
On March 14, Ukraine thanked China for its humanitarian assistance, and high-level U.S. and Chinese leaders will meet in Rome

author:Tayanagi Talk

At present, there are several new news in the Russo-Ukrainian war, first of all, a "peacekeeping center" located in Lviv Oblast in western Ukraine was attacked by Long-range missiles of the Russian army, resulting in the death and injury of many mercenaries.

On the other hand, both Kiev and Moscow said that the negotiations between the two sides had made "substantial progress" and that there was hope of signing the documents, while the fourth round of negotiations between the two sides would soon take place in the form of video. But from the perspective of the United States, they certainly do not want Russia and Ukraine to reach a reconciliation soon, so they continue to expand sanctions and provide various weapons and ammunition. In stark contrast, when the West is on fire, we are contributing special power in our own way.

On March 14, Ukraine thanked China for its humanitarian assistance, and high-level U.S. and Chinese leaders will meet in Rome

The media reported on March 14 that on the evening of the 13th local time, the second batch of humanitarian supplies provided by the Red Cross Society of China to the Ukrainian Red Cross Society had arrived in the country's city of Jopp, including food, sleeping bags, and moisture-proof mats. In this regard, the vice president of the Ukrainian Red Cross Society said in an interview that she was very grateful for the emergency supplies sent by the Chinese side, and she frankly said that humanitarian assistance is very rare and of great significance to a large number of Displaced and homeless Ukrainians.

The West sends weapons and Supplies to China, who wants peace more can be said at a glance, but the United States has recently repeatedly pressured us to take sides, and even threatened that Chinese enterprises will cut off their supply if they do not cooperate with sanctions, which is really sinister, but China has never been afraid of threats and only stands on the side of justice.

On March 14, Ukraine thanked China for its humanitarian assistance, and high-level U.S. and Chinese leaders will meet in Rome

Frankly speaking, ukraine and China are not without friction, such as the Madašić case, the Kiev authorities are very inappropriate, they directly nationalized the Madasic company, so that the investment of Chinese enterprises has been completely adrift, which our Foreign Ministry has also responded sternly. However, the above grievances do not involve ordinary Ukrainians, we feel sympathy for the local people in the war, as a responsible major country, China will provide assistance to some areas in need every year, and Ukraine is no exception.

Many people may not know that even if Russia and Ukraine are fighting inextricably, Moscow has also provided the necessary humanitarian assistance to the Ukrainian people, so there is nothing to be surprised about, and in the attitude towards refugees, China and Russia are consistent.

On March 14, Ukraine thanked China for its humanitarian assistance, and high-level U.S. and Chinese leaders will meet in Rome

It is worth mentioning that on the 14th, there was also a news item that aroused widespread concern from all walks of life, according to Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian, Director Yang Jiechi has gone to Rome, Italy, to meet with SULLIVAN, the US President's National Security Adviser, and the two sides will exchange views on Sino-US relations and international and regional issues of common concern.

Zhao Lijian pointed out that the two countries began to contact at the end of last year and have maintained close communication during this meeting, so there is no direct connection with the current Russian-Ukrainian conflict, but the Ukrainian crisis is after all the biggest international hot spot, and the above issues should be discussed at that time. In fact, last month, when US Secretary of State Blinken spoke on the phone with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, the former asked us to take sides, but was rejected.

On March 14, Ukraine thanked China for its humanitarian assistance, and high-level U.S. and Chinese leaders will meet in Rome

Of course, since it is a Sino-US meeting, it will definitely be the most sensitive topic of the two countries when the time comes. During this period, Washington continued to adopt an unfriendly policy toward China and frequently made provocative moves on Taiwan-related issues, seriously violating the "one-China principle." Not only that, the US crackdown on Chinese enterprises has not been relaxed for a moment, and it is recently preparing to delist 5 Chinese companies from the US stock market.

That is to say, when the two countries met in Tianjin last time, Foreign Minister Wang Yi left a "job" for Washington, but they actually did not complete it, and several red lines drawn were completely unsupported, which shows that the United States simply did not believe what it said. However, China and the United States cannot completely fail to communicate, otherwise the differences will become more and more extensive, but the Biden administration can only expect us to make concessions.

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