
Former US President Barack Obama was infected with the new crown, and these international dignitaries have all been able to do so

author:Jimu News

Extremely eye news reporter Zhang Yang

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Later on March 13, local time, former US President Barack Obama said that he tested positive for the new crown virus, but his wife Michelle tested negative.

According to the Associated Press quoting Obama on Twitter, "I've had an itchy throat for days on end, but other than that I feel good." Michelle and I are excited to be able to get vaccinated and boost immunity. In addition, Obama encouraged more Americans to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

Former US President Barack Obama was infected with the new crown, and these international dignitaries have all been able to do so

Former U.S. President Barack Obama

Since the covid-19 pandemic spread around the world, as of March 13, according to the statistics of Johns Hopkins University in the United States, more than 450 million people in the world have been infected with the new crown. And many of these heads of state and politicians have been infected with the new crown.

Another former U.S. president, Trump, has also been infected

Another former U.S. president, Trump, has also contracted COVID-19, but he was infected in office.

On October 1, 2020, then-US President Trump posted on social media that he and his wife, Melania, had tested positive for the new coronavirus and would immediately enter isolation and rehabilitation procedures.

On the afternoon of October 5, the medical team led by White House physician Sean Conley held a press conference to brief Trump on the latest situation. Conley said that while Trump has not fully recovered, his own assessment and clinical condition support his return to the White House to continue his work.

Former US President Barack Obama was infected with the new crown, and these international dignitaries have all been able to do so

Former U.S. President Donald Trump

In the evening of the same day, Trump, who was receiving COVID-19 treatment, left the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and returned to the White House by helicopter.

British Prime Minister Johnson and his youngest daughter were infected

On March 27, 2020, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson posted on social media that in the past 24 hours, the body had "mild symptoms" of the new crown and tested positive for the new crown virus. At the same time, he said that he is in quarantine and will continue to work through video conferencing and other means.

Former US President Barack Obama was infected with the new crown, and these international dignitaries have all been able to do so

British Prime Minister Johnson

On April 12, 2020, Johnson was discharged from the hospital after 8 days of hospitalization due to his improvement in his condition. According to the medical team's recommendation, Johnson will rest for a period of time and will not immediately return to work.

On January 21, 2022, according to the Sun, Johnson's young daughter was unfortunately infected with the new crown virus just after the full moon.

Both mother and son of the Queen of England are infected and their health is worrying

On 20 February 2022, the BBC quoted buckingham Palace as saying that the 95-year-old Queen of the United Kingdom tested positive for the new crown virus.

The Queen had previously been in touch with her eldest son and heir, Prince Charles, who had just tested positive for COVID-19 the week before. Prince Charles, 73, is the second to contract COVID-19, having contracted the coronavirus for the first time in March 2020, but with mild symptoms.

Former US President Barack Obama was infected with the new crown, and these international dignitaries have all been able to do so

Queen of England and Prince Charles

Although the palace officials at the time said the Queen's symptoms were mild, with only "mild symptoms similar to a cold", it was expected that the coming week would continue to "work with ease".

However, the Daily Mail reported on March 12 that the Queen of the United Kingdom recently missed the Commonwealth Day ceremony and may not be able to participate in the commemoration of her late husband, Prince Philip. British media also said that the queen has been unable to walk the dog, and even whether she can walk has become a problem.

French President Emmanuel Macron, with the mildest symptoms

On December 17, 2020, the Elysee Palace of the French Presidential Palace issued a notice saying that President Macron tested positive for the new crown virus on the same day.

The announcement said Macron was tested for initial symptoms. According to the relevant prevention and control regulations, Macron will begin a 7-day quarantine, during which he will continue to work remotely and related activities.

Former US President Barack Obama was infected with the new crown, and these international dignitaries have all been able to do so

French President Macron

On December 24, the Elysee Palace issued an announcement that Macron no longer had symptoms related to the new crown virus that day, and the 7-day quarantine period was lifted on the same day, and he would continue to return to the office to work.

The President of Canada has been in contact with COVID-19 patients several times and has finally been diagnosed

On January 31, 2022, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau posted a message on his personal social media that he had tested positive for COVID-19. He said he was "feeling good" at the moment and would continue to work remotely, urging people to get vaccinated and get booster shots.

Former US President Barack Obama was infected with the new crown, and these international dignitaries have all been able to do so

Screenshot of Trudeau-related tweet (Source: Twitter)

Just the week before, one of Trudeau's children tested positive for COVID-19 and has been in isolation ever since.

This is also trudeau's first confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis since the outbreak began. He had previously self-isolated several times because of close contact with COVID-19 patients, but none of them eventually became infected.

However, according to the British Sky News Network, just on March 7, the Queen of the United Kingdom also met with visiting Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau at Windsor Castle.

Leaders of other countries that have been infected with COVID-19

On July 7, 2020, Brazilian President Bolsonaro announced that he had tested positive for covid-19 through live television.

Former US President Barack Obama was infected with the new crown, and these international dignitaries have all been able to do so

President Bolsonaro of Brazil

It is worth mentioning that the Brazilian president has called the new crown pneumonia a "small flu", opposed the wearing of masks, and has been repeatedly accused of violating social distancing rules to attend the rallies of supporters.

On March 19, 2020, according to French media reports, Prince Albert II, the head of state of Monaco, tested positive for the new crown virus. But officials said Prince Albert II's condition was not serious.

Just a few days ago, the head of the Monegasque government, Minister of State Thiel, also tested positive for the new crown virus. But media reports said Thiel's health was "not at all worrisome" and he was working from home.

On September 18, 2020, the Guatemalan Presidential Office said that President Alejandro Jamathai had tested positive for the coronavirus in his most recent test.

In an interview with the media on the same day, Jamathai said that he currently has mild symptoms, no fever, only a little cough.

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