
Another T0 shooter was born, crushing Di Renjie, hanging Houyi, and the shadow blade had no opponent

In Glory of Kings, although the overall environment of the current version is not friendly to shooters, the shooter is always an irreplaceable position. As the saying goes, look at the wild with the downwind, look at the shooter against the wind, and look at the development road in a desperate situation. The shooter hero does have an irreplaceable role in the later team battles. In particular, the output and tower demolition ability of team battles are unmatched by other heroes. Recently, another T0 shooter, however, crushed Di Renjie, hung Houyi, and the shadow blade had no opponent.

Another T0 shooter was born, crushing Di Renjie, hanging Houyi, and the shadow blade had no opponent

Di Renjie is a very classic standing shooter, many friends do not know how To play Di Renjie in the end, there is no pressure on the line, the output of the team battle can not keep up, in fact, it is not Di Renjie can not, but your way of playing is problematic. Di Renjie's most important skill mechanism is passive, each general attack can get an increase in attack speed and movement speed, and continuous general attack can get up to 25% movement speed and 30% attack speed.

Another T0 shooter was born, crushing Di Renjie, hanging Houyi, and the shadow blade had no opponent

Di Renjie's attack speed and movement speed bonus are particularly important in the early stage, before fighting with the enemy, you must ensure that you have stacked 5 layers of passive, and then use the line of troops to walk A to approach the enemy, during which you must not stop the general attack. If you stop the general attack, the passive attack speed bonus will disappear, and when Di Renjiepu attacks, the third general attack will hit an ultra-long-range dart, which can also consume the enemy.

Another T0 shooter was born, crushing Di Renjie, hanging Houyi, and the shadow blade had no opponent

Houyi, as the core figure of the pig breeding stream, also has its own legend. Although the pig stream has been weakened, Houyi is still a classic stand-up shooter. Many people say that there is no way out for the standing shooter in the rankings, but in fact, it is a single row. Shooters like Houyi are indeed easy to target, but if there is an assistant Ken to protect Houyi, you will know that standing shooters have spring.

Another T0 shooter was born, crushing Di Renjie, hanging Houyi, and the shadow blade had no opponent

Houyi's blow feel is very silky, after three consecutive attacks, it will get the effect of passive punishment arrow, and the general attack will split into 3 attacks, and the damage will be increased by 20% by the original. Using a skill in the Punishment Arrow state, Houyi's 3 arrows will also split into multiple arrows, while dealing damage to the 3 enemies in front of them. The attack range of a skill is larger than that of the General Attack Indicator, and with the Day-by-Day Bow, the team battle output is very powerful.

Another T0 shooter was born, crushing Di Renjie, hanging Houyi, and the shadow blade had no opponent

Huang Zhong is also the more popular stand-up shooter in the current version, and compared to Di Renjie and Hou Yi, Huang Zhong's propulsion ability is stronger. The coverage of Huang Zhong's big move is very large, most of the shooters must stand within the range of the defense tower when pushing the tower, so that they cannot hit people when pushing the tower, otherwise they will be attacked by the defense tower. But Huang Zhong is different, the big move can stand outside the defense tower to attack the enemy, once the big move is opened, no one dares to go up to the Qing army to defend the tower.

Another T0 shooter was born, crushing Di Renjie, hanging Houyi, and the shadow blade had no opponent

After Huang Zhong expands, his attack range is increased, his damage is doubled, and he can also gain up to 200 physical defense and spell defense. The disadvantage of displacement is that it cannot move when opening a big move, and it is easy to become the target of the enemy attack. Therefore, when Huang Zhong opens the regiment, it is best to hide his position first, and then provide fire support when his teammates fight. In addition, try to open up against the wall, and the enemy will flash through the wall when he cuts, which is very incomprehensible.

Another T0 shooter was born, crushing Di Renjie, hanging Houyi, and the shadow blade had no opponent

Recently, another T0 shooter was born, crushing Di Renjie, hanging Houyi, and there is no nemesis after the shadow blade, she is gibbon Garo. Garo is the longest-range shooter hero in the current version, one inch long and one inch strong, Garo can obtain stronger online suppression ability and team battle attrition ability through the advantage of hand length. The Shadow Blade is one of Garo's most core pieces of equipment, as Garo's most needed attack attributes are attack speed and critical hit.

Another T0 shooter was born, crushing Di Renjie, hanging Houyi, and the shadow blade had no opponent

Unlike the average shooter, Critical Hits are popular with everyone, but for Garo, Critical Strikes means slowing down control of enemies. In the Attack Speed Suit, the Shadow Blade's attack speed and critical hit bonus are the highest, and after the Shadow Blade is produced, Garo's attack speed and critical strike chance will have a higher increase. Using the slowdown of critical hits and high damage, Garo's team battle damage is terrifying.

How do you think Garo is doing? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss, please pay more attention, we will see you in the next issue.

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