
Only this green, a thousand-year-old painting "alive"

author:Mu Zixin

More than 900 years ago, an eighteen-year-old teenager, Wang Ximeng, painted a long scroll with stone bluestone green, called "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains".

"No name, no money, only this one volume; green for a thousand years, mountains and rivers are boundless."

An eighteen-year-old teenager, who had not yet experienced the ups and downs of life, had not yet stepped through the mountains and rivers, and only with a "painting" student of the Hanlin Academy of Calligraphy and Painting at that time, with his own understanding and dedication to learning painting, he was fortunate to be personally taught by Emperor Zhao of Huizong, and completed this famous and famous huge painting in less than half a year.

Looking at the scrolls, the green mountains in the painting are rolling and undulating, the water waves are vast and open, the mountains that shimmer like jewels with green light are surging and flowing, the rivers are flowing, the pavilions and pavilions dotted with stars, the people in linxi, the boats are swaying, and they are enveloped by golden light, which is beautiful.

Only this green, a thousand-year-old painting "alive"

Part of "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains"

If you can tolerate the hills and valleys in your heart, you can only meet the mountains and rivers

Emperor Huizong was a genius painter who had an extraordinary sensitivity to the use of color, he liked cyan, and in his heart there were many kinds of cyan.

Huizong once had a dream, "Rain over the sky and clouds break, such a color to do the future." The sky in the dream produced a touch of intoxicating azure color, and later he asked the craftsman to make a unique celadon porcelain, and the beauty of the celadon happened to be "like the blue sunset, far and elegant temperament".

For the love of Emperor Bohuizong, Wang Ximeng jumped in the green and green of "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains", making the ancient mountains look new. After Emperor Huizong received this painting, he praised it and gave it to Cai Jing, fortunately with Cai Jing's inscription, so that posterity knew a little about Wang Ximeng's extremely short life.

"On the first day of April of the third leap year of Zhenghe, Xi Meng was eighteen years old, and he used to be a disciple of painting, and was summoned to the library of forbidden Chinese, and he donated several paintings, but did not work hard. Knowing that its nature is teachable, he instructed him and taught him the Dhamma himself. Not more than half a year old, but in this way. Shangjiazhi, because he gave the subject Jing, said that the world's corporal was just doing it. ”

Only this green, a thousand-year-old painting "alive"

Wang Ximeng's inscription is mentioned in the "Map of a Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains"

With his clever wisdom and unique insight, Wang Ximeng painted the distant mountains in his heart with a touch of gem light, took the fearless young color as the basis, and created a classic and legend with the ambition of "blue out of blue and better than blue", with the confidence of "I see how feminine qingshan is, and I should be like this when I see qingshan".

In less than half a year, Wang Ximeng completed a large -- large-scale "Map of a Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" with nearly 12 meters of work, crossed the long winter alone, consumed a lot of physical and mental energy, and was completed but immersed in his body, and died young at the age of twenty.

This teenager used his life's talent and painstaking efforts to paint a masterpiece, which will have many failures, but it must be indispensable to his persistence and persistence, his painstaking blood allowed him to complete the heirloom work, and then the green landscape painting is unparalleled.

Only this green, a thousand-year-old painting "alive"
Only this green, a thousand-year-old painting "alive"
Only this green, a thousand-year-old painting "alive"

The main peak of "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains"

Eighteen-year-old genius teenager, with his own ambition and courage, let this green bright, brilliant, shining light.

"Only an eighteen-year-old would paint this painting so intricately. Generally older painters will go from complex to simple. In this painting, we see how delicate the stones, the long and short water patterns, the different bridges, the little people, and the donkey pulling the goods. Only a young man has the energy to paint like this, to put everything into this painting," posterity said.

The painter Chen Danqing praised the genius teenager Wang Ximeng, "In "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains", I clearly saw a beautiful teenager, he cannot be old, he must be eighteen years old. No matter how young you are, how old you are, there will be no "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains".

Only this green, a thousand-year-old painting "alive"

Just one glance and never forget

"A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" represents the mileage of the development of green landscape painting, which collects the great achievements of ink landscapes since the Northern Song Dynasty, and puts the creator's emotions into the creation, such as a magnificent and brilliant long poem recorded in the annals of history, "In the small scenery of ancient and modern Danqing, you can walk alone for thousands of years, and the lonely moon ear of the stars" is lost.

This national treasure-level masterpiece is collected in the Palace Museum, and in the past hundred years, it has only been opened four times. "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" uses a large number of mineral pigments such as stone blue and stone green, the color is very thick, once unfolded, because of the age of the color will peel off, will cause damage to the picture, even the researchers inside the Forbidden City can rarely see the real appearance of the picture.

In 2017, "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" was exhibited in full volume in the exhibition hall on the central axis of the Forbidden City, which triggered a boom in the public queuing up to visit the exhibition, which caused a very big sensation. Two beautiful dance directors, Han Zhen and Zhou Liya, also lined up for several hours, and when the 11.9-meter long scroll unfolded, they were deeply shocked:

The perfect and bright turquoise color, the ultimate artistic experience, so that they can not forget for a long time. Just this one glance, never forget.

Only this green, a thousand-year-old painting "alive"

"It was so beautiful"

This turquoise shadow is full of rhythm, and the undulating mountains and rivers have a sense of rhythm like Shi Ge, which makes a dancer feel the excitement of creation in his heart, wanting to "live" this thousand-year-old painting and let more people walk into its depth.

At the beginning of the creation, they were deeply impressed by the eighteen-year-old boy who hid behind the thousand-year-old painting, "We believe that he must have experienced ups and downs, and finally painted this painting."

They must grasp this "Song" breath, to understand this lonely green for a thousand years, to let the dancers show the genius teenager's sonorous and powerful mountain stone, inheriting the atmosphere and magnificence.

There were ancients before, and those who came after. It took eight months for them to create this dance and poetry drama, and it took half a year of rehearsal to be put on the stage.

The beauty of green and green, the elegance of ancient rhyme, the uniqueness of a thousand years, the mountains and rivers are connected. The turquoise color that emits a jewel-like glow strings together the aesthetic chain from ancient times to the present, spanning thousands of years of time and space, interpreting the paintings of the gods with a flexible dance, once again striking the hearts of the world.

Only this green, a thousand-year-old painting "alive"

Beauty crosses the tunnel of time and space, when the eighteen-year-old boy, have you ever thought about how fascinated people are with your green landscape more than nine hundred years later, how hot the scene is, nostalgic for returning to your paintings, how many people are impressed by your beauty and atmosphere, and are overwhelmed by your brightness.

You and I are both exhibitors. This beautiful green legend is conveyed by people who love it, like a bridge, connecting the most perfect dialogue between ancient and modern, perfectly experiencing the aesthetics of the Song Dynasty, "directly from cultural self-confidence to cultural expansion".

Step by step, the posture is fresh. Step by step, mountains and rivers years. Those beautiful things will eventually be accepted and preached by the world.

Only this green, a thousand-year-old painting "alive"

Blue, oriental color also

Why did the ancients especially love the beauty of qing?

It's ink, it's green, it's blue.

It is light, it is elegant, it is a temperament that is out of the ordinary.

It is the sky, the mountains, the rivers and lakes, and the wonderful colors given by nature.

It is Chinese subtlety, leisure and tranquility in the bones.

It is also a legend left by an eighteen-year-old teenager, which is ink and danqing. In his most beautiful years, he left the most beautiful picture for the world.

Only an eighteen-year-old teenager will have the spirit of the spirit, this green is his green years, but also his prosperous life.

Only this green, a thousand-year-old painting "alive"

Green, absolutely beautiful. It is the color of water, the color of mountains, and the color of grass and trees.

"The emptiness increases the meaning, and the light shade brings rain and thickness."

"The moss marks are green, and the grass is green."

"Smoke-like flying is slightly heavier, and Fang Yusan is still light"

Qing is shaped like jade, and beauty lies in the wind and bone. Qing is the "thousand mountains and valleys" in the heart of the teenager, it is the thousands of miles of rivers and mountains in his pen; Qing is the dancer's "green waist", is a clear posture, flattered by language, and is the cold and calm atmosphere between the hands and feet.

Only this green, a thousand-year-old painting "alive"

The mountain is merciless, and it is man who gives it temperature. The most beautiful country and mountains, fortunately in this life, let us see again, fiercely experienced the beauty of the Song Dynasty to the fullest, but also reflected the long-standing and endless Chinese culture, and passed on this perfectly.

Azure waits for smoke and rain, and I am waiting for you.

Wait for your thousand-year-old brilliance that radiates a jewel-like light in your silence, only this glance, only this green.

Looking forward to the return of spring, the green will always exist, returning to the original beauty.

* Author | Li Muzi is a national first-class enterprise human resources management engineer