
March 14 in history

author:See Lou Dong

German composer Tylermann was born in 1681

March 14 in history

Georg Philippe Taylormann (14 March 1681 – 25 June 1767) was one of the most famous German composers. Born into a family of priests, Taylorman learned violin, flute and keyboard instruments at the age of 10. Taylorman is recognized as one of the authoritative composers of the mid-18th century. His smooth and luscious tunes, clear and crisp structure, and sweeping away the cumbersome and obscure winds, he is considered a bridge and important transitional figure between the late Baroque and the emerging classical music school.

In 1854 the German immunologist Paul Ehrlich was born

March 14 in history

Paul Ehrlich (14 March 1854 – 20 August 1915) was a German bacteriologist and immunologist whose most notable research included hematology, immunology and chemotherapy. Born in 1854 to a Jewish family in Silesia, in 1910 he and his Japanese assistant, Qin Sahachiro, invented the arsenic vanamine for the treatment of syphilis, which can penetrate specific parts of the human body, kill syphilis, and become a syphilis agent. In immunology, he founded the "side chain theory", which provides some methods for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infectious diseases. In 1908, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Metchnikov.

Physicist Albert Einstein was born in 1879

March 14 in history

Albert Einstein (14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955), born in Ulm, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, was a modern physicist. Einstein's theory laid the theoretical foundation for the development of nuclear energy, and in order to help fight the Nazis, he wrote a letter to US President Franklin Roosevelt with the assistance of Leo Silard and others, directly contributed to the launch of the Manhattan Project, and after World War II, he actively advocated peace, opposed the use of nuclear weapons, and signed the Russell-Einstein Declaration. Einstein ushered in a new era of modern science and technology, is recognized as the greatest physicist after Galileo and Newton, and is also the culmination and development of the critical school of scientific philosophy.

In 1883 Marx, the great teacher of the proletariat, died

March 14 in history

Karl Marx, full name Karl Heinrich Marx (5 May 1818 – 14 March 1883), was one of the founders of Marxism, the organizer and leader of the First International, one of the founders of Marxist parties, the revolutionary mentor of the proletariat and working people of the world, the spiritual leader of the proletariat, and the founder of the international communist movement. His major works include Capital and The Communist Manifesto.

In 1897, the master of Chinese painting Pan Tianshou was born

March 14 in history

Pan Tianshou (14 March 1897 – 5 September 1971), courtesy name Taiyi, signed himself as Ashou and Shou. Modern painter and educator. People from Ninghai, Zhejiang. In 1915, he was admitted to the Zhejiang Provincial First Normal School and was taught by Jing Hengyi and Li Shu. His freehand flowers and birds first studied Wu Changshuo, and later took the Title of Fa Shitao and the Eighth University, and served as vice chairman of the China Artists Association and president of the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts. He is the author of "History of Chinese Painting" and "Listening to Tiange Paintings and Talking about Essays" and so on. On September 5, 1971, Pan Tianshou died.

In 1917, China participated in World War I

March 14 in history

On March 14, 1917, the Beijing government announced that from now on, diplomatic relations with Germany would be formally severed, and at the same time it would be announced that the German concessions in Tianjin and Hankou would be recovered and that the reparations and arrears to Germany would be suspended. This decision was taken by vote of both houses of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The research department in the National Assembly followed Duan Qirui and advocated absolute "joining".

American astronaut Frank Frederick Borman II was born in 1928

March 14 in history

Frank Frederick Borman II (born March 14, 1928) was a NASA astronaut known for performing the first Apollo 8 mission around the Moon.

In 1932, Eastman, the inventor of the Kodak camera, died

March 14 in history

George Eastman (July 12, 1854 – March 14, 1932) was an American inventor, founder of the Kodak Company, and inventor of film. In 1878, a film coated with a layer of dry gelatin was invented; in 1879, a latex coating machine was invented and a large number of dry sheets were produced; in 1881, the Eastman Dry Plate Manufacturing Company was founded, which was the predecessor of kodak Company; in 1886, a roll-sensitive film was developed, and in the same year, a new camera was successfully developed. On March 14, 1932, he committed suicide with a gun at his home in Rochester, New York.

American astronaut Eugene Cernan was born in 1934

March 14 in history

Eugene Andrew Cernan (March 14, 1934 – January 16, 2017) was a NASA astronaut who flew three space missions: Gemini 9A (June 1966), lunar module pilot for Apollo 10 (May 1969), and commander of Apollo 17 (December 1972). Apollo 17 was the last mission to the moon so far, and Cernan became the last person to leave footprints on the moon. He was also a backup team member for gemini 12, Apollo 7 and Apollo 14 missions.

American show star Billy Christo was born in 1947

March 14 in history

Billy Christo (born March 14, 1947) is a Golden Globe-nominated, Emmy-winning American actor, playwright, film producer and director. It became popular mainly in the 1970s as an ABC SOAP opera, and in the 1980s began shooting Hollywood films, including When Harry Met Sally and City Slide.

In 1979, Beijing and Tokyo became sister cities

March 14 in history

Tokyo, a city located in the eastern part of the Japanese island of Honshu, encompasses the Tokyo Metropolitan Area, which is an expanding and connected city, and is currently the world's largest mega-metropolitan area and the most important world-class city in Asia. With a total area of 2,155 square kilometers, 23 special districts, 27 cities, 5 towns, 8 villages, and the Izu Islands and the Ogasawara Islands, Tokyo is a hub for a wide range of information and the birthplace of Asian pop culture. On March 14, 1979, it became a sister city with Beijing, China.

In 1988, vietnamese armed ships invaded the waters of the Spratly Islands

March 14 in history

The Battle of Nansha is also known as the Battle of March 14 and the Battle of Chigua Reef. It was an armed conflict between the Chinese Navy and the Vietnamese Navy on March 14, 1988, in the waters off Chigua Reef in the Nansha Islands of China, and was a self-defense counterattack by the Chinese Navy.

In 1993, mr. Yu Yuzhi, the last old man of the Xinhai Revolution, passed away

March 14 in history

Yu Yuzhi (31 December 1889 – 14 March 1993), courtesy name Yu Yi (毓義), courtesy name Yingcai, pseudonym Nguyen Heng Ching, was the last old man to die to participate in the Xinhai Revolution. Yu Yuzhi took the realization of the Three People's Principles as his goal of struggle, courted Yuan Protector, and the Northern Expedition, and he firmly followed Dr. Sun Yat-sen. Yu Yu's life has gone through ups and downs and lived to be more than 100 years old. He is the author of "Remembering the Army Surveying and Mapping School", "Memories of My Eight Meetings with Dr. Sun Yat-sen", "Kuomintang-Communist Cooperation and National Participation in Political Affairs", "Centennial Self-Statement" and so on.

In 1994, Schindler's List won seven Oscars

March 14 in history

On March 14, 1994, Schindler's List won seven awards at the 66th Academy Awards. Produced by Universal Pictures in 1993, the film was written by Steven Chailian and directed by Steven Spielberg; starring Liam Neeson, Ben Kingsley, Ralph Feins, and Embeth Davits. Based on a 1982 biographical novel of the same name by Australian author Thomas Connery, the film won seven awards at the 66th Academy Awards in 1994 for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Art Direction, Best Cinematography, Best Editing, and Best Original Music.

In 1995, humans obtained the genetic material of dinosaurs for the first time from dinosaur egg fossils

March 14 in history

On March 14, 1995, a group of young scientists from the School of Life Sciences of Peking University recently succeeded in obtaining dinosaur gene fragments from two special dinosaur egg fossils. This is the first time humans have obtained genetic material from dinosaur egg fossils. This discovery is of great significance to human understanding of dinosaurs and their living environment, the origin of species and the evolution of organisms.

Chinese musician Wang Luobin died in 1996

March 14 in history

Wang Luobin (December 28, 1913 – March 14, 1996), courtesy name Rongting, was a Chinese national musician. In 1934 (the 23rd year of the Republic of China), he graduated from the Music Department of National Peking Normal University (Beijing Normal University). In 1938 (the twenty-seventh year of the Republic of China), Wang Luobin adapted the Xinjiang folk song "The Girl of Dabancheng" in Lanzhou, and then formed an indissoluble relationship with western folk songs, and devoted his life to the creation and dissemination of western folk songs, known as "the father of northwest folk songs" and "the king of western songs". His major works include "In That Distant Place", "Half Moon Climb Up", "The Girl of Dabancheng", "Lift Your Hijab", "Alam Khan", "In the Silver Moonlight" and so on.

In 1997, the National People's Congress approved the establishment of Chongqing Municipality

March 14 in history

On March 14, 1997, the Fifth Session of the Eighth National People's Congress deliberated the motion submitted by the State Council on the establishment of Chongqing Municipality directly under the Central Government, and decided: First, approve the establishment of Chongqing Municipality directly under the Central Government and abolish the former Chongqing Municipality. 2. Chongqing Municipality directly under the Central Government shall have jurisdiction over the administrative areas under the jurisdiction of the former Chongqing Municipality, Wanxian City, Fuling City and Qianjiang District. 3. After the establishment of the Municipality directly under the Central Government of Chongqing, the State Council shall, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and relevant laws, make corresponding adjustments to the establishment and division of the administrative regions under its jurisdiction.

In 2004, the "March of the Volunteer Army" was officially written into the Constitution as the national anthem

March 14 in history

"March of the Volunteer Army" is a song composed by Tian Han and composed by Nie Er, which is the theme song of the movie "Children of the Storm", known as the clarion call for the liberation of the Chinese nation, since its birth in 1935 at the juncture of national peril, it has played a huge role in inspiring the patriotic spirit of the Chinese people, on March 14, 2004, the second session of the Tenth National People's Congress passed the constitutional amendment and officially became the national anthem of the People's Republic of China.

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