
God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

author:Poisonous tongue movie

Surprised, excited?

"The Lord of the Rings" was released as scheduled.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

20 years, when you were with whom you were in the movie theater soul through Middle-earth, like a dream.

Or, 20 years later, you will witness this epic for the first time.

Sir knows that what you need most is this —

Middle-earth Roaming Guide.

Haven't seen the Lord of the Rings novel? Is the trilogy 9 hours too long? Too many backgrounds and allusions to understand?

None of this is a problem.

The following 35 knowledge points will tell you -

Legend, how to descend on earth.

01: "The Book of the Twentieth Century"

20 years ago, "The Lord of the Rings" was released, which was definitely a peak collision.

Books are the originator.

The Lord of the Rings pioneered the originator of modern fantasy literature, known as the "Book of the Twentieth Century", and influenced J. Lee. K. Rowling (Harry Potter), George Martin (A Song of Ice and Fire) and many other Western fantasy writers.

Tolkien spent almost his entire life constructing a grand and complete "Middle-earth world."

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

It's also a mountain that stands before Hollywood, sleeping for half a century.

Hollywood giants such as Disney and Universal have all walked around and refused to shoot the project.

First, the novel is too classic and too grand to be filmed.

Second, the investment budget is not cheap, and the risk is too high.

Third, director Peter Jackson has never had experience directing blockbusters.

Although Peter was heavily addicted to the Lord of the Rings novels as a teenager, he was only a B-movie director at the time, and his works were basically low-budget horror films and comedies.

One of the bloodiest and most cult films in film history, "Hordes of Corpses PlayIng Across the Line," was written by him.

Such a big investment to him, can it be achieved?

In the end, the project fell to a new line company that also started out as a low-budget horror film.

At that time, the new line decided to gamble a big one.

But the small new line weighed on all its wealth, and initially only gave Peter $130 million, an average budget of only $40 million.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

It wasn't until later that the budget was raised to 280 million, but it was still very tight.

(Compared to the cost of a Titanic in the same period of $200 million)

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

To this end, the creators have laughed and said:

What we're shooting is...

The world's largest produced low-quality film

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

02: Middle-earth

If you want to clarify the setting of Middle-earth, it may not take a few days or nights.

After all, it is a worldview that people have worked hard to improve all their lives, and they are all-encompassing and meticulous.

Therefore, Sir only introduces some basic settings that you need to know to watch a movie.

Friends who are relatively unfamiliar with "The Lord of the Rings" will probably have a number of them when they enter the theater with these.

The plot of the Lord of the Rings movies is mainly focused on Middle-earth, which is inhabited by many different races.

The main ones are:


A race of beautiful wisdom, good at creativity, love of poetry and art, with an eternal lifespan.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

One of them, the Zinda (Grey Elves), is light.

In one scene, the Sinda prince Legoras stands in the snow.

Everyone else was half buried in the snow.

In this way, the lightness of the Hinda elves is revealed.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey
God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey


Good at forging and mining.

As the name suggests, it is a race shorter than humans.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

They have a very sharp nose and have an interesting episode in "The Two Towers".

The queen daughter Io wei brought soup to the dwarf Jimley, but he did not drink it.

Later, when she gave it to Aragon, we learned that it was difficult to swallow at all.

Sigh, Jimley, who has a good sense of smell, has already seen everything.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey
God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey


Shorter than the dwarf, optimistic and cheerful, with no desire or desire.

Therefore, the resistance to the Rings is relatively stronger.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

In order to highlight the figure of the hobbit, this scene is photographed in a special way.

The whole series of films was shot in no less than 6 ways.

Including editing, aliases, misalignment, keying...

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey
God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

Half-orcs and Strong Orcs:

Ugly and weird-looking, it is an evil race that follows the demon king Sauron, and the latter is a combat-enhanced version of the former.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

They love the dark.

In Return of the King, Gandalf explains that Mordor's shadow spreads before battle.

Because orcs can't fight in the sun, they need shadows.

In the second half of the film, the shadow of Mordor can be seen in the fallen city in the direction of Minas Tiris.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

Humans: Similar to humans in reality, very complex.

Middle-earth time is divided by epochs, and the change of epochs is based on major events that changed the pattern of Middle-earth.

The Lord of the Rings trilogy takes place in the Third Age, the comeback of the Demon King Sauron, and tells the story of the many races that unite to destroy the Rings and fight against Sauron.

03: The Real Lord of the Rings

In order to facilitate the shooting of the Lord of the Rings shots in different scenes, The Lord of the Rings made 40 rings of various sizes.

Remember this stunning shot of the Rings squad after the Rings fell while they were on the snowy mountain?

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

In order to shoot this shot, the actual body shape of the Lord of the Rings was like this—

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

04: Elven language

There are a lot of "fairy words" in the "Lord of the Rings" movies.

These elven languages are not made up out of thin air.

It's a language that was actually created by Tolkien.

In order to build a complete Middle-earth world, he not only created the elven language, but also the dwarf language, the dark language, and so on.

The elven language created by Tolkien is also divided into different elven races, with dialects, slang, prosody, etc., which are meticulous.

Moreover, the actors pronounced the elven language in the film, learning the recording of Tolkien reading his own book.

05: Scene from animation

Director Peter Jackson drew inspiration from the 1978 animation when he made some of the shots in the film.

The end result...

You can't say exactly the same, you can only say that they are completely consistent.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey
God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

06: Tourism New Zealand promotional video

The Lord of the Rings was filmed in Peter Jackson's hometown of New Zealand.

It is said that one of the reasons is to save money. (New Zealand's costs are much lower than Hollywood's))

But at the same time, Peter used the magnificent scenery of his homeland to successfully make the imaginary World of Middle-earth appear before everyone's eyes.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey
God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey
God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

07: Old Hobbiton

After the crew built the hobbit tun where the hobbits lived, they were vacant for a year or two before filming began, and controlled the growth of the grass through the sheep.

For that, it's about making it look like a real country.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

The hobbits have lived here for generations, and it should be worn down, not like the new ones.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

08: The cry of a strong orc

Remember the earth-shaking and disturbing cries of the mighty orc legions during the Battle of the Sacred Helmet Valley?

It was actually the sound of more than 10,000 cricket spectators calling out.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

09: Rattrap shop in Minastiris

To convince the audience that Minas Tiris is a thousand-year-old capital, the crew put enough effort into the details.

Take a slow look at the city's landscape and you'll see vendors selling poultry in cages on the side of the road.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

Even, the crew set up a batch of dead rats to open a "rattrap shop".

Because, referring to the European Middle Ages, an ancient city like Minas Tiris will be full of rats.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

10: Snow in the Misty Mountains

One of the famous scenes, a blizzard on the Misty Mountains.

It seems to be in the middle of a snowstorm, but it was actually filmed on the sound stage.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

To make the snow look as realistic as possible, the crew used a rice-based compound to make things look like snow in the movie.

There are also omissions, such as irritating the actor's skin and eyes.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

11: Realistic prototype of the "Battle of the Five Armies"

In order to make the Battle of the Five Armies as real as possible, Peter Jackson went to study history.

A great battle between the dwarves and the elven armies was based on the real battles between the Roman Empire and the Carthaginian armies.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

12: Epic battle scenes

In "The Return of the King", the classic scene -

Rohan Knight Charge.

Director Peter Jackson asked the group actors involved in the scene to have read the novel and even memorize the script.

This makes them realize the importance of this moment.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

In addition, most of the "male" soldiers in the Knights of Rohan were actually women.

The crew recruited a large number of New Zealand riders, but most of the people who came to the scene were women.

In order to be realistic, the creators put fake beards on the ladies.

Effect, thief shock, thief realistic.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey
God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

13: A set of data

In order to save cost and time when The Lord of the Rings was filmed, there were usually 5 film crews working at the same time, sometimes as many as 7.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey
God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

The film has more than 20,000 sets of handmade daily uses; more than 50,000 sets of weapons; and more than 15,000 sets of costumes.

Big scenes are not something that can be filmed casually.

14: Dirty nails

In the first Rivendell conference, where the various races come together, you will find a lot of interesting details differences.

For example, nails.

In the close-up of the Lord of the Rings, Frodo and Boromir's fingernails are dirty.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey
God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

Hobbit farming, Boromir is a perennial warrior of arduous conquest.

Their dirty nails fit the identity of the character very well.

And look at the nails of the elven lord Elon King, very clean and tidy.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

Just a flash of small details, but enough to reflect the creator's efforts in the character.

15: The Rings and the Rings of the Spirits 9v9

Why is the Ring Guard 9.

The only way to fight Sauron is to throw the Ring into the flames of the Doomsday Mountains and destroy it completely.

In the first part, Frodo and the others form a ring expedition in Rivendell, with nine people.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey
God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

This figure is not a coincidence.

Under the Demon King Sauron, there was also a team of rings responsible for finding the Ring, which happened to be nine people.

A 9v9 of good and evil.

Ring, as Sauron's nine most loyal attendants.

If you look closely, you can see that their mounts are tattooed with the style of "Eye of Sauron".

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

16: The Real "One-Eyed Warrior"

You should remember the fierceness of the Battle of the Helm Abyss.

In battle, there is a one-eyed Arhat fighting in the legion.

Although it is implied in the film that he lost his eyes in battle, this was not done with special effects. Wayne Philips, who plays a soldier, really only has one eye.

The director found a terrible way to incorporate his unique conditions into the film.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

17: The Birth of Gollum

Gollum is a childhood shadow for many people.

But "he" figure, you may not always be able to recognize -

Andy Serkis, Hollywood's "King of Motion Capture" —

Gollum in The Lord of the Rings, King Kong in the 2005 version of King Kong, and Caesar in Rise of the Apes are all his masterpieces.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

In 2001, Serkis entered the Lord of the Rings cast as gollum voice actor. Director Peter Jackson discovered his extraordinary talent and decided to let him try out Gollum performances through motion capture technology.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

The best motion-capture actor in film history came to life.

At that time, motion capture technology could only simulate the actor's movements, and could not capture expressions.

So in 2001, Gollum's expression was created by an animator based on the facial expressions of Serkis during his performance.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

Andy put a lot of effort into performing this CG character well.

In order to present Gollum's state of being eroded by the Lord of the Rings, he drives himself crazy.

In order to reflect the flexible characteristics of Gollum's perennial survival in the wild, he has many difficult actions, such as jumping and crawling, and consumes huge physical strength every day.

Andy's movements are very powerful

It took a lot of energy to make him

So the clothes were also messed up by him

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey
God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

It is because of Andy's efforts that Gollum, the most brilliant motion capture character in film history, was born.

18: Nine dead and one life

Among the actors of "The Lord of the Rings", the biggest price was paid.

It must have been Aragorn's actor Vigo Mortsen.

When filming the scene of Aragon floating on the river, Vigo almost drowned because of the heavy costume.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

He recalls how he felt at the time:

There was hardly any air in my lungs

The river is also very cold

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey
God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

In the "Lord of the Rings" crew, Vigo also contributed half of his own front teeth.

A sword hit his front teeth directly

Vigo's front teeth ruptured in response

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

But he said: It's okay, let's keep shooting.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

There is also a scene in "The Two Towers".

Aragon kicked the orc's helmet and screamed in frustration.

This scene, there is no script at all.

Shouting is also genuine.

Because Vigo Mortsen injured his toe while kicking his helmet.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

19: The director's family is re-employed

Director Peter Jackson made 3 cameos in The Lord of the Rings.

In each one, there is a "shadow" of his flash.

In the first part, on their way to the Prancing Horse Hotel, Frodo and his party encounter a fat man who eats carrots in the rain.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

In the second and third installments, he plays the warriors of the decent and the villains of the Great War, respectively.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey
God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

What's more interesting is that.

Years later, in The Hobbit: The Smaug Desert, he still nibbles carrots at the door of the Prancing Horse Inn.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

The director not only went to war himself, but also took the family to sprinkle sugar.

A pair of sons and daughters appear in all 3 parts.

Because the filming was all done at the same time, it didn't seem to change much.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey
God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey
God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

20: Rivendell & Carlas Galaton

The territory of the elves, Rivendell.

There are both ingenious palace buildings and the beauty of forests and landscapes, and the two coexist harmoniously and complement each other.

The elves are skilled craftsmen and love nature at the same time, and the lord Elon king has human blood and is a half-elf.

Thus Rivendell is popular in Wonderland.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

But Carlasgarten, which is also the elven territory, is different from Rivendell.

The ruler of Calasgaraton, Queen Kailantril, was more noble and a more pure-blooded Nodo elf.

Therefore, there is less artificial atmosphere here and it is a natural wonderland that is closer to the original forest.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

Every design in "The Lord of the Rings" is not only full of imagination and beautiful, but also has a convincing basis.

21: Frodo's age

Frodo's character, Ilya Wood, has a baby's face.

He was under 20 years old when he starred in The Lord of the Rings.

Coupled with the hobbit's diminutive size, the audience once thought that Frodo was still a child.

In fact, Frodo was 50 years old when he embarked on the adventure.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

Hobbits are inherently long-lived, reaching 33 years of age.

Follow the timeline of the story.

When Gandalf returned again to find Frodo escorting the Lord of the Rings, another 17 years had passed.

The director chose the young-looking Wood to play Frodo.

One is to highlight his childlike purity of heart.

Second, during the 17 years that the Lord of the Rings was kept, the Lord of the Rings delayed Frodo's aging, so that by the age of 50, he still looked like a child.


Bilbo has held the Lord of the Rings for 60 years and is still very young when he is in his hundred years.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

When he gave up the Ring and handed it over to Frodo, in just a few years, he became a white-haired old decay.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

22: Bilbo's birthday, a cake on fire

At the beginning of the first part, Bilbo gave his birthday speech.

There were 111 candles on his cake, but he accidentally lit the polystyrene cake, making half of his face glow.

Because the actor Ian acted so selflessly, the crew desperately continued filming.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey
God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

23: The Song of Lucien

In the first part, when Frodo and his party are sleeping in the wilderness, the vigil of Aragon sings a song.

Frodo, who was not asleep, heard and asked him who the woman in the song was.

Aragon said it was Lucian, a female elf who fell in love with the human man Belen.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey
God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

When he sang this song, he was also singing about his love for the elf princess Arwen.

Coincidentally, Aragon and Arwin are also descendants of Lucien and Belém.

There is a long and complex history of change in the meantime.

Related story from Tolkien's other novel based on Middle-earth, The Sprite.

24: Grunting pupils

Gollum's signature elements have 2.

Split personality, and a pair of "watery" big eyes.

The difference between the coward "Gollum" and the dirty ghost "Smegger" is in the eyes.

The pupil of the former is very small, switching to the personality of the latter, and the pupil is instantly dilated.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey
God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

25: Gandalf's ring

At the end of The Lord of the Rings part III, the observant viewer will discover:

Suddenly, a ruby ring appeared on Gandalf's hand.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

This is actually one of the three rings of the elves mentioned in the opening of the first film, the Ring of Fire.

The other two, the Ring of Water were in the hands of Calantrell and the Ring of Qi was in the hands of King Elon.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

Gandalf's possession of the ring was confidential.

So he had never worn the ring before defeating Sauron.

At the end, it is also revealed for the first time in the film that Gandalf possesses the Ring of Fire.

26: Gandalf's Pipe & Sword

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

Gandalf often carried a slender pipe.

When he didn't use it, the pipe was hidden in his cane.

Once you find out, you can feel the clever design of the Lord of the Rings props.

His sword, Glamdring, is more elaborate and is made by a collection of 11 crafts.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

No wonder Gandalf loved to fight with people with his sword and cane.

The title of "Melee Mage" is well deserved.

27: Two endings, highlighting the contrast

Essignor was killed by an arrow like Boromir.

However, the way they were killed reflected the differences in their personalities.

Essidor was blinded by the power of the Ring, and an arrow was shot in his back, symbolizing his blindness to the corruption that the Ring had brought.

Boromir, on the other hand, dies in the face of an arrow, reflecting his understanding of the power of the ring and choosing to face it.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey
God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

28: Broken Gondor horn

In the third book, Return of the King, Deniser holds Borromir's Broken Horn.

It was in response to the death of Riboromir in the first part that the Gondor horn was destroyed by an arrow.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey
God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

29: The Song of the Elven Language

In the scene of Boromir's death, you can hear the choir in the soundtrack.

It's actually singing in elven language.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

The lyrics are derived from a famous sentence in the book:

I don't like the sharpness of a bright sword

I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness

I also don't like the swiftness of arrows

nor the arrow for its swiftness

I also don't like the glory of the warriors

nor the warrior for his glory

I just like what they defend

I love only that which they defend

30: The Wrist Guard of Inheritance

After Boromir's death, his wristband was worn by Aragon.

In honor of this friend.

This is not in the original work, it is the actor Vigo Mortsen who improvised on the spot and achieved a wonderful pen.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

31: Mirror echo

At the end of The Return of the King, Sam grabs Frodo and saves him from falling into a volcano.

The scene resembles the scene in "The Lord of the Rings Returns" in which Frodo catches Sam in the lake and saves him from drowning.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey
God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

32: One more eagle

At the end of The Return of the King.

Gandalf brought the three eagles to the erupting Doomsday Volcano.

In order to rescue Frodo and Sam, obviously two are enough, and the extra one is ——

Presumably to save the surviving Smegger.

33:I am no man!

In the final Holy War of the Rings, the Ring Angmar Witch King said to Irving, who was attacking him:

“No man can kill me!”

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey
God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

At the moment of the first shot, Merry suddenly sneaked up on his leg in the back.

Then, Iovine took off his helmet:

“I am no man!” A sword ended him.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

There's also a story that the movie didn't make.

"No man can kill him" was once a prophecy of the elf Gryffindale to the Witch King.

The Witch King was therefore not afraid, believing that no one could kill him.


"Man" in English pun, let him step on the pit.

It is true that the Witch King did not die at the hands of "man".

It was a woman, and a hobbit, who married him.

“I am no man!” , and one of the most classic and feminine lines in The Lord of the Rings.

34: Bilbo's compassion

In the first part, the Ring Guards are on their way, and Frodo finds Gollum following them.

Frodo sighed, "It's a pity that Bilbo didn't kill him that year." ”

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

But Gandalf said:

Don't judge the life and death of others so easily

Even the wisest cannot see through destiny

My gut tells me

Before all this is over, Gollum's play is not finished

Whether the character is good or evil

Bilbo's compassion may have affected the fate of many people

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey
God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey
God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey
God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey
God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey
God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

At the end of the destruction of the Rings, Frodo was unable to resist the temptation to take it for himself.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

If it weren't for Gollum's frantic desire to get the ring back, The fate of Middle-earth would have been rewritten.

The Lord of the Rings, ultimately destroyed at gollum's hands.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

Looking back at Gandalf's words, you will find that the foreshadowing of the ending was buried long ago.

35: Reciprocating map

The last one, left to the end.

Take a closer look at the map of Return of the King.

You will find that this is a review of the protagonist's entire adventure.

Go north along the White Mountains, to Lohan, through the Misty Mountains, to Rivendell, and back to tossing and turning.

From the Battle of the Helmet Valley, the sacrifice of Gandalf in the Dungeon of Moria, to the formation of the Ring Expedition in Rivendell, and back to the Shire.

A map is the best reward for fans with care.

It's also the best tribute to an epic.

God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey
God's work is God's work, and hollywood giants dare not make films, and today they have to obey if they do not obey

The picture in this article comes from the network

Editorial Assistant: Motor in the Summer Palace, Million Ice Cream in the Slum