nanette met

In order to get rid of the boring life, Bill has a premium membership card at a nearby gym, and it is here that he meets Nanette. At the age of 25, Nanette was very talkative, with a top-notch figure and looks, she had been divorced once, and had a son and a daughter.

The Rich American abandoned his wife, fell in love with a beautiful woman but was unfortunately killed, and 2 keys revealed the truth 14 years later

Later, according to Bill's family, Nanette posted a friend advertisement in the magazine, and she took a lot of sexy photos, and also wrote that she was looking for a rich man, which attracted Bill's attention, and they met.

But according to Nanette, it was Bill who ran the ad, and Bill was looking for a young woman who could fit in and talk decently. But anyway, they met through advertising and then fell in love with each other.

Bill, a rich old man, meets the hot-skinned Nanette and is naturally very kind to her. Bill took Nanette with one of her children to live in an upscale neighborhood in Newport Bay, where he took his girlfriend and children around like a family.

Bill opened a new bank account for Nanette and, in addition to making regular money calls, gave her several luxury cars. And Nanette is definitely a good listener, Bill and her chat without any obstacles, there is no generation gap between old men and young wives, and the mood will be great after each chat.

The Rich American abandoned his wife, fell in love with a beautiful woman but was unfortunately killed, and 2 keys revealed the truth 14 years later

Sometimes Bill is surprised that there can be so much resonance between him and Nanette. During this time, Bill also tried to talk to his original wife, but they never talked together.

Bill proposes to Nanette

Slowly, Nanette began to manage Bill's investment company and business, and Bill was relatively like the previous two, he once gave people the feeling of an arrogant, arrogant, radical businessman, he hated to associate with people who were not very knowledgeable.

As Nanette manages more and more things, Bill's eldest daughter reminds her father that Nanette is with him for money, but Bill replies calmly: I know.

In this case, Bill proposed to Nanette after a year together, and also added Nanette to his estate and to the beneficiaries of life insurance, which Bill's children could not understand.

The Rich American abandoned his wife, fell in love with a beautiful woman but was unfortunately killed, and 2 keys revealed the truth 14 years later

It may be that Bill really likes Nanette, but it is also possible that it is a kind of dependence and sustenance, because shortly before his marriage proposal, Bill's only biological son, Kevin, had an accident.

In 1991, before Bill proposed, 21-year-old Kevin was playing skateboarding when he was seriously injured by a drunken person, injuring the nerves in the head, and Kevin would not be able to speak normally for the rest of his life.

Bill was very sad, so he let his son stay at home for a long time, and he and Nanette took turns to take care of him.

Police investigate Bill's case

Fast forward 3 years, On Thursday, December 15, 1994, After Nanette got up in the morning, he left a note for Bill, who was on a business trip in Las Vegas and returned in the evening, saying that he had taken his son to the ball game, and the time to return home was not accurate, so he reminded Bill to find something to eat when he returned home.

The Rich American abandoned his wife, fell in love with a beautiful woman but was unfortunately killed, and 2 keys revealed the truth 14 years later

At about 10 p.m., as Nanette was driving home, he saw the scene we had at the beginning.

Kevin, who was at home at the time of the accident, tried to combine body language and writing, trying to explain the situation to the police that night.

At 8:30 Kevin and Bill had dinner, and at 8:50 Kevin returned to his second-floor bedroom, he listened to a little music, who knew that soon after 9:00, he heard a loud noise, a total of 6 sounds, and there would be a few seconds between 2 sounds.

Kevin was so nervous that he hurried downstairs to see what had just happened. He saw Bill lying on the kitchen floor, but didn't see who had done the case.

Kevin immediately called the police, but the matter of calling the police was not easy for him, because he could not pronounce it normally, and the police operator knew a general situation after half guessing and half-guessing.

The Rich American abandoned his wife, fell in love with a beautiful woman but was unfortunately killed, and 2 keys revealed the truth 14 years later

Police found 9 mm shell casings inside the house, the only evidence at the scene. Since Kevin had no fire left on him and the weapons cabinet in his home was locked intact, the suspicion was ruled out.

At Bill's desk, police found legal documents showing that Bill had recently closed a lawsuit with his former partner, Hal, the partner who co-invented the separation device.

Hal sued that he was the inventor of the technology, but Bill, as an investor, took more of the profits. However, Hal eventually lost the case and was countersued by Bill, saying that Hal did not perform the commercial contract between the two according to the regulations, so Hal had to repay Bill for $9 million.

According to this material, the partner Hal seems to have a reasonable motive for committing the crime. However, when the police jointly cleared Hal, Hal provided a complete alibi, and at the time of the crime, he was 240 kilometers away from here, and there were witnesses to testify, so Hal's suspicions were also ruled out.

The police officers who investigated the scene denied the possibility of breaking in, and the two keys they found, one inserted in the front door of Bill's house, looked like a new match, and the other was found at the aisle in front of the door.

The Rich American abandoned his wife, fell in love with a beautiful woman but was unfortunately killed, and 2 keys revealed the truth 14 years later

It's a gated community, and to get into Bill's house, you have to go through a locked door bar and front door, and the two keys that are found can open these two locks, which allows the police to shift the focus of the investigation to Bill's family, but everyone has a reasonable alibi.

Bill's original partner had long since moved out of here, with two daughters, one in Japan and one in Santiago. Her fiancée, Nanette, was accompanying her son to a ball game at the time of the crime, after which her ex-husband took her son, and Nanette went out shopping alone, and she also provided a shopping receipt, which can be testified at the time of the crime, and she was not present at the time of the crime.

At this point, the police felt very confused, could this be hiring someone to commit a crime? But where is the basis and breakthrough?

The Rich American abandoned his wife, fell in love with a beautiful woman but was unfortunately killed, and 2 keys revealed the truth 14 years later

Nanette's boyfriend, Eric

With no further leads, the officers at the scene returned to the police station. Suddenly, as if remembering something, an agent from the police immediately opened the transcript of Bill's fiancée, Nanette, at the scene of the crime.

In his notes, Nanette said: "I took my son to the ball game in the morning and my ex-husband was there. At around 10:00, the game ended, the ex-husband took his son with him, and 'we' left the stadium to go shopping. ”

Nanette uses 'we', so who is the other person in 'us'?

With this discovery, the officers were all excited and soon met with Nanette's ex-husband. Nannett's ex-husband said there was indeed another person with Nanette that day, but Nanette told him to keep it a secret, but in the face of the police investigation, he could only tell the truth, and that the man's name was Eric.

Eric, 28, is a strong professional football player who played for the New England Patriots and was a national football league player before retiring temporarily due to a sprained foot.

Eric and his mother used to live in the eastern United States, then moved to California, met Nanette at the gym, and had known each other for nearly 3 years at the time of Bill's accident.

The Rich American abandoned his wife, fell in love with a beautiful woman but was unfortunately killed, and 2 keys revealed the truth 14 years later

In the face of police questioning, Eric is sure that he and Nanette are lovers, have developed to the stage of going home to meet their parents, and also attended Eric's sister's wedding together. Two days after Bill's crime, the patrol saw Eric and Nanette meet once, embraced each other affectionately, and kissed.

The clue was unexpected, and the police summoned Nanette, but her explanation was even more surprising. Nanette said it was a romantic relationship, bill knew about it, and she fell in love with both men at the same time.

Bill gave himself a rich material world, while Eric provided physical and mental comfort. Nanette also said that she had no reason for Bill to be in trouble, because only if Bill was alive could she get more, and Bill didn't have time for Eric to exist.

The Rich American abandoned his wife, fell in love with a beautiful woman but was unfortunately killed, and 2 keys revealed the truth 14 years later

But Eric told the police that Nanette and Bill were more like father and daughter, or mentors, they just had a business partnership, he didn't know about Nanette's engagement, and he always thought that Nanette belonged to him alone.

By this point, the police had a reasonable guess, most likely because of this special relationship, Eric was reluctant to let his girlfriend spend the whole day with Bill, although Nanette had told him that Bill slept in separate rooms.

But how could young Eric, with confidence, live with an old man who had such a relationship?

The police asked Eric if he had a weapon, and Eric admitted that he did security work after retiring from the army, and he had more than one on his hands. Not long ago, he lent one of the 9 mm calibers to a colleague, and the self-defense tools were important for them.

But police found eric lying in a subsequent investigation because his colleague said the weapon he had borrowed was 0.38 calibers. When the police questioned Eric again, he said that the reason for saying this was because he was afraid that the police would misunderstand.

What misunderstanding? So far, the police department has not disclosed to the outside world the size of the shell found at the scene, and Eric's statement is equivalent to a disguised admission that he knows the truth!

The Rich American abandoned his wife, fell in love with a beautiful woman but was unfortunately killed, and 2 keys revealed the truth 14 years later

Eric felt that he had said the wrong thing, and quickly explained that although he did not have a clear alibi, he did not have enough time to commit the crime, and he had been with Nanette that afternoon. At 8:24 p.m. his pager rang and it was his boss who approached him. So he put Nanette off the car, and at 8:52 in the phone booth in front of a hamburger shop, he called the boss back with a public phone, which was a 20-minute drive from Bill's house, and Bill's accident was around 9 o'clock, so he didn't have time to commit the crime.

At this point, the police deliberately drove a few simulations, and concluded that if the road conditions were good, the speed of about 75 kilometers per hour could still be done, but in case there was congestion on the road, then the time was completely too late.

The Rich American abandoned his wife, fell in love with a beautiful woman but was unfortunately killed, and 2 keys revealed the truth 14 years later

Bill's trial

In 1995, the Bill case was officially heard. In court, the grand jury finally decided to drop the charges against Eric.

However, Bill's fiancée Nanette was arrested, but not in bill's case itself, but 1 month after the incident, Bill's family discovered that Nanette had stolen Bill's money, she forged Bill's signature, and took nearly a million dollars, because the evidence was conclusive, Nanette was sentenced to one year in prison.

The trial of Bill's case has come to an end, but who is the murderer behind it?

The Rich American abandoned his wife, fell in love with a beautiful woman but was unfortunately killed, and 2 keys revealed the truth 14 years later

Eric and Nanette

Fourteen years after Bill's case, eric didn't seem surprised when eric came out of the garage in May 2009 surrounded by three police cars, and the officers at the scene handcuffed him.

It's been so long, and there's been a lot of stories happening to Eric. He returned to the rugby team in 1996 and represented Barcelona in the world-class Football League, and in 1998 he officially retired and settled in Connecticut, where he married and had two daughters, but his wife, not Nanette.

The Rich American abandoned his wife, fell in love with a beautiful woman but was unfortunately killed, and 2 keys revealed the truth 14 years later

On The side of Nanette, her relationship with Eric has ended since she was jailed for stealing Bill's money.

After serving 180 days in prison, she was paroled and inherited Bill's estate, then married a businessman and gave birth to her third child, but the marriage ended in divorce not long after.

She later married an entrepreneur and gave birth to her fourth child.

It seems that all the evils have been buried by time, but in 2007, an agent named Larry was tasked with finding out the truth about Bill's case.

The willow is dark and the truth of Bill's case is revealed

Larry rummaged through the archives from the police station, and there were four large boxes of transcripts and recordings, one of which came to Suzanne's attention.

The Rich American abandoned his wife, fell in love with a beautiful woman but was unfortunately killed, and 2 keys revealed the truth 14 years later

Suzanne had called the police in 1998 to say that she had been Eric's neighbor, and Eric revealed to Suzanne that he and Nanette were getting along almost in November 1993, a year before Bill's accident, but Nanette was still living with Bill and might have frequent relationships, which made Eric angry, so he wanted to do something about Bill's private jet.

At first Suzanne didn't take it seriously, because for the next year, she often saw Eric and Nanette in the community pool, and she didn't hear about Bill's accident.

It wasn't until January 1995, two months after Bill's case, that Eric knocked on Suzanne's door again, mysteriously asking her, "Are there any cops?" Suzanne said no. So Eric flaunted that maybe someone had killed Bill, and that person was himself. He said he got the keys to Bill's house from Nanette before the incident, and he went to the hardware store to copy the new one.

Suzanne rushed Eric out of the house because she was worried that if she knew too much, Eric would be bad for her, but in the following years Eric did not make any more dangerous moves, so Susanna decided to report him to the police.

After listening to the recording, Larry visited the hardware store owner of the year, and although it had been more than ten years, he could still confirm that the keys to Bill's house were made by himself. From a large number of photos, he picked out Eric's photo at a glance, saying that he was the one who had been carrying the key, which coincided with Suzanne's testimony.

The Rich American abandoned his wife, fell in love with a beautiful woman but was unfortunately killed, and 2 keys revealed the truth 14 years later

In addition, Larry also found another recording in the archive, a woman called the police station and said that she had learned about Bill's case from the newspaper, she felt that it was related to Nanette, her fiancé was working on software, they needed someone to sponsor, and Nanette, who was working out at the gym, told her fiancé that she would become very rich in early 1995 and that she would be willing to give him angel investment.

It's strange, why is Nanette so sure he'll have money? And the time she gave happened to be after Bill's accident. Of course, if she hadn't been caught stealing Bill's money, she would have been paid an estate and insurance claim. This clue convinced Larry that The Bill case must have been conspired by Eric and Nanette.

On May 20, 2009, Eric, 43, was arrested; at the same time, 34-year-old Nanette was also taken back to the police station.

Bill's case is open again

Eric was tried in July 2011. In court, prosecutors provided more information Larry learned.

The Rich American abandoned his wife, fell in love with a beautiful woman but was unfortunately killed, and 2 keys revealed the truth 14 years later

A few months before the crime, Eric and Nanette had already planned to buy a wedding house, but Eric did not have a lot of money, and although Nanette had some savings, he still wanted to buy a property in a luxury community.

In addition, after the incident, the police officer once found a notebook in Eric's car, which had a page with Bill's license plate number, was he tracking Bill and looking for an opportunity to get started?

Eric was in court and once again produced a receipt for the record of his public telephone for the day, which was the only evidence that Eric was not prosecuted in '95.

On this point, the prosecution wondered why a normal, non-criminal person retained such evidence for 15 years. Although the prosecution still had no substantial evidence this time, the jury agreed that Eric was guilty.

It was at this point that Eric tried to sign a plea deal with the prosecutor, saying that he knew who the real culprit was, that the man had been hired by Nanette, and that he was not the one who did it himself, but the prosecutor did not believe him.

Eric was tried six months later, in January 2012.

The Rich American abandoned his wife, fell in love with a beautiful woman but was unfortunately killed, and 2 keys revealed the truth 14 years later

Nanette's defense attorneys tried to prove to the court that Nanette was an emotional liar who had cheated Eric and stolen Bill's money, but this was completely different from murder. It is precisely because of Nanette's greed that it is impossible to agree to Eric's solution to his own financial resources.

But prosecutors pointed out that this is most likely because Nanette's ruse has been revealed, and her and Eric's development has exceeded Bill's tolerance.

According to the evidence, Nanette had begun to steal money 10 months before Bill's accident. Bill was a shrewd businessman, unaware of that? By the end, when Nanette's lies are debunked by Bill, the game is over.

The Rich American abandoned his wife, fell in love with a beautiful woman but was unfortunately killed, and 2 keys revealed the truth 14 years later

In the end, the judge sentenced Nanette and Eric to life imprisonment without parole for life.

During this time, Eric tried to appeal, and he took out a bank statement, which was a record of the $50,000 transaction that Nanette had withdrawn from his bank account before and after Bill's case, and Eric believed that the money was the honorarium of Nanette's employees.

And a few days before the crime, a strange number appeared on Nanette's mobile phone, and Nanette and this number called 8 times in a week, but after Bill's accident, the number was immediately deactivated.

But the court dismissed his appeal, arguing that the person Eric said had been hired was most likely himself.

Now that Nanette is in prison, she's participating in the "Prison Time Change Yourself" campaign, and she's spent a long time training service dogs, some of which will be brought to the disabled after the training. She told the media who came to interview her that she really didn't need to make Bill disappear and that she missed her children.

The Rich American abandoned his wife, fell in love with a beautiful woman but was unfortunately killed, and 2 keys revealed the truth 14 years later

But then again, why don't Bill's family miss Bill at this time?

The Bill case came to an end, and Old Yuan was also here to lament, a child of a poor family, through his own hard work and struggle, he finally succeeded in counterattacking, but after success, he abandoned his original wife who accompanied him in hardships. Or a knife on the head of the color character, which is the case.

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