
"Polish Love Sutra" large-scale biographical film, the legendary life of a pioneer of female emancipation of the mind

author:Wolf Brother K movie

Issue no.: 9-36

1- Polish Love Sutra, Polish/2017/Chinese characters

"Polish Love Sutra" large-scale biographical film, the legendary life of a pioneer of female emancipation of the mind

Large scale, high plot score: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

Polish sexology pioneer Michalina, who usually practiced medicine to help women solve abortion, contraception and various sexual problems; in Communist Poland, she suffered political and religious oppression, and was locked out by the Nazis during World War II, but she was determined to write a book to start the women's revolution.

Her professional book, The Art of Sex, sparked a women's liberation movement in Poland at the time. Let women no longer be ashamed to talk about this topic, know the methods and rights to get pleasure from sex, let women scientific contraception, and no longer have to be afraid of hating sex because of pregnancy.

Poland was still in the communist period at the time, the book was blocked by the authorities, Michalina ran into walls, and when she was about to lose confidence, the female patients she had helped spontaneously organized themselves to promote her. This allowed Michelina to publish in newspapers and magazines in installments rather than relying on the authorities. Her friends even secretly printed it underground, and at the time, owning a crude copy of Michelina's The Art of Sex became a fashion, and many street vendors made a lot of money. Finally, the authorities agreed to publish the book in its entirety after partial revision.

Set against the backdrop of her book publishing, the film recollects her past and emotional experiences; her husband is a famous biologist, and the two are very harmonious spiritually, but Michelina is cold and discordant in life.

After the outbreak of World War II, she and her husband were almost locked up in a concentration camp, but Michaelina's girlfriend saved them, and after that, the three of them began a bold and sweet "monogamous" life.

The husband is inseparable from her girlfriend in the flesh, Miharina is inseparable from the girlfriend in life, when the relationship between the three is the most harmonious, Michelina can watch the girlfriend and her husband have a bed, and flirt with the two on the side....

When Michelina and her girlfriend gave birth to each other, their relationship broke down.

Later, Michelina meets the captain, which makes her feel like she has found true love. Moreover, the captain travels the world and knows some mysterious methods, which makes Michelina feel the pleasure and passion that has never been felt before, and they love dry wood and fire...

But the captain was a husband with a wife, and he could not leave the family, and Michelina sadly withdrew.

A few years later, when she heard the news of the captain's death, Michelina was heartbroken, but she also strengthened her determination to publish a book.

Although it is a positive film, but the scale is very large, the film is 120 minutes long, if you can't find the original version, you can contact me.

2- "Red Violin" plus/meaning/English/1998/Chinese characters

"Polish Love Sutra" large-scale biographical film, the legendary life of a pioneer of female emancipation of the mind

General scale, high plot score: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

A violin with a soul has been passed down for three centuries, on five continents, in countless countries, and has allowed everyone it has come into contact with to bloom a dazzling spark of life.

For the birth of the first newborn child, violin maker Niko Lobsotti spent his life making a most representative violin, which will be a blessing for the birth of a newborn. Unfortunately, the heavens did not follow people's wishes, and the beloved wife died in childbirth, and this painstaking congratulatory gift lost its meaning in an instant. Although devastated by this incident, Busotti decided to complete the work and added all the characteristics of his wife and his expectations for the future newborn on this violin, so that this violin has the deepest thoughts of his life, and the legend of the red violin begins...

From tomb robbers, to gypsies, to pop composers who committed suicide, to a music teacher in Shanghai during the Cultural Revolution... During this period, whether the owner understands the true value of the violin or not, it cannot escape its magic. Finally, some discerning experts learned the secret of the violin—its shell stained with the blood and tears of a master three centuries ago.

3- "Welcome to New York" USA/2014/Chinese characters

"Polish Love Sutra" large-scale biographical film, the legendary life of a pioneer of female emancipation of the mind

Medium-scale, plot: ☆☆☆☆☆

Based on the sexual assault suspicions of International Monetary Fund President Kahn, a former French finance minister, he was confirmed by the New York Police Department on May 14, 2011, to be detained by authorities on suspicion of sexually assaulting a hotel attendant. Subsequently, the International Monetary Fund announced Kahn's resignation and lost his upcoming presidential campaign.

He was secretly sexually addicted, his irrepressible hormones were as violent as beasts, he indulged in sexy clubs, organized private parties and carnivals... until he was accused by the waitress of the hotel, he fell from the peak and became a prisoner of the order.

4- "Neon Love Pick" aka "Gia" USA /1998/Chinese characters

"Polish Love Sutra" large-scale biographical film, the legendary life of a pioneer of female emancipation of the mind

Medium-scale, star dew point, high plot score: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

Starring: Angelina Jolie

Born in Binzhou, Gia grew up in the shadow of her parents' abuse. In 1977, she came to New York as a model, gradually appeared on the cover of fashion magazines under the hard work of her agent, and became a representative of the fashion industry, in the conservative 70s, her special style temperament made people fascinated and swept the world.

Just when she was in the middle of the day, she inexplicably felt empty, in order to vent, she chose drugs, and since then she has allowed herself to fall, and her career has plummeted....

Eventually, she became one of the first women in the United States to die of AIDS at the age of 26.

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