
The first person in history! James 30,000 points 10,000 board 10,000 assists The official website reveals how bullish

On March 14, Beijing time, in the second quarter of the Lakers' away game against the Suns, after James delivered his second personal assist, the total number of career assists reached 10,000, thus completing a miracle that no one had done before: 30,000 points + 10,000 rebounds + 10,000 assists. The NBA official website ridiculed this achievement can be called "career triple-doubles". In this 30,000+10,000+10,000 club, there is now only James. How great is this achievement? The NBA's official website uses data to demystify. James set a milestone, but the Lakers trailed by 26 points in the first quarter.

The first person in history! James 30,000 points 10,000 board 10,000 assists The official website reveals how bullish

James' score

According to NBA officials, there are 381 players in history who have scored at least 10,000 points, 142 players with at least 15,000 points, 49 players with at least 20,000 points, 23 players with at least 25,000 points, 7 players with at least 30,000 points, and only 3 players with at least 35,000 points (Abdul, Malone and James). James not only unlocked each of the above levels of the pyramid, but also set the record for unlocking each level.

The first person in history! James 30,000 points 10,000 board 10,000 assists The official website reveals how bullish
The first person in history! James 30,000 points 10,000 board 10,000 assists The official website reveals how bullish

NBA officials said that don't say 30,000 +10,000 +10,000, even if they lower the standard, 10,000 +10,000 +10,000, so far only James has achieved it. The three most important statistics of his career (points, assists and rebounds) reached five figures, which is definitely a miracle.

Throughout James' career, his relationship with the label "scorer" has been controversial. When he overtook Jordan to become the NBA's top scorer in the playoffs, he once said he didn't want to be called a "scorer."

"I'm not a scorer. I don't want to be labeled a scorer. I can put the ball in the basket, but I'm a playmaker," James said at the time, "I'm a player. Let me play and I'll find my way to succeed. When you talk about scorers, we have a lot of great scorers in our league who have scored a lot of goals and have a high shooting percentage. I'm not one of those people. I'm a person who is always happy and excited to see my team succeed. ”

Interestingly, in a recent episode of The Shop, James added, "When they talk about the best scorers of all time, they never mention my name. It blew me up. ”

This achievement of 30,000+10,000+10,000 proves that both statements are fine. James is not only a scorer, but also affects every aspect of the game. While he doesn't have Jordan's 10-pointers and Oxlade-Chamberlain's 50.4 points per game in a single season, no player can average 29.7 points in his 19th season like James.

James has averaged at least 25 points per game for 18 consecutive seasons, and no other player in history has been able to do more than 11 consecutive seasons. Look at the list of those who can average at least 10 points per game in the 19th or later seasons of their careers, not long, and the closest to James' 29.7 points this season is Bryant in 2015-16, and the same 37-year-old Kobe Bryant averaged 17.6 points per game.

James' rebounds

The first person in history! James 30,000 points 10,000 board 10,000 assists The official website reveals how bullish

James unlocked the 10,000 assist milestone today, and he unlocked the 10,000 rebounds milestone on January 20, Beijing time. James currently ranks 39th in total rebounds, and in terms of his position, James is also a very good rebounder.

The first person in history! James 30,000 points 10,000 board 10,000 assists The official website reveals how bullish

NBA official data, there are currently 270 players who have at least 5,000 rebounds, 88 players who have at least 7,500 rebounds, 42 players (including James) who have at least 10,000 rebounds, 19 players with at least 12,500 rebounds, and only 6 players with at least 15,000 rebounds.

Among non-center players, James ranked 16th in rebounds, while only nine players shorter than James in league history got more rebounds than him. Take the scores into account and look at Where James is in league history —

The first person in history! James 30,000 points 10,000 board 10,000 assists The official website reveals how bullish
The first person in history! James 30,000 points 10,000 board 10,000 assists The official website reveals how bullish

10,000 points + 10,000 rebounds: 38 players

15,000 points + 10,000 rebounds: 27 players

20,000 points + 10,000 rebounds: 19 players

25,000 points + 10,000 rebounds: 11 players

30,000 points + 10,000 rebounds: 5 players

35,000 points + 10,000 rebounds: 3 players (Abdul-Abdul-Jabbar, Malone and James)

James' assist

The first person in history! James 30,000 points 10,000 board 10,000 assists The official website reveals how bullish

In terms of assists alone, James has also joined the elite club, and he is the seventh player in NBA history to achieve at least 10,000 assists. The top 6 are Stockton (15,806), Kidd (12,091), Paul (10,894), Nash (10,335), Mark Jackson (10,334) and "Magic" Johnson (10,141).

The NBA official website pointed out that assists should be the most difficult to accumulate of the three statistics, and it is also the last completed data of James to unlock 30,000 +10,000 +10,000 miracles. Statistics show that there are 381 players who have scored at least 10,000 points in their careers, 42 players who have at least 10,000 rebounds, and only 7 players who have at least 10,000 assists.

The first person in history! James 30,000 points 10,000 board 10,000 assists The official website reveals how bullish

Also take a look at the pyramid of assists. There are 310 players in history who have completed at least 2500 assists, 71 players with at least 5000 assists, 14 players with at least 7500 assists, including James with only 7 players with at least 10000 assists.

It is worth mentioning that none of the other 6 players who have achieved 10,000 career assists have averaged more than 20 points per game, the highest is the Magician's 19.5 points, followed by Paul's 18.2 points, and James's 27.1 points per game!

Finally, let's revisit the statistical combination of three data -

10,000 points + 10,000 rebounds + 2,000 assists: 33 players

10,000 points + 10,000 rebounds + 3,000 assists: 17 players

10,000 points + 10,000 rebounds + 4,000 assists: 8 players

10,000 points + 10,000 rebounds + 5,000 assists: 4 players (James + Abdul-Jabbar + Garnett + Malone)

20,000 points + 10,000 rebounds + 5,000 assists: 4 players (ditto)

30,000 points + 10,000 rebounds + 5,000 assists: 3 players (James + Abdul-Abdul-Malone)

30,000 points + 10,000 rebounds + 10,000 assists: James

James and Abdul-Jabbar are the only two players to be in the top 50 in all three categories: points, assists and rebounds. LeBron finished 3rd in points, 7th in assists and 39th in rebounds; Abdul-Jabbar scored 1st, 3rd in rebounds and 45th in assists.

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