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author:China Reform Daily

Government work report

——At the Fifth Session of the 13th National People's Congress on March 5, 2022

Premier of the State Council Li Keqiang


Now, on behalf of the State Council, I would like to report to the General Assembly on the work of the government for consideration and to invite members of the CPPCC National Committee to put forward their views.

I. Review of work in 2021

The past year has been a landmark year in the history of the Party and the country. The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core united to lead the whole party and the people of all ethnic groups in the country to solemnly celebrate the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, successfully convene the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Party, formulate the third historical resolution of the Party, win the battle against poverty as scheduled, build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way as scheduled, achieve the first centenary goal, and start a new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country and marching toward the second centenary goal. In the past year, in the face of complex and severe domestic and foreign situations and many risks and challenges, the whole country has made joint efforts to coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, the main goals and tasks of the whole year have been well completed, the "14th Five-Year Plan" has made a good start, and the mainland's development has made new major achievements.

-- The economy has maintained its recovery and development. The gross domestic product reached 114 trillion yuan, an increase of 8.1%. The national fiscal revenue exceeded 20 trillion yuan, an increase of 10.7%. 12.69 million new jobs were created in cities and towns, and the unemployment rate in urban surveys averaged 5.1%. Consumer prices rose 0.9 percent. The balance of payments is basically balanced.

-- The ability to innovate has been further enhanced. The national strategic scientific and technological strength has accelerated its growth. Important progress has been made in the research of key core technologies, and new breakthroughs have been made in the fields of manned spaceflight, Mars exploration, resource exploration, and energy engineering. Enterprise R&D expenditure increased by 15.5%. The integration of digital technology and the real economy is accelerating.

-- The economic structure and regional layout continue to be optimized. Grain production was 1.37 trillion catties, a record high. The added value of high-tech manufacturing increased by 18.2%, productive service industries such as information technology services developed rapidly, and the resilience of the industrial chain was improved. The regional development strategy has been effectively implemented, and the new urbanization has been solidly promoted.

-- Reform and opening up have been deepening. A number of major reform measures have been launched in important areas and key links, and supply-side structural reforms have been deepened. New progress has been made in the reform of "tube service". The total number of market entities exceeds 150 million. The high-quality joint construction of the "Belt and Road" is steadily advancing. Promote the entry into force and implementation of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement. The total import and export of goods increased by 21.4%, and the actual use of foreign capital maintained growth.

-- The construction of ecological civilization continues to advance. The battle against pollution has been carried out in depth, the emission of major pollutants has continued to decline, and the average concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in cities at the prefecture level and above has dropped by 9.1%. The first national parks were officially established. The quality of the ecological environment has improved significantly.

-- The people's living standards have steadily improved. The per capita disposable income of residents increased by 8.1% in real terms. The achievements in poverty alleviation have been consolidated and expanded. The guarantee of basic old-age care, basic medical care, and social assistance has been strengthened. New strides have been made in the reform and development of education. The construction of 56,000 old urban communities has been newly started, benefiting nearly 10 million families.

-- The achievements in epidemic prevention and control have continued to be consolidated. The implementation of normalized prevention and control measures, the vaccination coverage rate of the whole process exceeded 85%, and the timely and effective handling of local clusters of epidemics has ensured people's life safety and physical health, and maintained normal production and living order.

Looking back on the past year, the results have not been easy to come by. The mainland's economy is still in the process of recovery and development after the sudden outbreak of the epidemic and other serious shocks, and there have been many new changes in the situation at home and abroad, making it more difficult to maintain the stable operation of the economy. We have thoroughly implemented the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, implemented the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference, completely, accurately and comprehensively implemented the new development concept, done a solid job in the "six stability" and "six guarantees" work, paid attention to the cross-cycle and counter-cyclical adjustment of macro policies, and effectively responded to various risks and challenges, mainly doing the following work.

The first is to maintain the continuity and pertinence of macro policies and promote economic operation to remain within a reasonable range. Macro policies should adapt to the needs of cross-cyclical adjustment, maintain the necessary support for economic recovery, and consider reserving policy space for coping with difficult challenges this year. Establish a normalized direct financial funding mechanism, and include 2.8 trillion yuan of central financial funds in the direct scope. Optimize the issuance and use of local government special bonds. Effectively implement a prudent monetary policy, and comprehensively reduce the RRR twice to promote the reduction of loan interest rates. Orderly promote the prevention and resolution of local government debt risks, and properly handle major financial risk events. Strengthen the implementation of the policy of stabilizing posts and expanding employment, do a solid job in the employment of key groups such as college graduates, and promote mass entrepreneurship and innovation. Strengthen the supply and price stability of bulk commodities, and strive to solve the problem of tight coal and electricity supply。 From the perspective of the whole year, the main macroeconomic indicators are in line with expectations, the fiscal deficit rate and the macro leverage ratio have declined, and the economic growth rate continues to rank among the top in the world.

The second is to optimize and implement the bailout policy to help enterprises and consolidate the foundation for economic recovery. Hundreds of millions of market players carry hundreds of millions of people to employ and start businesses, and macro policies continue the effective support paths and practices since the outbreak of the epidemic. Last year, the new tax reduction and fee reduction exceeded 1 trillion yuan, and the implementation of a phased tax deferral for small and medium-sized enterprises in the manufacturing industry, coal power and heating enterprises was also implemented. Practice shows that tax reduction and fee reduction is a direct and effective way to help enterprises bail out, in fact, it is also a "release of water to raise fish" and a source of taxation, and the new tax-related market entities since 2013 have paid taxes of 4.76 trillion yuan last year. Strengthen transportation support for railways, highways, aviation, shipping, ports, etc. Increase credit to enterprises in industries seriously affected by the epidemic, continue to implement the policy of deferring the repayment of principal and interest and supporting credit loans for small and micro enterprises, the loans of inclusive small and micro enterprises by banking financial institutions increased by 27.3%, the loans of large commercial banks to inclusive small and micro enterprises increased by more than 40%, and the comprehensive financing costs of enterprises were stable and declining.

The third is to deepen reform and expand opening up, and continue to improve the business environment. Strengthen the construction of the basic system of the market system, and promote reforms such as the market-oriented allocation of factors. Continue to reduce the approval procedures and processing time limits of enterprises, and more government service matters will be handled by one network. Promote a number of local reform experiences and carry out pilot projects for business environment innovation. Strengthen and innovate supervision, anti-monopoly and prevent disorderly expansion of capital, and maintain fair competition. Deeply implement the three-year action of state-owned enterprise reform. Support the healthy development of private enterprises. Basically complete the reform of decoupling industry associations and chambers of commerce from administrative organs. Established Beijing Stock Exchange and Guangzhou Futures Exchange. Steadily promote reforms in the fields of agriculture and rural areas, social undertakings, and ecological civilization. Deepen pragmatic cooperation on the joint construction of the "Belt and Road". Increase the intensity of stabilizing foreign trade and stabilizing foreign investment, and successfully hold major exhibitions such as the Expo, the Canton Fair, the Service Trade Fair and the First Ciudad Fair. Four new comprehensive pilots for expanding the opening up of the service industry have been added, and new measures for the opening up of the Hainan Free Trade Port have been launched.

The fourth is to strengthen innovation leadership and stabilize the industrial chain supply chain. Strengthen the construction of national laboratories and promote the implementation of major scientific and technological projects. Reform and improve the management of central financial scientific research funds, increase the proportion of indirect costs, and expand scientific research autonomy. Continue to implement the R&D expense deduction policy, and increase the proportion of R&D expenses deduction for manufacturing enterprises to 100%. Strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights. Carry out the action of strengthening the chain of key industries. The digital and intelligent transformation of traditional industries has accelerated, and emerging industries have maintained a good momentum of development.

The fifth is to promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas and continuously optimize the economic layout. Implement major regional strategies and coordinated regional development strategies, introduce new support measures, and implement a number of major projects. Promote the urbanization construction with the county town as an important carrier. Strengthen agricultural production, ensure the supply of agricultural materials, and issue a one-time subsidy of 20 billion yuan to grain farmers. Promote rural revitalization, and identify 160 national rural revitalization key support counties. Implement the five-year action of improving the rural human settlement environment.

The sixth is to strengthen the protection of the ecological environment and promote sustainable development. Consolidate the achievements of the blue sky, clear water, and pure land defense war. Promote the reduction and efficiency of chemical fertilizers and pesticides and the resource utilization of livestock and poultry breeding wastes. Continue to promote major projects of ecological protection and restoration, and fully implement the ten-year ban on fishing on the Yangtze River. The installed capacity of renewable energy power generation exceeded 1 billion kilowatts。 Introduction of carbon peak action plan. Launch of the national carbon emissions trading market. Actively address climate change.

The seventh is to focus on ensuring and improving people's livelihood and accelerating the development of social undertakings. Strengthen the construction of weak links in rural compulsory education, improve the subsidy standards of student nutrition improvement programs, and benefit more than 37 million students. Reduce the burden of homework and off-campus training for students in the compulsory education stage. Exceeded the three-year action goal of expanding the enrollment of higher vocational education. The maximum amount of national student loans per person per year increased by 4,000 yuan, benefiting more than 5 million students. Raise the basic pension of retirees. Raise the bar for care. Include seriously ill and severely disabled persons from marginal families with low insurance into the scope of minimum insurance, and do a good job of helping and assisting the people in need. Reform the disease prevention and control system. More outpatient expenses such as common diseases and chronic diseases will be included in the scope of medical insurance reimbursement, and the direct settlement rate of inpatient expenses across provinces will reach 60%. Strict supervision of drugs and vaccines. Implement a three-child policy. Strengthen elderly care services. Accelerate the development of affordable rental housing. Prosper and develop cultural undertakings and cultural industries, and innovate and implement cultural projects to benefit the people. Create a good network ecology. Actively carry out the national fitness campaign. Mainland athletes achieved great results at the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games. After meticulous preparation, we have successfully hosted the simple, safe and wonderful Beijing Winter Olympic Games, and we will certainly be able to successfully host the just-opened Winter Paralympic Games.

The eighth is to promote the construction of a rule-of-law government and governance innovation, and maintain social harmony and stability. The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress was requested to deliberate on 10 bills of law and 15 administrative regulations were formulated and revised. Earnestly handle the suggestions of people's congress deputies and the motions of CPPCC members. An outline for the implementation of the establishment of a rule-of-law government was promulgated. Give play to the role of audit supervision. Continue to carry out the state council's general inspection, and deeply implement the "Internet + supervision". Innovate urban and rural grassroots governance. Do a solid job of petitioning work, and resolve the backlog of petitioning cases. Strengthen safety production and emergency management. Strengthen national security capacity building. Improve the social security prevention and control system, normalize the struggle against organized crime and evil forces, and concentrate on cracking down on crimes such as telecommunications network fraud. Last year, serious floods and other disasters occurred in some areas, and all quarters actively carried out disaster prevention and relief and post-disaster reconstruction, and worked hard to ensure the safety of people's lives and property.

Implement the strategic plan of the Party Central Committee to comprehensively and strictly administer the party. Carry out party history study and education. Strengthen the building of party style and clean government and the anti-corruption struggle. Strictly implement the spirit of the eight provisions of the central government, persistently correct the "four winds", and further reduce the burden on the grass-roots level.

Major country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics has been comprehensively promoted. President Xi Jinping and other party and state leaders attended the UNITED Nations General Assembly, the G20 Leaders' Summit, the APEC Economic Leaders' Informal Meeting, the BRICS Summit, the Summit commemorating the 30th Anniversary of The Establishment of China-ASEAN Dialogue Relations, the Opening Ceremony of the Ministerial Meeting of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, the Series of Leaders' Meetings on East Asia Cooperation, the ASEM Summit and other major events by video. Successfully held a number of major home diplomatic events. Promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, actively develop global partnerships, actively participate in the reform and construction of the global governance system, promote international anti-epidemic cooperation, and jointly respond to global problems and challenges. China has made positive contributions to promoting world peace and development.


The achievements made in the past year are the result of the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era, and the united struggle of the whole party, the whole army, and the people of all ethnic groups in the country. On behalf of the State Council, I would like to express my sincere thanks to the people of all ethnic groups throughout the country, to all democratic parties, all people's organizations, and people from all walks of life! I would like to express my sincere thanks to the compatriots of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Macao Special Administrative Region, Taiwan and overseas Chinese! I would like to express my sincere thanks to all governments, international organizations and friends of all countries who care about and support China's modernization drive!

While affirming the achievements, we are also soberly aware of the problems and challenges we are facing. The global epidemic is still continuing, the world economic recovery is insufficient, commodity prices fluctuate at a high level, and the external environment is becoming more complex and severe and uncertain. The mainland's economic development is facing the triple pressure of contraction in demand, supply shock and weakening expectations. Local outbreaks occur from time to time. Consumption and investment have been slow to recover, it is more difficult to stabilize exports, the supply of energy raw materials is still tight, the pressure of imported inflation has increased, the production and operation of small and medium-sized micro and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households have difficulties, and the task of stabilizing employment has become more arduous. The ability to support innovation in key areas is not strong. In some localities, the contradiction between fiscal revenue and expenditure has increased, and there are many hidden risks in the economic and financial fields. There are still many shortcomings in the field of people's livelihood. There are deficiencies in government work, formalism and bureaucracy are still prominent, the phenomenon of being divorced from reality and going against the will of the masses has occurred frequently, and some have adopted a "one-size-fits-all" and campaign-style approach in the implementation of policies. A small number of cadres do not take responsibility, do nothing, and act indiscriminately, and some ignore the problem of seriously infringing on the rights and interests of the masses and seriously derelict their duties and responsibilities in their work. Corruption continues to be rampant in some areas. We must enhance our sense of distress, face the problems and challenges head-on, go all out to do a good job, and never fail to live up to the expectations of the people!

Second, the overall requirements and policy orientation of economic and social development in 2022

The Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China will be held this year, which is a very important year in the development of the cause of the party and the state. To do a good job in government work, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we must fully implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Party and the 19th Plenary Session, carry forward the spirit of the great founding of the Party, adhere to the general tone of the work of seeking progress in a stable manner, completely, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, accelerate the construction of a new development pattern, comprehensively deepen reform and opening up, adhere to innovation-driven development, promote high-quality development, and adhere to supply-side structural reform as the main line. Coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, coordinate development and security, continue to do a good job in the "six stability" and "six guarantees" work, continue to improve people's livelihood, focus on stabilizing the macroeconomic market, keep the economic operation within a reasonable range, maintain the stability of the overall social situation, and greet the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Party.

After comprehensively studying and judging the situation at home and abroad, the risks and challenges facing the mainland's development this year have markedly increased, and it is necessary to climb over the obstacles. The more difficult it is, the more we must strengthen our confidence and the more we must really do solid work. The fundamentals of the mainland's long-term economic improvement will not change, and sustainable development has many favorable conditions, especially the strong desire of hundreds of millions of people to pursue a better life, the great potential of entrepreneurship and innovation, and the firm will to overcome difficulties together, and we have accumulated rich experience in coping with major risks and challenges. China's economy will certainly be able to withstand the new downward pressure and will certainly move steadily and far.

The main expected targets for this year's development are: GDP growth of about 5.5 percent; more than 11 million new jobs were created in cities and towns, and the unemployment rate in urban surveys was controlled within 5.5 percent throughout the year; consumer prices rose by about 3 percent; residents' income growth was basically synchronized with economic growth; import and export were stable and improved, and the balance of payments was basically balanced; grain production remained above 1.3 trillion kilograms; the quality of the ecological environment continued to improve, and the emissions of major pollutants continued to decline; and the energy intensity target was set at the "14th Five-Year Plan." During the planning period, the overall assessment will be carried out, and appropriate flexibility will be retained, and the new renewable energy and raw material energy consumption will not be included in the total energy consumption control。

The setting of the expected economic growth target mainly considers the need to stabilize employment, protect people's livelihood and prevent risks, and is linked with the average economic growth rate in the past two years and the requirements of the 14th Five-Year Plan. This is a medium-high growth on a high base, reflecting the initiative and requiring hard work to achieve.

To complete this year's development goals and tasks, macro policies should be stable and effective, micro policies should continue to stimulate the vitality of market players, structural policies should focus on smoothing the national economic cycle, science and technology policies should be solidly implemented, reform and opening up policies should activate development momentum, regional policies should enhance the balance and coordination of development, and social policies should hold on to the bottom line of people's livelihood. All parties should focus on the implementation of these major policies and requirements, refine and implement specific measures, and form a joint force to promote development.

It is necessary to maintain the continuity of macroeconomic policies and enhance effectiveness. Proactive fiscal policy should improve efficiency and pay more attention to precision and sustainability. Prudent monetary policy should be flexible and moderate, and maintain reasonable and sufficient liquidity. The employment priority policy should be improved in quality and strengthened. The policy force is appropriately advanced, and the reserve policy tools are used in a timely manner to ensure the smooth operation of the economy.

Continue to do a good job in normalizing epidemic prevention and control. Adhere to external prevention of imports and internal prevention and rebound, continuously optimize and improve prevention and control measures, strengthen epidemic prevention and control in port cities, increase research and prevention of virus mutations, accelerate the research and development of new vaccines and special drugs, continue to do a good job in vaccination, better play the unique role of traditional Chinese medicine, scientifically and accurately deal with local epidemics, and maintain normal production and living order.

In this year's work, we must persist in keeping the word in the forefront and seeking progress in a steady manner. In the face of new downward pressure, we must put steady growth in a more prominent position. All localities and departments should earnestly shoulder the responsibility of stabilizing the economy and actively introduce policies conducive to economic stability. It is necessary to make overall plans for steady growth, adjust the structure, promote reform, speed up the transformation of the mode of development, and refrain from extensive development. We should persist in seeking truth from facts, base ourselves on the basic national conditions of the primary stage of socialism, make efforts to do our own things well, respect the law of development, objective reality, and the needs of the masses, carry out creative work according to local conditions, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all sectors in starting a business. Promote a better combination of an effective market and a promising government, and be good at using reform and innovation methods to stimulate market vitality and social creativity. We must adhere to the people-centered development thinking, rely on common struggle, solidly promote common prosperity, and constantly realize the people's yearning for a better life.

3. Government work tasks in 2022

This year's economic and social development tasks are heavy and there are many challenges. In accordance with the requirements of the deployment of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, we must completely, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, accelerate the construction of a new development pattern, promote high-quality development, and do a solid job in all work.

(1) Focus on stabilizing the macroeconomic market and keeping the economy operating within a reasonable range. Continue to do a good job in the "six stability" and "six guarantees" work. Macro policies have space and means, and it is necessary to strengthen cross-cycle and counter-cyclical adjustments to provide strong support for the smooth operation of the economy.

Enhance the effectiveness of proactive fiscal policy. This year's deficit rate is planned to be arranged at about 2.8%, which is lower than last year, which is conducive to enhancing fiscal sustainability. It is expected that fiscal revenue will continue to grow this year, and with the fact that certain state-owned financial institutions and franchised institutions have handed over the profits they have accumulated in recent years and transferred them to the budget stabilization and adjustment fund in accordance with the law, the scale of expenditure has expanded by more than 2 trillion yuan compared with last year, and the available financial resources have increased significantly. The new financial resources should sink to the grass-roots level, mainly for the implementation of policies to help enterprises bail out, stabilize employment and ensure people's livelihood, promote consumption, and expand demand. This year, the central government's expenditure increased by 3.9%, of which the central department expenditure continued to grow negatively. The central government's transfer payments to local governments increased by about 1.5 trillion yuan and the scale was nearly 9.8 trillion yuan, an increase of 18%, the largest increase in many years. The central finance will include more funds in the direct scope, and the provincial finance should also increase support for cities and counties, and must make the grass-roots implementation of the policy of benefiting enterprises and the people more capable and motivated.

It is necessary to make good use of government investment funds and promote the expansion of effective investment. This year, it is planned to arrange 3.65 trillion yuan of local government special bonds. Strengthen performance orientation, adhere to the "funds and elements follow the project", reasonably expand the scope of use, support the follow-up financing of projects under construction, and start a number of qualified major projects, new infrastructure, old public facilities transformation and other construction projects. Private investment accounts for the majority of investment, and it is necessary to give play to the traction of major projects and the leverage of government investment, improve relevant support policies, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of private investment.

It is necessary to persist in the government's tight life and better use the people. Vigorously optimize the expenditure structure, ensure key expenditures, and strictly control general expenditures. Revitalize fiscal stock funds and idle assets. Governments at all levels must work hard, be diligent and thrifty, and the central and provincial governments must take the lead. It is necessary to strengthen the management of revenue and expenditure, strictly prohibit extravagance and waste, build new buildings, halls, and venues in violation of the law, and do not engage in image projects; we must strictly investigate and severely punish those who violate financial and economic discipline and wantonly squander public funds, and we must use precious funds in the urgent needs of development and the people's livelihood.

Strengthen the implementation of prudent monetary policy. Give play to the dual functions of the total amount and structure of monetary policy tools to provide more powerful support for the real economy. Expand the scale of new loans, maintain the growth rate of money supply and social financing scale to basically match the nominal economic growth rate, and maintain the basic stability of macro leverage ratio. Maintain the basic stability of the RMB exchange rate at a reasonable and balanced level. Further dredge the transmission mechanism of monetary policy, guide more funds to flow to key areas and weak links, and expand the coverage of inclusive finance. Promote financial institutions to reduce the actual loan interest rate and reduce the fee, so that the majority of market players can personally feel the improvement of financing convenience and the real decline in comprehensive financing costs.

Strengthen employment-first policies. Vigorously broaden employment channels, pay attention to stabilizing employment by stabilizing market players, and enhance the role of entrepreneurship in driving employment. Fiscal, taxation, financial and other policies should be implemented around employment priority, and increase support for enterprises to stabilize and expand their posts. All kinds of special employment promotion policies should be strengthened and optimized, and unreasonable restrictions on employment and entrepreneurship should be resolutely cleared up and abolished. All localities must do everything possible to stabilize and expand employment.

Ensure food and energy security. Ensure the supply of grain and other important agricultural products, continue to do a good job in ensuring the supply and stable price of energy and important raw materials, and ensure the people's livelihood and the normal production and operation of electricity by enterprises. Implement a comprehensive savings strategy. Enhance the ability to guarantee domestic resource production, accelerate the exploration and development of oil and gas, minerals and other resources, improve the national strategic material reserve system, and ensure the supply of primary products. Combat price gouging. Keep the price level basically stable.

Prevent and resolve major risks. Continue to do a good job in risk prevention and disposal in the economic and financial sectors in accordance with the basic principles of stabilizing the overall situation, overall planning and coordination, classified measures, and accurate bomb disposal. Consolidate local territorial responsibilities, departmental supervision responsibilities and enterprise main responsibilities, strengthen risk early warning, prevention and control mechanisms and capacity building, set up financial stability guarantee funds, give play to the role of deposit insurance systems and industry guarantee funds, use marketization and rule of law to resolve hidden risks, effectively respond to external shocks, and firmly adhere to the bottom line of no systemic risks.

(2) Strive to stabilize market entities and maintain employment, and increase the implementation of macro policies. Improve policies such as burden reduction and relief, and consolidate the foundation for stable economic operation and quality improvement.

Implement a new combined tax support policy. Adhere to the combination of phased measures and institutional arrangements, and reduce taxes and rebates at the same time. On the one hand, continue to implement the tax reduction and fee reduction policy of supporting manufacturing, small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households, and increase the scope of reduction and reduction and expand the scope of application. Small-scale taxpayers are exempted from VAT in stages. For the annual taxable income of small and micro enterprises of 1 million yuan to 3 million yuan, the enterprise income tax will be levied at half. All localities should also introduce effective measures such as tax reductions and exemptions in accordance with the law in light of actual conditions, so that the intensity of tax reduction and fee reduction will only increase, so as to stabilize market expectations. On the other hand, comprehensive consideration is given to providing cash flow support for enterprises, promoting employment consumption investment, and vigorously improving the tax rebate system that is similar to the first payment and refund of the value-added tax system, and this year a large-scale tax rebate will be implemented in advance for the amount of tax credits. Priority will be given to small and micro enterprises, and the amount of tax credits left for the stock of small and micro enterprises will be refunded in one lump sum before the end of June, and the incremental tax credits will be refunded in full. Focus on supporting the manufacturing industry, and comprehensively solve the problem of tax rebates in manufacturing, scientific research and technical services, ecological environmental protection, electricity and gas, transportation and other industries. The intensity of VAT retention and rebate has been significantly increased to effectively boost market confidence. It is estimated that the annual tax rebate will reduce taxes by about 2.5 trillion yuan, of which about 1.5 trillion yuan will be retained for tax rebates, and all the tax rebate funds will go directly to enterprises. The central government will increase financial support for local governments, subsidy funds directly to cities and counties, local governments and relevant departments should establish and improve the working mechanism, strengthen the dispatch of funds, ensure that the key measure of tax rebate and tax reduction is in place, send charcoal to enterprises, and help enterprises revitalize.

Strengthen the effective support of finance for the real economy. Make good use of inclusive small and micro loan support tools, increase the number of small reloans to support agriculture, optimize regulatory assessment, promote the significant growth of inclusive small and micro loans, and continue to increase the proportion of credit loans and first-time borrowers. Guide financial institutions to accurately grasp credit policies, continue to provide financing support to enterprises in industries seriously affected by the epidemic, and avoid industry loan restrictions, loan draws, and loan breaks. Give full play to the role of policy and development finance. Promote the integration and sharing of credit information related to enterprises, accelerate the information connection between taxation, customs, electricity and other units and financial institutions, expand the coverage of government financing guarantees for small and micro enterprises, strive to create a good financing ecology, and further promote the solution of financing problems in the real economy, especially small and medium-sized enterprises.

Promote the reduction of production and operating costs of enterprises. Clean up the unreasonable price increase in the transfer of power supply, and support local governments to implement phased preferential policies for electricity consumption in industries with special difficulties。 Guide large platform enterprises to reduce fees and reduce the burden on small and medium-sized merchants. Further clean up and standardize the fees charged by industry associations, chambers of commerce, intermediary agencies, etc. It is necessary to carry out special rectification actions for illegal collection of fees by enterprises, establish a coordinated governance and joint disciplinary action mechanism, and resolutely investigate and deal with arbitrary collection of fees, fines, and apportionment. It is necessary to intensify the efforts to clear up the arrears of accounts owed to small and medium-sized enterprises, standardize the use of commercial acceptance drafts, and take the lead in clearing arrears by organs, public institutions, and state-owned enterprises. Catering, accommodation, retail, culture, tourism, passenger transport and other industries have a large employment capacity and are heavily affected by the epidemic, and various support policies must be tilted to support enterprises in these industries to survive, overcome difficulties and have a head start.

Implement measures to stabilize employment. Continue to implement phased employment stabilization policies such as reducing unemployment and work-related injury insurance rates. For enterprises that do not lay off employees and reduce layoffs, continue to implement the unemployment insurance stable post return policy, and significantly increase the proportion of small and medium-sized enterprises. This year, there are more than 10 million college graduates, and it is necessary to strengthen employment and entrepreneurship guidance, policy support and continuous online services. Do a good job of resettlement and employment guarantees for veterans, promote the employment of migrant workers, and help the disabled and zero-employment family members to find employment. Deeply carry out mass entrepreneurship and innovation, and enhance the service capabilities of the dual innovation platform. Strengthen flexible employment services, improve social security policies for flexible employment, and carry out pilot projects for occupational injury protection in new employment forms. Resolutely prevent and correct employment discrimination such as gender, age, and education, and vigorously create a fair employment environment. Strengthen labor security supervision and law enforcement, and strive to solve the prominent problems that infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of workers. Enhance the targeting of public employment services. Continue to carry out large-scale vocational skills training, and jointly build and share a number of public training bases. Use the 100 billion yuan unemployment insurance fund to support job stabilization and training, accelerate the cultivation of urgently needed talents for the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry, let more workers master a skill, and let 360 talents emerge.

(III) Unswervingly deepen reform, stimulate market vitality and develop endogenous power. Properly handle the relationship between the government and the market, enable the market to play a decisive role in the allocation of resources, give better play to the role of the government, and build a high-level socialist market economic system.

Accelerate the transformation of government functions. Strengthen the construction of a high-standard market system, do a good job in the pilot comprehensive reform of the market-oriented allocation of factors, and accelerate the construction of a unified national market. Focusing on creating a market-oriented international business environment based on the rule of law, we will continue to promote the reform of "decentralization and management services", and implement regulatory responsibilities and measures for the cancellation and decentralization of examination and approval matters simultaneously. Continue to expand market access. Fully implement list management of administrative licensing matters. Strengthen the construction of digital government, promote the sharing of government data, further reduce all kinds of certification matters, expand the scope of "inter-provincial communication", basically realize the mutual recognition of electronic certificates and licenses, facilitate cross-regional operation of enterprises, and accelerate the solution of the problem of off-site handling of matters of concern to the masses. Promote the integrated handling of government service matters, and launch convenient measures such as optimizing real estate registration and vehicle testing. Strengthen government regulatory responsibilities, strictly implement the regulatory responsibilities of industry authorities, relevant departments, and local government territorial supervision, and prevent regulatory deficiencies. Accelerate the establishment and improvement of an all-round, multi-level and three-dimensional supervision system, realize the supervision of the whole chain and all fields before and after the event, and improve the efficiency of supervision. We should pay close attention to improving regulatory rules in key areas, emerging fields, and foreign-related fields, innovate regulatory methods, and improve the accuracy and effectiveness of supervision. Deeply promote the implementation of fair competition policies, strengthen anti-monopoly and anti-unfair competition, and maintain a fair and orderly market environment.

Promote the common development of the economy under multiple ownership systems. We should uphold and improve the basic socialist economic system and adhere to the "two unwavering." It is necessary to correctly understand and grasp the characteristics and behavior laws of capital, and support and guide the healthy development of capital norms. Equally protect the property rights of enterprises, the right to operate independently and the legitimate rights and interests of entrepreneurs in accordance with the law, and create a good environment for enterprises of all types of ownership to compete for development. Complete the three-year action task of state-owned enterprise reform, accelerate the optimization of the layout and structural adjustment of the state-owned economy, deepen the reform of mixed ownership, strengthen the supervision of state-owned assets, promote state-owned enterprises to focus on the main business, and enhance the support and driving capacity of the industrial chain supply chain. Implement policies and measures to support the development of the private economy, encourage and guide private enterprises to reform and innovate, and build pro-Qing government-business relations. Carry forward the entrepreneurial spirit, formulate enterprise-related policies to listen more to the opinions of market players, respect market laws, and support entrepreneurs to focus on entrepreneurship and innovation, and operate and develop with peace of mind.

Promote the reform of the fiscal and taxation financial system. Deepen the reform of budget performance management and enhance the binding force and transparency of the budget. Promote the reform of the financial system below the provincial level. Improve the tax collection and management system, and crack down on tax evasion and fraud in accordance with the law. Strengthen and improve financial supervision. Deepen the reform of the equity structure and corporate governance of small and medium-sized banks, and accelerate the disposal of non-performing assets. Improve the bond financing support mechanism for private enterprises, fully implement the stock issuance registration system, and promote the stable and healthy development of the capital market.

(4) Deeply implement the innovation-driven development strategy and consolidate and strengthen the foundation of the real economy. Promote scientific and technological innovation, promote industrial optimization and upgrading, break through supply constraints and blockages, and rely on innovation to improve the quality of development.

Enhance the ability of scientific and technological innovation. Implement the ten-year plan for basic research, strengthen long-term stable support, and increase the proportion of basic research funds in the whole society's research and development funds. Implement the three-year plan for the reform of the scientific and technological system, strengthen the national strategic scientific and technological strength, strengthen the construction of national laboratories and national key laboratories, give full play to the role of universities and scientific research institutes, improve the establishment and management methods of major scientific and technological projects, and deepen the reform of the scientific and technological evaluation incentive system. Support all localities to increase investment in science and technology and carry out regional innovation with their own characteristics. Strengthen the work of popularizing science. Promote international scientific and technological cooperation. Accelerate the construction of the world's important talent centers and innovation highlands, improve the talent development system and mechanism, carry forward the spirit of scientists, increase support for young scientific researchers, and let all kinds of talents concentrate on research and give full play to their abilities.

Increase the incentive of enterprise innovation. Strengthen the main position of enterprise innovation, continue to promote key core technology research, deepen the combination of production, education and research, and promote the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements. Strengthen the protection and application of intellectual property rights. Promote the development of venture capital, innovate scientific and technological financial products and services, and enhance the professional level of scientific and technological intermediary services. Increase the implementation of the R&D expenses deduction policy, increase the proportion of additional deductions for science and technology SMEs from 75% to 100%, implement tax incentives for enterprises to invest in basic research, and improve policies such as accelerated depreciation of equipment and equipment, and preferential income tax for high-tech enterprises, which is equivalent to the state giving large-scale financial support to enterprise innovation. It is necessary to implement various innovation incentive policies to promote enterprises to increase investment in research and development and cultivate new momentum.

Enhance the core competitiveness of the manufacturing industry. Promote the stable operation of the industrial economy, strengthen the supply guarantee of raw materials and key components, implement the chain stabilization project of leading enterprises, and maintain the security and stability of the industrial chain supply chain. Guide financial institutions to increase medium- and long-term loans for manufacturing. Launch a number of industrial base reconstruction projects, promote the upgrading of traditional industries, vigorously promote intelligent manufacturing, accelerate the development of advanced manufacturing clusters, and implement national strategic emerging industrial cluster projects. Focus on cultivating "specialized and specialized" enterprises, and give strong support in terms of funds, talents, and incubation platform construction. Promote the construction of a quality power and promote the industry to move towards the middle and high-end.

Promote the development of the digital economy. Strengthen the overall layout of digital China construction. Build digital information infrastructure, gradually build a national integrated big data center system, promote the large-scale application of 5G, promote the digital transformation of the industry, and develop smart cities and digital villages. Accelerate the development of the industrial Internet, cultivate and strengthen digital industries such as integrated circuits and artificial intelligence, and enhance the technological innovation and supply capacity of key software and hardware. Improve the governance of the digital economy, cultivate the data element market, release the potential of data elements, improve the application capacity, and better empower economic development and enrich people's lives.

(5) Firmly implement the strategy of expanding domestic demand, and promote coordinated regional development and new-type urbanization. Smooth the circulation of the national economy, open up all aspects of production, distribution, circulation and consumption, and enhance the driving force of domestic demand on economic growth.

Promote the sustained recovery of consumption. Multi-channel to promote the increase of residents' income, improve the income distribution system, and enhance consumption capacity. Promote the deep integration of online and offline consumption, promote the recovery of life service consumption, and develop new formats and models of consumption. Continue to support the consumption of new energy vehicles, and encourage local governments to carry out green smart home appliances to the countryside and replace old ones with new ones. Increase the construction of supporting facilities such as community old-age care and childcare, and give more support in planning, land use, and housing. Promote the quality and expansion of the domestic service industry. Strengthen the construction of the county-level commercial system, and develop rural e-commerce and express logistics and distribution. Improve the quality of products and services, strengthen the protection of consumer rights and interests, and strive to meet the needs of the masses and enhance the willingness to consume.

Actively expand effective investment. Focusing on the major national strategic deployment and the 14th Five-Year Plan, we will appropriately advance infrastructure investment. Construct key water conservancy projects, comprehensive three-dimensional transportation networks, important energy bases and facilities, accelerate the renovation of urban gas pipelines, water supply and drainage pipelines and other pipe networks, improve flood prevention and drainage facilities, and continue to promote the construction of underground comprehensive pipe corridors。 The investment arrangement within the central budget is 640 billion yuan. The government invests more in favor of people's livelihood projects, and increases efforts to make up for shortcomings in the field of social and people's livelihood. Deepen the reform of the investment approval system, do a good job in ensuring the use of land, energy and other elements, and implement a separate list of energy consumption for major national projects。 It is necessary to optimize the investment structure, solve the investment problems, and effectively give play to the key role of investment.

Enhance the balance and coordination of regional development. Deeply implement major regional strategies and coordinated regional development strategies. Promote the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin, the construction of the Xiong'an New Area with high standards and high quality, and support the construction of Beijing's urban sub-center. Promote the formation of a new pattern in the large-scale development of the western region, promote new breakthroughs in the revitalization of the northeast, promote the high-quality development of the central region, encourage the eastern region to accelerate modernization, and support industrial gradient transfer and regional cooperation. Support the accelerated development of old revolutionary bases, ethnic minority areas, and border areas. Develop the marine economy and build a maritime power. Major economic provinces should give full play to their advantages and enhance their leading role in the development of the whole country. Economically difficult areas should make good use of state support policies, tap their own potential, and strive to promote economic recovery and development.

Improve the quality of new urbanization. Orderly promote urban renewal, strengthen municipal facilities and disaster prevention and mitigation capacity building, carry out investigation and rectification of hidden dangers in old buildings and facilities, start to renovate a number of old urban communities, support the installation of elevators and other facilities, and promote the construction of barrier-free environments and the adaptation of public facilities to aging. Complete systems for providing basic public services in places of habitual residence. Strengthen the infrastructure construction of county towns. Steadily promote the construction of urban agglomerations and metropolitan areas, and promote the coordinated development of large, medium, and small cities and towns. Promote the construction of the twin-city economic circle in the Chengdu-Chongqing area. Strictly control the withdrawal of counties and the establishment of cities and districts. In the planning and construction of urban and rural areas, do a good job in the protection and inheritance of history and culture, and save intensive land. It is necessary to deeply promote the new type of urbanization with people as the core and continuously improve the quality of life of the people.

(VI) Vigorously grasp agricultural production and promote the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas. Improve and strengthen agricultural support policies, continue to promote the development of poverty alleviation areas, and promote bumper agricultural harvests and increase farmers' incomes.

Strengthen the stable production and supply of grain and other important agricultural products. Stabilize the sown area of grain, optimize the grain structure, strengthen the field management of summer grain for late sowing of wheat, and promote the increase of soybean and oilseed production. Appropriately increase the minimum purchase price of rice and wheat. Ensure the supply and price stability of chemical fertilizers and other agricultural materials, give grain farmers another subsidy for agricultural materials, and increase support for the main production areas, so that the peasants can have reasonable returns from growing grain and the main production areas have an intrinsic motivation to grasp grain. Resolutely adhere to the red line of 1.8 billion mu of cultivated land, demarcate sufficient and solid permanent basic farmland, and effectively curb the "non-farming" of cultivated land and prevent "non-grainization". Strengthen the transformation of medium and low-yield fields, build 100 million mu of high-standard farmland, and build and transform a number of large and medium-sized irrigation areas. Strengthen the protection of black soil and the comprehensive utilization of saline-alkali land. Support the development of water-saving agriculture and dryland agriculture in the Yellow River Basin. Launch of the Third National Soil Census. Accelerate the revitalization of the seed industry, strengthen the research and popularization and application of agricultural science and technology, and improve the level of agricultural machinery and equipment. Improve the prevention and control of agricultural meteorological disasters and the prevention and control of animal and plant diseases. Strengthen the regulation and control of pig production capacity, grasp the production and supply of livestock and poultry, aquatic products, vegetables, etc., and accelerate the development of modern facilities and breeding. Support the production of cotton, sugarcane, etc. All regions have the responsibility to ensure national food security, and it is even more necessary to stabilize grain production in the areas where grain is transferred. All parties should make joint efforts to fill the "rice bags" and enrich the "vegetable baskets", and firmly hold the rice bowls of more than 1.4 billion Chinese in their own hands.

Comprehensively consolidate and expand the achievements in poverty alleviation. Improve and implement the monitoring and support mechanism for preventing returning to poverty, and ensure that large-scale return to poverty does not occur. Support the development of characteristic industries in poverty-alleviated areas, strengthen labor service cooperation and vocational skills training, and promote the sustained increase of income of the poverty-alleviated population. Strengthen the national rural revitalization key support county support measures, do a good job of follow-up support for relocation, deepen the cooperation between the east and the west, fixed-point assistance and social force assistance, vigorously implement the "ten thousand enterprises and ten thousand villages" action, and enhance the self-development ability of poverty alleviation areas.

Solidly and steadily promote rural reform and development. Carry out the second round of land contract expiration and then extend the pilot project for the whole county for 30 years. Deepen the reform of supply and marketing cooperatives, collective property rights, collective forest rights, forest farms in state-owned forest areas, and agricultural reclamation. Actively develop a new type of rural collective economy. Strengthen rural financial services and accelerate the development of rural industries. Strengthen the county economy. Strictly regulate the withdrawal and merger of villages, and protect traditional villages and rural styles. Launch rural construction actions, strengthen planning and guidance, strengthen infrastructure construction such as water circuits, gas and mail, and promote rural toilet improvement and sewage and garbage treatment according to local conditions. Deeply carry out the construction of civilized villages and towns. To strengthen the management of migrant workers' wage arrears and support the employment and entrepreneurship of migrant workers, we must let the vast number of farmers have more channels for migrant workers to increase their income.

(VII) Expand high-level opening up to the outside world and promote the steady development of foreign trade and foreign investment. Make full use of the two resources of the two markets, continuously expand foreign economic and trade cooperation, and promote deep-level reform and high-quality development with a high level of opening up.

Multiple measures should be taken simultaneously to stabilize foreign trade. Expand the coverage of export credit insurance for small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises, strengthen export credit support, optimize foreign exchange services, accelerate the progress of export tax rebates, and help foreign trade enterprises stabilize orders and production. Accelerate the development of new formats and models of foreign trade, give full play to the role of cross-border e-commerce, and support the construction of a number of overseas warehouses. Actively expand imports of high-quality products and services. Innovate and develop trade in services and digital trade, and promote the implementation of the negative list of cross-border trade in services. Deepen the reform of customs clearance facilitation, accelerate the construction of the international logistics system, and help foreign trade reduce costs and improve efficiency.

Actively utilize foreign capital. Thoroughly implement the negative list of foreign investment access, and implement the national treatment of foreign-funded enterprises. Expand the scope of encouraged foreign investment, and support foreign investment to increase investment in the fields of high-end manufacturing, research and development, modern services, and the central and western regions and northeast China. Optimize foreign investment promotion services and accelerate the landing of major projects. Solidly promote the construction of the pilot free trade zone and the Hainan free trade port, promote the reform and innovation of the development zone, improve the development level of the comprehensive bonded zone, and increase the comprehensive pilot project of expanding the opening up of the service industry. The open China's large market will surely provide more opportunities for enterprises from all over the world to develop in China.

High-quality joint construction of the "Belt and Road". Adhere to joint consultation, co-construction and sharing, consolidate the foundation of interconnection and cooperation, and steadily expand new areas of cooperation. Promote the construction of a new land and sea corridor in the western region. Carry out overseas investment cooperation in an orderly manner and effectively prevent overseas risks.

Deepen multilateral and bilateral economic and trade cooperation. The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement has formed the world's largest free trade area, and it is necessary to support enterprises to use preferential tariffs, origin accumulation and other rules to expand trade and investment cooperation. Promote the signing of high-standard free trade agreements with more countries and regions. Firmly safeguard the multilateral trading system and actively participate in WTO reform. China is willing to strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation with other countries in the world and achieve win-win results.

(8) Continue to improve the ecological environment and promote green and low-carbon development. Strengthen pollution control and ecological protection and restoration, properly handle the relationship between development and emission reduction, and promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

Strengthen the comprehensive management of the ecological environment. Deeply fight the battle against pollution. Strengthen the coordinated control of multiple pollutants in the atmosphere and the coordinated management of regions, increase the intensity of pollution remediation in important rivers, lakes and bays, and continue to promote the prevention and control of soil pollution. Strengthen the treatment of solid waste and new pollutants, and promote garbage classification, reduction and recycling. Improve environmental protection industry support policies such as energy conservation and water conservation, recycling of waste materials. Strengthen the control of ecological environment zoning, scientifically carry out land greening, coordinate the governance of the grass and sand system of landscapes, forests, fields and lakes, protect biodiversity, and promote the construction of a natural protected area system with national parks as the mainstay, so as to make the homes where we live greener and more beautiful.

Orderly promote carbon peak carbon neutrality work。 Implement the Carbon Peak Action Plan. Promote the energy revolution, ensure energy supply, based on resource endowments, adhere to the principle of establishing first and then breaking, and comprehensive planning, and promote low-carbon energy transformation。 Strengthen the clean and efficient utilization of coal, orderly reduce the amount of substitution, and promote the transformation of coal power energy conservation and carbon reduction, flexibility transformation, and heat supply transformation。 Promote the planning and construction of large-scale wind and photovoltaic bases and their supporting regulatory power sources, strengthen the construction of pumped storage power stations, and enhance the power grid's ability to absorb renewable energy power generation。 Support biomass energy development. Promote the research and development and promotion and application of green and low-carbon technologies, build a green manufacturing and service system, promote energy conservation and carbon reduction in steel, nonferrous metals, petrochemicals, chemicals, building materials and other industries, and strengthen energy conservation in transportation and buildings. Resolutely curb the blind development of projects with high energy consumption, high emissions and low levels. Enhance ecosystem carbon sink capacity. Promote the transformation of "double control" of energy consumption to "double control" of total carbon emissions and intensity, improve the incentive and constraint policies for pollution reduction and carbon reduction, develop green finance, and accelerate the formation of a green and low-carbon production and lifestyle.

(9) Earnestly guarantee and improve people's livelihood, and strengthen and innovate social governance. Persist in doing our best and doing what we can, continuously improve the level of public services, and strive to solve the people's livelihood problems that the people are generally concerned about.

Promote educational equity and quality improvement. Implement the fundamental task of Lide tree people. Promote the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education and the integration of urban and rural areas, allocate educational resources according to the size of the permanent population, ensure that school-age children attend school nearby, and solve the problem of children of migrant workers in cities attending school. Fully implement the salary and treatment of compulsory education teachers, and strengthen the targeted training, on-the-job training and treatment guarantees for rural teachers. Continue to do a good job in reducing the burden at the stage of compulsory education. Multi-channel increase inclusive preschool education resources. Strengthen the construction of ordinary high schools at the county level. Do a good job in special education, continuing education, and special education, and support and standardize the development of private education. Improve the popularity and quality of the national common language. Develop modern vocational education, improve the conditions for running vocational education, improve the system of integrating industry and education, and enhance the adaptability of vocational education. Promote the connotative development of higher education, optimize the layout of higher education, classify and build first-class universities and first-class disciplines, accelerate the cultivation of scarce talents in science, engineering, agriculture, and medicine, and support the development of higher education in the central and western regions. College enrollment continues to increase in favor of the Midwest and rural areas. Strengthen the construction of teachers' morality and style. Complete mechanisms for school and family social collaborative education. Develop online education. Improve the lifelong learning system. Advocate that the whole society respect teachers and emphasize teaching. There are 290 million students in school on the mainland, and we must persist in doing a good job in education, which is an important matter concerning millions of households and the future of the Chinese nation.

Improve the capacity of health services. The per capita financial subsidy standards for resident medical insurance and basic public health service funds will be increased by 30 yuan and 5 yuan respectively, and the provincial overall planning of basic medical insurance will be promoted. Promote the centralized procurement of drugs and high-value medical consumables to ensure production and supply. Strengthen the quality and safety supervision of drugs and vaccines. Deepen the reform of medical insurance payment methods and strengthen the supervision of medical insurance funds. Improve the direct settlement method for medical treatment in different places across provinces, and realize the basic unification of the scope of medical insurance use nationwide. Adhere to the principle of prevention, strengthen health education and health management, and further promote the Healthy China Action. Gradually improve the level of service guarantee for the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and cancer, as well as infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and hepatitis, and strengthen research and drug use guarantees for rare diseases. Improve the disease prevention and control network, promote medical and prevention coordination, strengthen the construction of public health teams, and improve the monitoring and early warning of major epidemics, the traceability of circulation and the ability of emergency response. Promote the comprehensive reform and high-quality development of public hospitals. Standardize the fees and services of medical institutions, continue to help medical institutions that are trapped due to the epidemic, and make up for the shortcomings of services such as gynecology and children's medicine, mental health, and geriatric medicine. Adhere to the equal emphasis on traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, increase support for the revitalization and development of traditional Chinese medicine, and promote the comprehensive reform of traditional Chinese medicine. Implement and improve the treatment guarantee and incentive policies for rural doctors. Continue to promote hierarchical diagnosis and treatment and optimize the order of medical treatment, accelerate the construction of national and provincial regional medical centers, promote the extension of high-quality medical resources to cities and counties, improve the ability of grass-roots disease prevention and treatment, and enable the masses to get better medical and health services nearby.

Strengthen social security and services. Steadily implement the national overall planning of the basic old-age insurance for enterprise employees, appropriately increase the basic pension standards for retirees and the basic pension for urban and rural residents, and ensure that it is issued in full and on time. Continue to standardize the development of the third pillar of endowment insurance. Accelerate the promotion of provincial-level overall planning of work-related injury and unemployment insurance. Do a good job of giving preferential treatment and pensions to military dependents, retired soldiers, and other preferential care recipients. Actively respond to the aging of the population, and accelerate the construction of a pension service system that coordinates home community institutions and combines medical and health care. Optimize the supply of urban and rural old-age services, support social forces to provide day care, meal assistance, rehabilitation nursing and other services, steadily promote the pilot of long-term care insurance system, encourage the development of rural mutual assistance old-age services, innovate and develop elderly education, and promote the high-quality development of the cause and industry of the elderly. Improve the supporting measures of the three-child birth policy, include the cost of infant and child care for children under 3 years old in the special additional deduction of personal income tax, develop inclusive childcare services through multiple channels, and reduce the burden of family fertility, parenting and education. Strengthen education on the protection of minors and mental health. Improve disability prevention and rehabilitation services. Strengthen the people's livelihood guarantee and the assistance of the people in distress, and strive to ensure that everything should be guaranteed and helped as much as possible.

Continue to ensure the housing needs of the masses. Adhere to the positioning that houses are used to live, not to speculate, explore new development models, adhere to the combination of rent and purchase, accelerate the development of the long-term rental housing market, promote the construction of affordable housing, support the commercial housing market to better meet the reasonable housing needs of buyers, stabilize land prices, stabilize house prices, stabilize expectations, and promote the virtuous cycle and healthy development of the real estate industry because of the city's policies.

Enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the masses of the people. Cultivate and practice the core socialist values, and deepen the creation of mass spiritual civilization. Prosper the press and publications, radio, film and television, literature and art, philosophy and social sciences, and archives. Deeply promote reading for all. Strengthen and innovate the construction of Internet content, and deepen the governance of the network ecosystem. Promote the digital construction of public culture, promote the optimization of the layout of grass-roots cultural facilities and resource sharing, expand the supply of high-quality cultural products and services, and support the development of cultural industries. Inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, strengthen the protection and utilization of cultural relics and ancient books and the protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage, and promote the construction of national cultural parks. Make good use of the heritage of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games and the Winter Paralympic Games, and develop ice and snow sports and ice and snow industries. It has become a common practice to build sports facilities around the masses and promote the fitness of the whole people.

Promote social governance, co-construction, co-governance and sharing. Promote people to live and work in peace and contentment, and social stability and order. Innovate and improve grassroots social governance, strengthen community service functions, strengthen the construction of social mobilization systems, and enhance grassroots governance capabilities. Complete the social credit system. Develop social work, support the healthy development of social organizations, humanitarian assistance, volunteer services, and public welfare charity. Severely crack down on the crime of abducting, selling, and bribing women and children, and resolutely protect the legitimate rights and interests of women and children. Complete care and service systems for the elderly and the disabled. Improve the petitioning system, strengthen the investigation and resolution of contradictions and disputes, and promptly resolve the reasonable demands of the masses in accordance with law. Emphasis is placed on psychosocial services. Strengthen public legal services and legal aid. Improve disaster prevention, mitigation, disaster relief and emergency rescue capabilities, and do a good job in floods and droughts, forest and grassland fires, geological disasters, earthquakes and other defense and meteorological services. Strict quality and safety supervision of the whole food chain. Implement the responsibility and management system for safe production, carry out in-depth three-year special rectification actions for safe production, and effectively curb the occurrence of major accidents. Advance national security systems and capacity building. Strengthen network security, data security, and personal information protection. Strengthen the comprehensive management of public security, promote the normalization of the elimination of criminal syndicates and evil forces, resolutely prevent and crack down on all kinds of illegal crimes, and build a higher level of safe China and rule of law China.

In the face of the new situation and tasks, governments at all levels should fully implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Party and the 19th Plenary Session, deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments", enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", achieve "two safeguards", and consciously maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core in ideological and political actions. Persist in administering according to law, deepen the openness of government affairs, and strengthen the construction of a government based on the rule of law. Accept the supervision of the people's congresses at the same level and their standing committees in accordance with the law, consciously accept the democratic supervision of the CPPCC, and take the initiative to accept supervision by society and public opinion. Strengthen audit supervision and statistical supervision. Support trade unions, the Communist Youth League, women's federations and other mass organizations to play a better role. We should unremittingly promote the comprehensive and strict management of the party, and carry out in depth the building of a sound party style and a clean and honest government Strengthen the construction of a clean government. Consolidate the achievements of party history study and education. Government functionaries must consciously accept legal supervision, supervision and supervision, and supervision by the people, always put the people in the highest position in their hearts, and be worthy of the title of public servant of the people.

To cope with difficulties and challenges, governments at all levels and their staff must scrupulously fulfill their duties, work diligently for the people, and concentrate on development and people's livelihood. Adhering to development is the first priority, and we must fully implement the new development concept and promote high-quality development. It is necessary to persevere in implementing the spirit of the eight provisions of the central authorities, unceasingly rectify the "four winds," especially formalism and bureaucracy, resolutely oppose perfunctory coping and prevarication, and resolutely rectify the arbitrary use of power and the simple and crude work methods. It is necessary to always keep the safety and security of the masses of the people in mind, examine the facts, do practical things, and seek practical results, respond to the concerns of the people's livelihood in a timely manner, and resolutely and seriously deal with the serious dereliction of duty and dereliction of duty that disregards the legitimate rights and interests of the masses. It is necessary to give full play to the enthusiasm of the central and local governments, respect the initiative of the people, prevent the implementation of the policy from being "one size fits all", increasing the number of layers, and continue to reduce the burden on the grass-roots level. Complete incentive and protection mechanisms, and support the vast number of cadres to dare to take responsibility and do good deeds. If the whole country works hard and diligently, we will certainly be able to create new development achievements.

We must adhere to and improve the system of regional ethnic autonomy, take the forging of a solid sense of the Chinese national community as the main line, promote exchanges, exchanges and blending of various ethnic groups, and promote the acceleration of the pace of modernization in ethnic minority areas. Adhere to the party's basic policy on religious work, adhere to the direction of sinification of religions on the mainland, and actively guide religions to adapt to socialist society. Comprehensively implement the party's policy on overseas Chinese affairs, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of overseas Chinese compatriots and returned overseas Chinese dependents, and encourage chinese sons and daughters at home and abroad to work together to create new glory.

In the past year, major progress has been made in national defense and army building, and a good start has been made to the 14th Five-Year Plan. In the new year, it is necessary to thoroughly implement Xi Jinping Thought on Strengthening the Army, implement the military strategic principles of the new era, firmly grasp the goal of building the army for a hundred years, comprehensively strengthen the leadership of the Party and party building, comprehensively deepen military training and preparation, firmly and flexibly carry out military struggle, and safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests. Accelerate the construction of a modern military logistics system and a modern asset management system for the military, build a modern management system for weapons and equipment, continue to deepen the reform of national defense and the army, strengthen national defense science and technology innovation, deeply implement the strategy of strengthening the army with qualified personnel in the new era, promote the management of the army according to law, strictly manage the army, and promote the high-quality development of the army. Optimize the layout of national defense science and technology industry. Complete the reform of the national defense mobilization system and strengthen national defense education for the whole people. Governments at all levels should vigorously support national defense and army building, carry out in-depth "double support" activities, and make the unity between the military and the government and the military and the people as solid as a rock.

We must continue to comprehensively, accurately, and unswervingly implement the principles of "one country, two systems," "Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong," "Macao people governing Macao," and a high degree of autonomy, implement the central authorities' overall jurisdiction over the SAR, and firmly implement "patriots govern Hong Kong" and "patriots govern Macao." Fully support the government of the Special Administrative Region in its administration in accordance with the law. Support Hong Kong and Macao in preventing and controlling the epidemic, developing the economy, improving people's livelihood, better integrating into the overall situation of national development, and maintaining the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and Macao.

We must adhere to the general policy on Taiwan work, implement the party's overall strategy for resolving the Taiwan issue in the new era, adhere to the one-China principle and the "1992 Consensus," and promote the peaceful development of cross-strait relations and the reunification of the motherland. We should resolutely oppose the separatist acts of "Taiwan independence" and resolutely oppose interference by external forces. Compatriots on both sides of the strait should work together in harmony to jointly create the glorious and great cause of national rejuvenation.

We must adhere to an independent foreign policy of peace, unswervingly follow the path of peaceful development, promote the construction of a new type of international relations, and promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind. Promote the implementation of global development initiatives and promote the common values of all mankind. China has always been a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development and a defender of international order, and is willing to work with the international community to make new and greater contributions to promoting world peace, stability, development and prosperity!

China's development has always been advancing in response to challenges, and Chinese people have the courage, wisdom and strength to overcome any difficulties and obstacles. We must unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guide, overcome difficulties, forge ahead, strive to complete the goals and tasks for the whole year, greet the victory of the Party's 20th National Congress with practical actions, and make unremitting efforts to build the mainland into a prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized, harmonious and beautiful socialist modern power, and realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

Source | Xinhua

Editor/Producer: Zhang Haiying Review: Li Yang

Political Trial: Wang Ziliang Final Judge: Yang Yu