
The Chinese man, who wrote american textbooks, drifted on the sea on a raft for 133 days and survived the shark alone

author:Observation Room One
The real-life version of Robinson, who has survived alone at sea so far, is also the holder of the Guinness Book of World Records - Pan Lian. The myth that Pan Lian survived and was rescued after surviving alone at sea for 133 days. And to this day it is also a miracle in human history. Today, it is written into American textbooks. So how did this Chinese survive 133 days at sea? Let's take a look at Pan Lian, the hardcore Chinese that has gone down in history in the United States. Like a friend to point a thumbs up.

The world's shipwreck wonder - Pan Lian

In 1939, the War of Resistance Against Japan was underway. At this time, because of the possible Japanese attack on Hong Kong, the British began to recruit a large number of seafarers in Hong Kong, and Pan Lian signed a contract with the British merchant ship "Bellomon" to transport wartime supplies on the Atlantic.

The Chinese man, who wrote american textbooks, drifted on the sea on a raft for 133 days and survived the shark alone

Pan Lian

Unfortunately, on November 23, 1942, the Belomon was sailing on the Atlantic Ocean and was spotted by a German submarine. German submarines fired two torpedoes. With the first huge explosion, Pan Lian quickly put on his life jacket and jumped into the sea. By the time the second torpedo hit the ship, Pan Lian had already left the ship and quickly grabbed a plank in the explosion, which kept Pan Lian from sinking into the sea, but when the explosion ended.

When the sea was full of debris, Pan Lian was completely confused at this time, how to return to the land on the sea, at this time he was more desperate than anyone, but at the same time of despair he did not give up the hope of survival. After 2 hours of aimless drifting at sea, Pan Lian suddenly saw a life raft. At this time, pan Lian undoubtedly saw the hope of survival in a desperate situation.

The Chinese man, who wrote american textbooks, drifted on the sea on a raft for 133 days and survived the shark alone

A small tent set up by Pan Lian

After climbing on the life raft, he found two metal boxes on the life raft, and when Pan Lian excitedly opened the boxes, what he saw was even more exciting, because there were all kinds of canned food and food here: dried beef, biscuits, 40 liters of fresh water, chocolate, condensed milk, sugar and other foods, as well as several flares and flashlights.

These things undoubtedly increased Pan Lian's hopes of survival greatly. But it's still hard to survive at sea. After all, above the sea, there is not even the most basic direction, and it depends on wisdom and luck to survive. Because he had to endure the sun on the ocean, Pan Lian built a temporary roof on the life raft.

At this time, although eating and drinking were solved, Pan Lian knew that it was almost difficult to encounter ships and return to land, so he had to save at this time and try to consume as little water and food as possible to ensure his chances of survival.

The Chinese man, who wrote american textbooks, drifted on the sea on a raft for 133 days and survived the shark alone

The tent has been successfully erected

Although there is food now, what happens once the food and water are exhausted? Pan Lian began to receive as much rain as possible to ensure his fresh water. In terms of food, Pan Lian made a fish hook with the spring in the flashlight, and then disassembled the cable on the raft and re-rolled it into a thin fishing line. He used the soft body of the shellfish attached to the raft as bait, so that he could catch some small fish. Then through the small fish to catch big fish, so that Pan Lian can eat fish meat at sea, of course, Pan Lian does not eat fish directly, but uses a knife made of iron pipes to cut the fish into small pieces, and then dry these dried fish into dried fish.

In this way, Pan Lian also ate dried fish at sea. Moreover, these dried fish can be stored and stored for emergency use later. At this point, Pan Lian used Chinese's spiritual ingenuity and survival wisdom to survive at sea.

The Chinese man, who wrote american textbooks, drifted on the sea on a raft for 133 days and survived the shark alone

Pan Lian after 133 days of drifting at sea

In the days of drifting at sea, Pan Lian even exercised at sea from time to time to ensure that he could still cope with unexpected situations. But because it is on the ocean, it is inevitable that there will be storms. But this is also the environment that Pan Lian does not want to see the most. In one storm, Pan Lian's raft jolted up and down in the fierce wind and waves, and the sea relentlessly swept away his dried fish and destroyed the fresh water he had collected. After each storm, Pan Lian had to face the dilemma of lack of water and no food.

At this time, pan Lian, without food and fresh water, could only catch some seabirds and eat them raw and drink the blood of seabirds. At this time, Pan Lian had no good way, and then Pan Lian used the remaining seabird meat as bait to fish, but he did not expect to attract a small shark. Although this shark is only a few feet long, but the strength is also very large, fortunately, the fishing line woven by Pan Lian is very strong, no matter how the shark struggles, it has never been able to escape.

The Chinese man, who wrote american textbooks, drifted on the sea on a raft for 133 days and survived the shark alone

Pan Lian at sea

After that, Pan Lian struggled to get the shark on his raft, and then survived smoothly for two days by relying on Pan Lian's blood and flesh. And some rainwater and dried fish were re-collected, and life was guaranteed again.


But the problems encountered at sea are more than these, because the long time drifting at sea has led to the lack of vitamins in vegetables, and the skin of his limbs has grown abscesses, ulcers, and joint puffiness. Sometimes there are even hallucinations that hurt, but it is in such an environment. Pan Lian still relied on his own will to fight to the death, because in his head he kept thinking that he must live.

The Chinese man, who wrote american textbooks, drifted on the sea on a raft for 133 days and survived the shark alone

Just when Pan Lian was helpless at sea, he suddenly encountered a merchant ship sailing by, and he was so ecstatic that he fired a signal bomb. But the merchant ship found Pan Lian and drove over, but when he could almost see the face on the deck, the ship drove away. At that time, Pan Lian was very angry, and the other party discriminated against him, and did not save him. At the same time, pan Lian felt very disappointed.

The Chinese man, who wrote american textbooks, drifted on the sea on a raft for 133 days and survived the shark alone

Pan Lian after being rescued

After a while more, an American plane also saw him and dropped a buoy to mark him. Unfortunately, a storm struck, the buoy was gone, and he once again lost the chance to be saved. In this way, I missed two chances to survive, and my life was full of twists and turns.

But after these two opportunities, he also saw the hope of survival.

How desperate it was when a person floated on the sea without any goal, but at this time, Pan Lian lit up the hope of survival. Just as Pan Lian's physical and mental strength and spirit had reached its limit, he found that the color of the sea water had become lighter, and he understood that he was about to be saved. Finally, he saw the land, and three Brazilian fishermen also found him and rescued him ashore.

The Chinese man, who wrote american textbooks, drifted on the sea on a raft for 133 days and survived the shark alone

A small tent set up on the sea

When he was rescued, it was April 5, 1943, and Pan Lian had been drifting at sea for 133 days. The fishermen then sent him to the Brazilian city of Belém, where he recuperated for four weeks. At the same time, his deeds began to spread around the world here. Pan Lian, who was later regarded as a miracle, was sent to England. And Pan Lian has also become a realistic version of "Robinson" in the Uk.

Even later, Pan Lian was received by King George VI of the United Kingdom and awarded him the Order of the British Empire. In Britain, his deeds were also written by the British Royal Family as a lifesaving guide for Britain.

Because Pan Lian's fame was too loud, Pan Lian was invited by the US Wartime Shipping Bureau to come to the United States and wear the American Merchant Marine Battle Honor Belt in recognition of his "courage and fortitude", "this spirit will always inspire seafarers from all over the world". It was also at this time that Pan Lian's deeds at sea were written into the textbook manual of the United States by the US military, and at the same time became the most famous Chinese in the world at that time, and the merchant ship that did not save Pan Lian at this time did not only feel how to feel. If he had saved him at that time, it would have brought him many benefits, and he should have regretted it very much at this time.

The Chinese man, who wrote american textbooks, drifted on the sea on a raft for 133 days and survived the shark alone

After World War II, Pan Lian was licensed by the United States to begin to live in the United States, and also enjoyed special allowances from the United States government, and eventually became a U.S. citizen.

Born in 1918 to a poor rural family. Later, in order to make a living, at the age of 16, he went to Hong Kong to work as an apprentice on a sea ship. After that, he began Pan Lian's tortuous life. But fortunately, in a difficult life, God did not abandon him, so that he not only miraculously survived on the sea afterwards, but also got rid of a poor life and lived an enviable overseas life.

On January 4, 1991, Pan Lian died of illness at his home in Brooklyn, New York, at the age of 73.

The Chinese man, who wrote american textbooks, drifted on the sea on a raft for 133 days and survived the shark alone

Pan Lian and the award-winning badge

Pan Lian's record of 133 days at sea has not been broken. At the same time, it sets a record for human history to challenge difficulties. The main reason why Pan Lianzhi was able to survive in the sea was the will to survive on the ocean. There are not a few people who survived the shipwrecks in World War II, but in the face of endless loneliness and no hope in the time, many people finally chose to commit suicide, and only Pan Lian performed a miracle in 133 days.

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