
Media Tiangong 丨Tiangong power in the Winter Olympics

Editor's Note

From February 7, 2022 to March 10, 2022, China News Network, Learning Power, Tianjin Daily, Tianjin Release, Tianjin Education, Sina Tianjin and other media and network platforms reported on the creation of hand-painted blessings for the Winter Olympics by students of our school, and the development of smart wearable products by Professor Liu Hao's team to help the Winter Olympics, and the relevant media reports are summarized as follows for readers.


China News Network

Media Tiangong 丨Tiangong power in the Winter Olympics

Recently, students of the School of Art of Tianjin Polytechnic University used their paintbrushes to draw their own Winter Olympics, jointly painted a picture of peace and friendship, helped the Winter Olympics with aesthetic education, and cheered for Chinese athletes. Cheer for the Beijing Winter Olympics! (Tianjin Branch Yang Zijiao Tang Runqing)


Tianjin Daily

Media Tiangong 丨Tiangong power in the Winter Olympics

Tianjin's scientific and technological power in the Winter Olympics

Temperature-controlled heating hood gloves warm Winter Olympic athletes (photo)

Tiangongda's research and development of smart wearable products has been applied to 5 categories of sports teams such as the National Cross-Country SkiIng Team

Jiang Ning, reporter of this newspaper, Jiang Baocheng, correspondent Zhu Yanan, Mei Siqi, photographed

Media Tiangong 丨Tiangong power in the Winter Olympics

R&D personnel test the smart heating head cover. Reporter Jiang Baocheng Correspondent Zhu Yanan Mei Siqi photographed

Media Tiangong 丨Tiangong power in the Winter Olympics

Electrically heated warm gloves.

The intelligent heating fabric developed by using carbon nanotube materials can be uniformly distributed surface temperature, fast heating speed, safe and washable, light and soft, and can be combined with the self-developed temperature control module to achieve wireless communication and intelligent and accurate temperature control... The smart wearable products provided by Professor Liu Hao's team from the School of Textile Science and Engineering of Tianjin Polytechnic University for the Chinese legion bound for the Beijing Winter Olympics, including 690 sets of heated head covers and 407 sets of heated gloves, have been applied to the National Cross-Country Skiing Team, the Chinese Nordic Biathlon Team, the Chinese Freestyle Ski Jumping and Slope Obstacle Course Team, the Chinese Snowboard U-Shaped Field Team, and the China Air Skills Team, providing scientific and technological support for normal training and warmth during the event, and providing medical and technological support for the Winter Olympic athletes." Heavenly warmth".

"As early as the beginning of last year, we provided smart temperature-controlled heating gloves and hoods for athletes, coaches and volunteers preparing for the Winter Olympics. At the beginning of this year, in order to enhance the athletes' wearing experience, the team developed a second-generation product on the basis of the first batch of products, improved in many places such as production process and appearance design, and integrated a variety of Winter Olympic elements. Liu Hao said that the team participated in the "Science and Technology Winter Olympics" national key research and development plan - winter sports and training competitions with high-performance clothing key technology research and development project, mainly responsible for the winter sports low temperature protection clothing key technology research and development work.

Intelligent temperature control heating gloves involve 15 processes, sewn by 20 professional and technical workers, the final product has undergone 4 quality inspections, and carried out two steps of internal mold and external steam iron, so that the gloves show the shape of natural bending of human fingers and improve wearing comfort. The "upgraded version" of the intelligent temperature control heating head cover has undergone 8 revisions, dozens of productions, and more than 50 samples of the research and development process, overcoming practical problems such as the difficulty of multi-piece fabric printing and stitching while looking beautiful, and striving to achieve the ultimate in every detail... The School of Textile Science and Engineering of Tianjin Polytechnic University has also converted the clothing craft room of the college into a temporary production workshop, and jointly produced more than 200 sets of intelligent temperature-controlled heating gloves and head covers in conjunction with a number of enterprises outside the university, and delivered them to the Winter Games Center of the State General Administration of Sport in batches, ensuring the training and competition needs of mainland athletes.

Media Tiangong 丨Tiangong power in the Winter Olympics

△ "Tianjin Daily" Weibo report

Media Tiangong 丨Tiangong power in the Winter Olympics
Media Tiangong 丨Tiangong power in the Winter Olympics

△ "Tianjin Release" Weibo report

Media Tiangong 丨Tiangong power in the Winter Olympics

△ "Tianjin Education" Weibo report

Media Tiangong 丨Tiangong power in the Winter Olympics

△ "Sina Tianjin" Weibo report

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Media Tiangong 丨Tiangong power in the Winter Olympics

Tianjin Polytechnic University:

Create a warm day of work Technology to help the Winter Olympics

Recently, Tianjin Polytechnic University received a letter of thanks from the Winter Sports Management Center of the General Administration of Sport of the People's Republic of China, in which it affirmed and expressed its sincere gratitude for the help and support provided by the school during the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.

Media Tiangong 丨Tiangong power in the Winter Olympics

Image source: Tianjin Polytechnic University

As a national key research and development program of "Science and Technology Winter Olympics" - key technology research and development project of high-performance clothing for winter sports and training competitions, Professor Liu Hao of Tianjin Polytechnic University and his scientific research team are responsible for the research and development of key technologies for winter sports low temperature protection clothing, and have developed gloves and head covers that can achieve intelligent temperature control, providing athletes, coaches and volunteers with a more comfortable warm experience, and helping the Beijing Winter Olympics with science and technology.

Media Tiangong 丨Tiangong power in the Winter Olympics

Since 2019, Professor Liu Hao's team has participated in the "Science and Technology Winter Olympics" national key research and development plan project, in just three years, the process of developing a "warm suit" for the Winter Olympics is not simple, and it can even be said to be very difficult. The development of a heating head cover for athletes alone involves the knowledge of textile science, clothing design, ergonomics, clothing comfort, sports science and other disciplines.

In order to maximize the wearability of athletes under the premise of ensuring the heat effect, the R & D team has made a lot of efforts in the selection of styles, fabrics and processes, and spent 2 months investigating the style of glove head covers in the early stage, and purchasing various fabrics for testing and comparison. The structural design of the hood and gloves is also constantly modified, and at the same time, in terms of appearance and style design, visual beauty should take into account the practical problems such as the difficulty of multi-piece fabric printing and stitching, the team has changed and adjusted the design plan five times, during which it constantly looks for printing manufacturers, selects suitable printing fabrics, communicates design details, tests and evaluates quality, difficulties, but the more frustrated the braver. In order to be able to send intelligent temperature control heating gloves and intelligent temperature control heating head covers to athletes in a timely manner, the School of Textile Science and Engineering temporarily changed the process room into a production workshop, with nearly 100 machines produced at the same time for mass production.

Media Tiangong 丨Tiangong power in the Winter Olympics

Since January 2021, Professor Liu Hao's team has provided smart wearable products to Zhangjiakou, Chongli And other relevant units of the Beijing Winter Olympics on three occasions, including a total of 690 sets of heated head covers and a total of 407 pairs of heated gloves. It is reported that the corresponding products are applied to the national cross-country skiing team, the Chinese Nordic biathlon team, the Chinese freestyle ski jump and slope obstacle course team, the Chinese snowboard U-shaped field team, and the Chinese air skill team, providing "natural warmth" for the Winter Olympic athletes.

Media Tiangong 丨Tiangong power in the Winter Olympics

The Beijing Winter Olympics have come to an end, and the development of ice and snow sports in China will never stop. Tianjin Polytechnic University will, as always, pay attention to China's ice and snow, continue to give strong support and assistance, and make unremitting efforts to build a sports power, a healthy China, and realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (Author Affilications:Tianjin Polytechnic University)

Responsible editors: Liu Ziqin, Jiang Chuang, Zhang Yu

· END ·

Tianjin Polytechnic University


Cover | Liu Kanlin

Typography | Jiang Chuang

Audit | Liu Ziqin

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