
Why teenagers love to set cards

Who's buying cards? The reporter walked into a card flagship store, the clerk introduced, there are Naruto, Ye Luoli, Pony Baoli, Harry Potter and other well-known IP card sales, but the most popular is the Ultraman card. The prices of these cards range from a few dollars to thousands of dollars. Parents reflect that the lower the price of the card, the fewer "heroes" are issued, and almost all of them are "negative characters" such as monsters. The clerk also said that the higher the price, the higher the level of the hero, the level of the card, and the number of rare cards. At the same time, the limited edition adopts a membership sales model and has a certain purchase threshold. Restricting purchase evokes the children's view of winning and losing that "what you buy is a victory"; at the same time, these cards are being repeatedly printed in large quantities. Merchants have designed some probability algorithms, and it is difficult for primary and secondary school students to accurately calculate how to buy the right cards, so they can only keep buying, repeating, exchanging, and discarding. Another reason why cards attract teenagers is that there are two types of cards: collectible and battle. Collectible cards mainly show the "level" of heroes, the battle type is from virtual to reality, each box of battle cards are marked with the words "Hero Showdown", after opening there are two packs of cards and a "war zone map", the map is also densely printed with battle rules. The clerk explains: "The basic principle is 'ratio size', stronger than the hero's skills. On the one hand, parents are worried that their children are overindulged, on the other hand, they are worried that this is a "subculture" among children, which is their "communication code", and once "cut off", it may be detrimental to children's mental health. How to avoid card addiction? Guo Feng, a full-time psychology teacher at Qingdao Qiyuan School, said: "From the early stage of children's growth, parents should pay attention to screening the content and toy games they watch. At the same time, we must pay attention to the quality of parent-child relationship. In addition, it is necessary to establish a sense of rules for children's consumption behavior. Of course, once parents find that there is an obvious conflict with their children's concepts in terms of games, they must stop and repair them in time, and they cannot blindly complain, let alone one-size-fits-all, and should not be neglected or blocked. ”

Why teenagers love to set cards
Why teenagers love to set cards

Source: Guangming Daily

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