
Who's Sober: The Code of Fate That Doesn't Speak? Life is desert, personality alienation

author:Linghuo said education
Who's Sober: The Code of Fate That Doesn't Speak? Life is desert, personality alienation

The class is the laboratory of society, and how the class foretells the future in society.

Talking less nonsense, not talking nonsense, and using time most effectively to cross the sea of questions is the magic weapon for successful test takers. As everyone knows, the practice of the sea of questions pursues scores, and the tragedy of not speaking is quietly conceived, but no one , even the parties — are alert.

The teachers all claim to love the children and care about the growth of the children, but no one seems to pay attention to the fate of locking the children in the sea for six or even twelve years, losing the ability to speak, what is the fate? In the call of love, who believes that it is the child who lacks the most love?

Who's Sober: The Code of Fate That Doesn't Speak? Life is desert, personality alienation

No one studies, the child is tied to the sea of questions, there is no real communication, how many days after losing the desire to express, and then losing the ability to express, accumulating into a character?

No one has investigated how many high-scoring children have fallen to the bottom of society because they can't speak. No matter what key university you studied at the beginning, as long as you lose your expressive power, you will not escape your fate.

No one counted the percentage of children who developed depression due to loss of expression. No one pays attention to the fact that people with depression not only waste their studies, but also have a bleak future.

Who's Sober: The Code of Fate That Doesn't Speak? Life is desert, personality alienation

We have a thousand reasons to ask children not to speak! There is only one reason to oppose: not speaking casts a sad fate! People don't seem to understand that the loss of expression marks life becoming a desert, alienated personality, and gray fate.

Not speaking is hiding oneself. Obscurantism is not about opening the door outside, but about trying to hide the form and spirit of the self. The desire for expression is innate, but if you do not communicate for a long time, the world becomes mysterious and frightening, and the self instinctively hides, unable to face others, even parents.

Seeing the teacher fleeing in a panic, seeing the classmates showing strange and fearful eyes, the podium was terrifying, and there was no communication with the parents, like a moving shadow.

If you can't face anyone squarely, if you can't make a slightly in-depth communication, the child will be imprisoned on a lonely desert island, full of dangers. It is not surprising that one day, the child stopped going to school, went to a mental hospital or committed suicide.

Who's Sober: The Code of Fate That Doesn't Speak? Life is desert, personality alienation

Long-term self-concealment inevitably turns life into a desert. Hiding the self inevitably loses itself, and the enthusiasm and thought disappear without a trace, leaving only dark emotions. He loves neither himself nor others, has no insight into the world, and life is absurd. Who believes that this is the consequence of not expressing it?

But the world cannot escape, the ego cannot be locked into the cocoon of self-knots, full of fierce inner conflicts, and the pain is unstoppable - not speaking has become a serious misfortune! Despite the momentary escape from the environment, the ego is still miserable, because instinctively realizes that loneliness is oppression and hiding is absurd.

For the awakening life, the effective counterattack strategy lies in breaking through the prison and embracing the sun; but for the dark life, it is always desperate to escape, and the instinctive struggle becomes deeper and deeper, gradually transforming into a mouse that burrows out during the day, and is too lewd to live with itself, and finally has to flee the school.

Who's Sober: The Code of Fate That Doesn't Speak? Life is desert, personality alienation

Hiding oneself is a vivid performance of characters such as cowardice, inferiority, and loneliness, a stifling of characters such as bravery, self-confidence, and strength, and an insult to dignity. Dignity is everyone has, innate, self-concealment is full of cowardly and inferior pain. Psychologists say that everyone has a desire to perform. The hidden one is no exception, and it is especially painful.

However, when hidden to a certain depth, you lose the courage and confidence to reinvent yourself, indulge in self-harm, bear the bitter fruit of depression, and even commit suicide.

Who's Sober: The Code of Fate That Doesn't Speak? Life is desert, personality alienation

The strategy of education is to awaken dignity and encourage children to pursue self-love. Loving oneself is a noble feeling and the source of wisdom to solve all problems.

As long as it can still be painful, it is a powerful proof of dignity. The non-speaker has a very valuable language in his heart and a strong desire to pour out, which is the evidence for saving the child.

The ego, though very miserable, is not awake; the ego, though it hides terrible calamities, does not know. Education must awaken pain, awaken the pain of suffocation, and illuminate the path of reinvention with the brilliance of thought.

For the awakened life, life is about challenging vices and pursuing the joy of reinventing oneself. Create a stage for children to reinvent their lives! Open your mouth to express enthusiasm and thoughts, open your mouth to serve the class, open your mouth to build friendships.

At the same time, jump up, participate in various activities, and display the excitement of youth. If needed, push your child to take the first step.

Waking up from a nightmare of not speaking, the sun shining outside.