
Women's Day, how do brands do a "see" communication?

author:Chief Brand Officer
Women's Day, how do brands do a "see" communication?

In the years of promotional revelry, people seem to have become accustomed to using March 8 International Women's Day as another consumer festival – brands trying to make your life troubles disappear because of consumption, or creating another perfect projection of desire for consumers through the exquisitely depicted scenes in advertisements.

As a result, everyone faces a contradiction that cannot be ignored: they try to persuade female consumers to pay for products through desire projection, resulting in actual economic benefits, but the individual consciousness of women's rise and group values do not agree with the consumerism wrapped under feminism.

How to grasp the balance between brand expression and individual consciousness has become a new topic. Although there are not many brands that are aware of this, in the case of International Women's Day this year, we can still find some shining points, such as the case of yangshengtang natural vitamin E, which is worth learning.

At this year's March 8th International Women's Day, Yangshengtang Natural Vitamin E provides diversified expression opportunities through its brand communication method of "classic 20 years of internal and external", interpreting women's individual stories into brand stories, and its core idea of "stealing the shadow of time and making it better seen" not only brings spiritual value to users, but also imprints brand values in women's hearts.

Women's Day, how do brands do a "see" communication?

Product- and emotional insights

Let the beauty of women be seen

For brands, the first step in finding a balance of expression lies in their own role positioning. When you're on the same starting point as women, rather than looking at the consumer as an object, you're actually more than half successful. Yangshengtang Natural Vitamin E cleverly achieves this through the theme long video "The Man Who Stole the Shadow".

In the theme long video "The Man Who Stole the Shadow", the diverse aesthetics of women in different dimensions have been displayed. Whether it is an amateur dancer who insists on his dreams, a light-chasing girl who walks away, or a silver-haired old man with vitality and enthusiasm, each of them is in time, breaking the stereotype of age in the outside world, from behind the scenes to the front of the stage, so that their beautiful characteristics can be seen by more people.

Women's Day, how do brands do a "see" communication?
Women's Day, how do brands do a "see" communication?

At the moment of aesthetic pluralism, these beauties are not affected and bound by the "shadow of time", but are increasingly seen and captured by everyone. However, the shadow of time does not disappear for no reason. How can women emerge from the shadow of time?

This question, Yangshengtang natural vitamin E is very clever through its own role to give the answer: with the increase of age, even if women's faces inevitably leave the shadow of the years, but "Yangshengtang natural vitamin E" can help women steal these shadows with its effect, so that they are more beautiful and seen.

In this expression, the brand acts as a "golden shadow", witnessing and accompanying the growth of female consumers. It almost perfectly eschews the position of the consumer as the other, thus being able to truly resonate deep down with the emotions of female consumers.

At the same time, this intention also cleverly rebates the product connotation: through beauty spots, it helps female consumers to take into account their appearance and inner spirit, stealing the time and experience left in the hearts of girls. This gives the brand a richer connotation and extension.

Women's Day, how do brands do a "see" communication?

In fact, we can find that as a shadow stealer, the brand is no longer just a bystander, but a participant in the growth of women, who transforms his narrative role from a stranger relationship to an intimate relationship, which naturally triggers emotional resonance.

Women's Day, how do brands do a "see" communication?

Continuously precipitate brand identity

Let the female voice be heard

When you have fixed the role and actually established your cognition, the next thing you need to do is to mobilize the user's sense of participation around the core intention, so that everyone can identify with you in the process of participation. What Yangshengtang Natural Vitamin E does is to help women speak up, so as to precipitate female consumers' recognition of the brand in co-creation.

1 Get closer and become the sounding board for the female voice

On the Weibo platform, with the topic #Let the better be seen # as the axis, four ordinary women as the protagonists of fashion KV show their beauty from different dimensions. Through the creation of this typical character, female consumers indirectly gain a sense of participation in expressing beauty, which in turn allows the brand to release the affinity factor.

Women's Day, how do brands do a "see" communication?
Women's Day, how do brands do a "see" communication?
Women's Day, how do brands do a "see" communication?
Women's Day, how do brands do a "see" communication?
Women's Day, how do brands do a "see" communication?
Women's Day, how do brands do a "see" communication?

At the same time, a collection of stories related to women was also launched on Weibo. Three independent and transparent women from three angles such as insisting on love (ballet)/fearless forward (entrepreneurship)/independent wisdom (full-time mother) and so on, #Let better be seen # attitude to the story, with beautiful content to convey a beautiful voice, giving the brand "golden shadow" companion a more symbolic connotation, so that the "better, seen" values are recognized and disseminated.

Women's Day, how do brands do a "see" communication?
Women's Day, how do brands do a "see" communication?
Women's Day, how do brands do a "see" communication?

2 In-depth communication to strengthen the role and positioning of the brand

Dialogue with female consumers is the most shining place for the operation of natural vitamin E in Yangshengtang. On the Little Red Book platform, the hash page #Let the better be seen has attracted the eyes of many women, who express "beauty should be seen" from the perspective of appearance/ emotional confusion / maintaining body / workplace prejudice / promoting the inside / without fear of constraints.

Women's Day, how do brands do a "see" communication?
Women's Day, how do brands do a "see" communication?
Women's Day, how do brands do a "see" communication?

Not only that, the "Beautiful Women's Picture Book" has also become the focus of women's voice transmission, they continue to output content, and the chain effect caused by it is involved in popular science / ingredients / skin care / emotion / fitness masters to strengthen the sharing of beautiful content from different dimensions. The brand is truly constructed as a companion to witness the growth of women's strength.

In fact, this way of focusing on the infiltration of values to the expression of values not only weakens the persuasive meaning of brand communication, but also helps women express their inner voices, convey their inner beauty, so that the brand role has more dimensions of interpretation, and also wins the recognition of women.

Women's Day, how do brands do a "see" communication?

Create experiential scene activities

Let the better be felt by women

Psychologically speaking, when we cross the mental process of cognition-identity, if we can make consumers have a better experience, we can occupy a lasting pathway in their hearts. Standing on the proposition of "making the better and being seen", the scene construction is extremely important, because it can make female consumers really feel a better existence.

In general, experiences need to be generated in specific scenes. Through the early cognitive activation, Yangshengtang Natural Vitamin E has actually completed the deepening of the role of the brand, and the next thing that needs to be done is to imprint the brand of companion in the hearts of female consumers and establish lasting emotional resonance.

The Twin Cities Metro Show of xiamen and Changsha subway stations is given a beautiful experience as a field of emotional release and linking. In this field, the "shadow stealer" quietly asks "what do you most want to be stolen" on the wall of the subway station, which not only sounds a huge female proposition, but also allows women to have more scrutiny of themselves by "tearing labels".

Women's Day, how do brands do a "see" communication?
Women's Day, how do brands do a "see" communication?
Women's Day, how do brands do a "see" communication?
Women's Day, how do brands do a "see" communication?

At the same time, the "Time Shadow House" guides every woman who passes by to generate a shadow exclusive to them, providing power for the brand to further interpret its core connotation - companionship and witness, and also allowing women to feel the beauty of the brand from the perspective of physical experience.

Women's Day, how do brands do a "see" communication?
Women's Day, how do brands do a "see" communication?

In addition, Yangshengtang Natural Vitamin E also cooperates with the drug line chain to carry out the theme promotion of "let the better, be seen", create a hundred gold customized necklace lottery and other activities, enhance the material experience from different channels, and deepen the brand identity of the whole chain by holding the Yangshengtang E Sister Sales Challenge and the chain custom E sister image salon.

Women's Day, how do brands do a "see" communication?
Women's Day, how do brands do a "see" communication?
Women's Day, how do brands do a "see" communication?
Women's Day, how do brands do a "see" communication?

Online, many women also shared their beautiful experience in the trial activity of "Yangshengtang Natural Vitamin E15 Light and Shadow Gift Box". In the actual product use process, female consumers really feel the temperature and companionship of the brand.

Women's Day, how do brands do a "see" communication?
Women's Day, how do brands do a "see" communication?

With the big theme "Let the better be seen" as the core, not only women have gained emotional care in the experience field, but also obtained affirmative value and strength, and the brand has also successfully achieved occupancy, becoming a witness of women's lives at the key node of March 8 International Women's Day.

/ Summary /

What should be done in the brand's female marketing so that women can feel respected, rather than being used by consumerism, which is a question that brands that disseminate for March 8 International Women's Day need to think about. The case review of Yangshengtang Natural Vitamin E at least leads us to this path: the core idea runs through the brand role - product positioning - user emotions / experience.

Brands in the past seem to have done only the second thing, trying to instill chicken soup with a distinctly consumerist perspective from a God perspective. But brands seem to be ignoring that women not only need the good qualities of the heart to be seen, but also the shadow of time on the outside to be "stolen". Therefore, the expression of brands will be unbalanced, and they will step on the pit and even overturn.

The Yangshengtang natural vitamin E has realized the paradigm change of the trinity by determining the core theme of "let the better be seen", with the role of the companion, and at the same time through the efficacy of the product, jointly breaking through the user's emotional points and experience points, realizing the paradigm change of the trinity, which not only awakens the spiritual identity of women in multiple circles, brings social value, but also realizes the unity of product and effect, and grasps the balance point of women's marketing expression.

Society is constantly changing, and brands are constantly exploring the convergence of women and brand values. Know that the power of continuous empowerment comes from the value of being able to bring spiritual identity to consumers, especially marketing for women.